
Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

In September 1995, on the side of a noisy street in Los Angeles, a resident curiously knocked on his neighbor's door. I saw an old white-haired woman lying peacefully on a military folding bed, with nothing on her body, just a gray-blue blanket under her.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Next to the old man was a will written down by himself, and from the information on the will, it could be seen that the old lady's name was Zhang Ailing, and she hoped that after her death, a person named Lin Shitong would cremate her body and then scatter her ashes in an empty place.

In the will, Zhang Ailing also mentioned that she did not need to hold any funeral or memorial service after her death, and all the inheritance was handed over to her friends Song Qi and his wife, and there was no need except to contact Mr. Lin Shitong to execute the contents of the will.

Later, when it was learned that Zhang Ailing was found, she had been dead for nearly a week or so, and her body had long since become stiff, and there were even some signs of corruption. If it weren't for her neighbors who found out she hadn't been out of the house for a long time and came to check on the situation, her death would have been known to the world even later.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

As the most famous Chinese female writer in Shanghai in the 1940s, Zhang Ailing's talent was recognized by everyone. Surprisingly, such a famous figure at the age of 23 would end up in the world with a result that no one cared about.

When her younger brother Zhang Zijing, who was far away in the Pacific Ocean, learned the news that his own sister had finally died alone and died, he involuntarily picked up a book written by Zhang Ailing before she died, and the first thing that came into view when he opened the book was an article called "Younger Brother".

Looking at the familiar writing in front of her, Zhang Zijing began to fall into her long memories of her sister Zhang Ailing.

In September 1920, Zhang Ailing was born in a palatial aristocratic mansion that Li Hongzhang, one of the four famous courtiers of the Qing Dynasty, gave to his beloved daughter.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Li Hongzhang's beloved daughter was named Li Jurong, and at the age of 22, she married the left vice capital yushi of Zhengsanpin at that time, that is, Zhang Ailing's grandfather and late Qing Dynasty minister Zhang Peilun. Zhang Ailing's father, Zhang Zhiyi, as the only son of the two, can be imagined in the background of his conditions.

Zhang Ailing's father was a Nobleman of the Qing Dynasty, and her mother, Huang Yifan, also belonged to the famous people of that time. Therefore, Zhang Ailing and Zhang Zijing's living conditions from an early age are different from those of others.

But although the rich family is a brocade family, eating and wearing is not worried, but the disturbances and bitterness and tears may only be fully understood by the parties concerned.

Although the marriage of Zhang Ailing's parents seems to be a talented woman and a door-to-door pair in the eyes of outsiders, the two people's ideas can be said to be completely different, and the two are simply people from two different worlds.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Although Zhang Ailing's mother, Huang Yifan, still retains the custom of wrapping her small feet, every place in her bones exudes the charm of a Western woman, and she is a new type of woman full of Western ideas.

Originally, Huang Yifan was quite dissatisfied with her arranged marriage, and when she saw her husband eating, drinking, gambling, and smoking opium, the anger in her heart was even more difficult to control. Therefore, the couple often quarrels over small things.

At first, the quarrel between the husband and wife was only "gentleman does not move", a momentary tongue is just a quick tongue, but as time goes on, the dissatisfaction between the two of them with each other deepens, and they begin to throw objects at each other in front of the child.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

When Zhang Ailing was ten years old, Huang Yifan made up his mind to divorce Zhang Zhiyi, and Zhang Zhiyi began to find ways to keep him after learning that his wife had proposed a divorce, and vowed to change himself.

But before Huang Yifan proposed divorce, she had already given Zhang Zhiyi many opportunities, and in the face of such a drug addicted, blatant prostitute, and idle playboy all day, Huang Yifan thought that if she continued to stay by this person's side, it would be as if she was consuming her own life, so she could no longer bear it.

After the two divorced, Zhang Ailing and Zhang Zijing were raised by their father Zhang Zhiyi, a move that directly pushed the sister and brother to the entrance of the abyss.

