
"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

author:Xiaodong Food Square

With a height of 1.82 meters and an astonishing leg length of 1.22 meters, Zhang Zilin can be said to be synonymous with real white skin and beauty.

In 2007, in the Miss World beauty pageant, Zhang Zilin won the championship in one fell swoop with her beautiful face and height advantage of oriental aesthetics, becoming China's first Miss World champion.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

However, it is surprising that at the peak of her career, she chose a very different path from many actresses. The Miss World champion did not choose to join a wealthy family and live a luxurious life, but married an ordinary white-collar worker and lived an ordinary life.

Such a choice is undoubtedly curious. After all, Xi Mengyao, who is also a model, and other actresses have entered the life of a wealthy wife.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

In the eyes of many people, marrying into a wealthy family seems to be the dream destination of actresses. But Zilin proved with her actions that what she pursues is not money and status, but inner happiness.

In 1984, Zhang Zilin was born into a military family, and this family background allowed her to receive strict education and training from an early age. Her parents are highly educated people and have a strong family atmosphere, which undoubtedly provides her with good knowledge and humanistic qualities for her growth.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

In addition to the influence of family education, Zhang Zilin also inherited the family's athletic talent. She showed a talent for sports at an early age. With the encouragement and support of her family, she took up athletics and showed exceptional talent in the long jump and hurdles.

At the age of 14, Zhang Zilin participated in the municipal 100-meter hurdles championship and won the 100-meter hurdles championship with an outstanding performance. He also served as a torchbearer at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

However, on the road of movement, Zhang Zilin chose to transform. With the confidence and charm accumulated in her sports career, she resolutely transferred to the modeling industry with the advantages of height and appearance.

From a hurdler on the sports field, he has turned into a bright star on the catwalk. This shift is undoubtedly another manifestation of her athletic talent.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

Zhang Zilin's modeling career began at the age of 19, when she participated in the New Silk Road China Model Competition, and with her tall figure and outstanding temperament, she became one of the top ten models in one fell swoop. This competition opened the door to the world of fashion and made her start to shine in this field.

However, what really made Zhang Zilin famous all over the world was her victory in the 2007 Miss World beauty pageant. As the first Miss World champion in the mainland, she not only won glory for the country and the nation, but also made herself the focus of global attention.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

For participating in the world beauty pageant, Zhang Zilin didn't have much hope at first, and originally had the attitude of trying, but she didn't expect to win the championship in the end.

After becoming the champion of Miss World, Zhang Zilin did not indulge in honor, but actively devoted herself to public welfare. She once set a new record for Miss World fundraising, once raising $32 million in donations, raising a large amount of money for people in need, and conveying love with practical actions.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

Subsequently, Zhang Zilin's good deeds and achievements have been highly praised by all walks of life. In an in-depth interview, the famous host Dong Qing praised Zhang Zilin, believing that she not only has external beauty, but also has a kind and helpful heart.

Being able to win Dong Qing's praise is enough to show that Zhang Zilin is very good. After becoming famous with the "Miss World Champion", Zhang Zilin was not satisfied with the status quo. She bravely challenged herself, and in 2011, crossed over into the film and television industry.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

Although she only appears as a supporting role in "Tough Guy 2", her performance in the play is still remarkable, Zhang Zilin, who is not from a professional class, can be regarded as good acting skills. After that, Zhang Zilin co-starred with Jet Li in the movie "Fuji Detective".

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

However, Zhang Zilin does not plan to stand tall in the film and television industry, she has a clear plan for her life. While taking over film and television dramas, she also shot some commercials, and her popularity in China has gradually increased.

With her height advantage, Zhang Zilin has become the "group photo killer" of countless stars in the entertainment industry. With a proud height of 1.82 meters, she can always stand out when other actresses take a group photo, even compared with Lin Chiling, who is outstanding in figure, Zhang Zilin's posture is not inferior at all.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

She has an elegant temperament of her own, which makes her the most natural in any group photo

The presence of eye-catching eyeballs makes people marvel at her beauty and confidence. She doesn't need to deliberately show off, she can rely on her temperament and charm to overshadow the star next to her and become a foil.

Zhang Zilin, such an outstanding-looking woman, naturally has many admirers around her. In this group of people, there are not only handsome children from famous families, but also a wealthy man Sun Mingnan with assets of up to three billion.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

However, for Zhang Zilin, it seems that wealthy families and money have never been her choice. It is rare to hear about her love scandals in the circle.

It wasn't until 2013 that Zhang Zilin announced that she was married, and netizens reacted that Miss World Champion already had a place in her heart. And with the true identity of Zhang Zilin's husband Nie Lei being pulled out, the performance of netizens is even more calm.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

Nie Lei is not particularly rich, of course, he is naturally much better than ordinary families, but he is much inferior to those wealthy families. In this regard, Zhang Zilin said that she and Nie Lei have been dating for three years, and their relationship has always been very low-key.

Even the wedding was very simple, and there were not too many friends in the circle to attend, and the guests were mainly family members and relatives of both men and women.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Zilin can obviously have a better choice, why would she choose a mediocre white-collar Nie Lei? Perhaps, what Zhang Zilin pursues is a simple and ordinary life.

In 2021, Zhang Zilin, who is pregnant with her second child, was also invited to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. At this time, she has lost the luxury of Miss World, but she has more maternal brilliance.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

Today's Zhang Zilin enjoys her life very much, and it can be seen from her updates on Weibo that she and her husband Nie Lei often travel together and spend quality time together. In daily life, the couple will also keep pets and do sports together. Zhang Zilin, who is 35 years old, can't see the traces left by the years on her at all.

"Miss World" Zhang Zilin: Better than Lin Chiling, but refused to marry a 3 billion wealthy family, and even Dong Qing praised her

From Zhang Zilin, we can see that happiness has never had a fixed pattern. She dared to give up her wealthy marriage and chose to spend her life with ordinary people, precisely because she knew how to cherish every beautiful moment in life. Zhang Zilin has used her practical actions to become a model of happiness in the hearts of countless people.

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