
DNF Trivia: Gameplay Outside of The Indie Group! Shearock Conquest mode

Author: Glacier Meteor Fist Set


At the beginning of this year, the Hilock conquest mode was launched to squander a large number of civilian players, and speculation that this mode was different from the Hanbok defense also rekindled the anger of players, but the copy that was supposed to reduce the burden was criticized because of the difficulty design.

DNF Trivia: Gameplay Outside of The Indie Group! Shearock Conquest mode

This issue takes stock of The Hillock Conquest Mode, a weekly copy with vague functions.

The beginning of a one-man challenge

The regimental copy of the skin change week or daily ben is no stranger, Antunes, Luke daily Pre is the predecessor every day, but the Sherlock conquest mode is very different from them.

DNF Trivia: Gameplay Outside of The Indie Group! Shearock Conquest mode

The former is prepared for players to be familiar with the monster mechanism before the opening of the regimental version, the original intention of the design is to pave the way for the regimental ben, and the Sherlock conquest mode was born as a copy of a similar burden reduction measure after the opening of the Hierlock regimental ben, and the material produced is mainly the account binding version of the tuanben material - the exquisite purple petals.

The role of the quest design is to reduce the burden, in order to speed up the progress of Sherlock's equipment graduation, but the entry of the quest is different from the previous group of four people who can enter in a team of four every day, which can only be challenged by one person and limit the number of character bindings to three, which can be said to be sincere.

This entry mode is also updated in subsequent weekly quests such as The Exile Mountains, which is a beginning of the single-player challenge mode and a new attempt.

The mystery of double defense

As we all know, the special package products of the national costume make the player character damage far more than the Hanbok, and what we see is that the speed and efficiency of the Hanbok's Sherlock conquest mode are faster than the challenges of the national service players, is this really the gap between the methods of the national costume players and the Hanbok players? In fact, after the anchor Dashuo tested the monster damage to the Sherlock conquest under the same conditions as the hanbok and the national costume characters, it was concluded that the sherlock conquest copy of the national costume was different from the Hanbok defense.

This undoubtedly hurt the hearts of the national service players again, and the money of the national service players rushed to the monster again? A burden reduction copy design difficulty exceeds the standard, the need for the damage after the completion of the copy progress to be able to reach the killing line, the large number of the trumpet can not be beaten with the trumpet, well, the original output of the account binding material is to let the large number raise the trumpet? How to play if there is only one C or is simply a cute new player who wants to experience?

This is another challenge to the players' bottom line after doubling the amount of blood in the Chrono Vortex. When the player's general damage is only about 5000E, a slash line of 1 trillion (now the damage is compressed to one thousandth of the previous) is introduced as a load reduction, reducing Y&*^T*&%!

Introduction to replica collection

Copies of The Hillock Conquest mode produce materials or equipment that can touch gold in addition to the purple petals tied to the tent.

First, after completing the level, the flop can obtain "Shearock's Jewelry", which is divided into Huaying's attachment, desire, hunger and thirst, and memory.

The function of these four materials is to return gold coins, which can be sold in stores to obtain 250W to 1000W gold coins.

The second is the product of wisdom, The Shearock Conquest Mode produces 6 kinds of wisdom products, of which the most influential is undoubtedly the Soul Predator and the Mindless Sword Ring, these two pieces of equipment in the follow-up Black Crow Realm quest launched after the transformation and upgrading of the price soared, even now can be sold to hundreds or even thousands of yuan, of course, the probability of output is touching.

DNF Trivia: Gameplay Outside of The Indie Group! Shearock Conquest mode
DNF Trivia: Gameplay Outside of The Indie Group! Shearock Conquest mode

The future of things

The main role of the Shelock Conquest Mode in subsequent versions is still to accelerate the progress of the formation of Shelock equipment, and in the level 110 version, the parts of the Shelock equipment can be fused as materials to feed the level 105 epic equipment to increase its growth attribute experience points. In addition, the intelligent product equipment produced by the conquest mode is still relatively powerful in the 110 version, and if the transformation level is high, it may even exceed the level 105 equipment.


Having said all this, the purpose of the launch of the Shelock Conquest is to speed up the graduation process of The Rock equipment to promote the Ozma era, but due to the defense setting, the difficulty setting at that time is too high, which caused players to complain, even if it can touch the gold, but the probability of output is touching, so it can be said to be a failed copy. However, its single-player challenge mode provides a precedent for the subsequent weekly copy revision, and the product attribute strength of the output wisdom also makes a great contribution to the subsequent transformation of the human damage value far beyond the ordinary amplification epic, and can only be regarded as a foreshadowing copy.

DNF Trivia: Gameplay Outside of The Indie Group! Shearock Conquest mode

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