The fierce conflict and divorce between the parents made Zhang Ailing and Zhang Zijing's childhood life not as happy as ordinary people, but the shadow of childhood did not stop Zhang Ailing's talent.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Zhang Ailing began writing novels at the age of 7 and rewrote dream of the Red Chamber at the age of 13. She was extremely talented in literary writing and was known as a so-called genius.

Zhang Ailing's mother was influenced by the idea of son preference at that time, and she also had the darkness of this idea, she put most of her energy on her daughter Zhang Ailing.

As for her son Zhang Zijing, Huang Yifan believes that Zhang Zijing, as the eldest son of the Zhang family, has his father to help take care of her, so she has not paid much attention to Zhang Zijing's life. Huang Yifan's favoritism for his daughter was reflected until later.

But Huang seems to have overlooked the important point that his husband is different from the father of other children. At that time, although most of the parents were patriarchal, there were also some people who did not care about their children at all, and Zhang Zhiyi was one of them, so Zhang Zhiyi was not only not a qualified husband, but also a responsible father.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Zhang Zijing thus became a figure forgotten by his parents, and his sister Zhang Ailing was actually good to him when he was born, because she looked very beautiful when she was a child, so Zhang Ailing in her childhood had a lot of care for her brother.

Until Zhang Ailing's psychology produced a barrier that could never be crossed - male superiority and female inferiority.

Although at that time, due to the demise of the Qing Dynasty, feudal society no longer existed, coupled with the introduction of Western ideas, people's minds were liberated as never before, but some deep-rooted ideas still exist in people's minds.

When Zhang Ailing began to show her talent in childhood, some people would always start to say some words such as "the daughter who married out spilled water".

Zhang Ailing soon discovered the implications of people's mouths, and she began to often compare herself with her brother Zhang Zijing to try to prove the clumsiness of others. As a result, the relationship between the two brothers and sisters has undergone a subtle change.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

The young Zhang Zijing slowly became aware of her sister's deliberate alienation from herself, and zhang Ailing often rarely returned home when she went out to study. Therefore, the opportunity to talk between Zhang Zijing and Zhang Ailing has become even less.

And the next thing happened made the two brothers and sisters fly apart and run for the future.

Zhang Ailing's father quickly found a stepmother for Zhang Ailing and Zhang Zijing after divorcing Huang Yifan, and thought with his toes that he knew that a social scum like Zhang Zhiyi could find what kind of good woman he could find.

In Zhang Ailing's view, her stepmother is harsh and mean, and is definitely not a kind. It can be seen from a small matter that after Sun Yongfan married into the Zhang family and became Zhang Ailing's stepmother, he brought a large number of clothes, and Zhang Ailing and Zhang Zijing never wore a new dress.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

At that time, Zhang Ailing was only a teenager, and it was precisely when she paid attention to dressing up, which can be said to have a profound impact on her future concept of life. In order to make up for the shortcomings of her youth, after Zhang Ailing could support herself, she spent a lot of money on clothing, and her clothing at that time was almost becoming a benchmark for local fashion.

The matter of clothes is still considered pediatric, and what makes Zhang Ailing feel desperate the most is her father's ruthlessness towards her.

In an argument with her stepmother, Sun Yongfan, Sun slapped Zhang Ailing fiercely, when Zhang Ailing was ready to fight back. Seeing that she had not yet started, Sun Yongfan bit back and shouted around that Zhang Ailing had beaten her.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Zhang Ailing's father rushed to hear the noise, and couldn't help but say that immediately he beat Zhang Ailing violently, and after the beating, Zhang Ailing was greeted by a six-month-long confinement. During the confinement period, Zhang Ailing had a serious illness, and her father did not have any waves in his heart after learning about this matter, and even ignored Zhang Ailing.

The servants of the family watched Zhang Ailing's condition become more and more serious, and constantly pleaded with Zhang Zhiyi, saying that if they did not treat her again, they would be killed, and Zhang Zhiyi reluctantly agreed to give Zhang Ailing the opportunity to treat her.

After experiencing nine deaths, Zhang Ailing has thoroughly seen her father's cold-blooded and ruthless face, and she will never forget her isolation and helplessness when she was seriously ill and the despair of rebellion.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Zhang Ailing, who was very difficult to die, began to plan to escape from this prison-like family. Taking advantage of the air raid of the guard changing guard, she opened the door where she was locked up, ran out without turning her head, and never came back, this year Zhang Ailing was 18 years old.

In the dark night, Zhang Ailing walked alone on the empty street, and the cold evening wind constantly brushed Zhang Ailing's cheeks, and her back shadow looked particularly desolate under the illumination of the street lamp.

On the day of escape, Zhang Ailing began to bid for her mother, and with the help of her mother, Zhang Ailing lived a new life. Zhang Ailing can be said to have completely cut off her contact with her father, but Zhang Ailing's younger brother Zhang Zijing was not so lucky.

Zhang Zhiyi was not saved for his daughter to see death, and he was not much better for his son. Compared with Zhang Ailing, who is talented and brave enough to resist, Zhang Zijing appears to be somewhat mediocre and cowardly.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Once, during dinner, Zhang Zhiyi slapped Zhang Zijing because of a small matter, and Zhang Ailing, who witnessed this scene with her own eyes, was shocked, although her father's slap did not hit herself, but she felt pain in her heart.

Zhang Ailing immediately cried, the stepmother Sun saw this scene and began to mock, she said that Zhang Zijing, who was beaten, did not cry, zhang Ailing cried instead. After listening to Sun Yongfan's ridicule, Zhang Ailing immediately rushed out of the dinner table.

Zhang Ailing secretly swore in her heart that she must take revenge, and as a result, she looked back and found that her brother not only did not have any reaction after being beaten, but also played with the ball without incident, thinking that Zhang Zijing had long been accustomed to this kind of thing, and it was not strange to see it.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Looking at the back of her brother's play, Zhang Ailing's heart felt an unprecedented sadness. Although Zhang Ailing's relationship with Zhang Zijing began to be estranged because of her school and residence, in fact, Zhang Ailing had her younger brother in her heart.

After her parents divorced, Zhang Zijing became the closest person in her father's family who was closest to Zhang Ailing. Once Zhang Ailing returned from school holidays, she learned from her people about her brother's various unenterprising behaviors.

At that time, many people in the family said that he was not motivated, and Zhang Ailing was extremely angry about her brother's behavior, knowing that she was one of the best students in the school, and she was praised by the elders.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Looking at Zhang Zijing, who was idle, Zhang Ailing had a kind of anger that hated iron and steel, she severely reprimanded Zhang Zijing in front of everyone, what she said was even more cruel than any words Zhang Zijing had ever heard, and people around her came to persuade after seeing this scene.

It is said that only people who care about themselves will care about whether they have a career or not, obviously Zhang Ailing regards Zhang Zijing as her own relative, but why did Zhang Ailing not give assistance when Zhang Zijing fell, and even did not leave a penny to her own brother after her death.

After Zhang Ailing's death, according to the will she made before her death, Song Qi and his wife received a total of more than two million US dollars in property.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Zhang Zijing's life was very poor, even the bride price of his wife could not be taken, and most of the work she earned was taken by her father to spend.

Once again, Zhang Zhiyi heard that his son had a large amount of money in his hand because he was going on a business trip, so he made an excuse to say that he wanted to keep the money for Zhang Zijing, and as a result, when Zhang Zijing asked him for money, Zhang Zhiyi said that the money had long been squandered by himself.

Her brother was so poor that she never married, but Zhang Ailing preferred to leave a million inheritance to her friends, which is why

Perhaps Zhang Ailing knows that in the face of a bottomless pit like Zhang Zhiyi, no matter how she funds her brother, it will be in vain after all. Coupled with Zhang Zijing's lack of learning when he was young, people always have to learn to support themselves.

Perhaps there were other reasons why Zhang Ailing did not give Zi Jing a penny. For this move of his sister, Zhang Zijing did not have any complaints, he seemed to know the reason.

For the death of Zhang Ailing, Zhang Zijing showed the pain of the death of his relatives, in his heart, he always believed that there was a sister-brother relationship between the two, and the blood relationship between the two could not be changed under any circumstances.

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