
In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

Li Hongzhang was a very famous politician in the late Qing Dynasty of China, and his life can be described as a mixed reputation, some people think that he is patriotic and good at maneuvering, and some people think that he is an out-and-out traitor. In any case, he was indeed one of the focal points of the late Qing Dynasty, and his descendants also attracted the attention of many people.

Li Hongzhang had three daughters in his lifetime, two of whom have disappeared into the long river of history. The only person who could be named, Li Jingxuan, was given an "old" minister by Li Hongzhang at the age of 22. Surprisingly, the descendants of the two are quite talented.

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

1. Li Jingxuan, daughter of Li Hongzhang

Li Hongzhang was not a very person in the feudal society, he had 4 women in his life, and the original wife was Zhou. After the death of the Zhou clan, he married Xu Xian, named Zhao Xiaolian, who was a famous and prestigious queen. One side of the chamber is named Mo Shi, and one concubine is named Dong Mei.

Among these four women, Zhou, Zhao Xiaolian and Mo all gave birth to children to Li Hongzhang, but Li Hongzhang's heirs were generally related, and many of their sons died before they grew up, leaving only Li Jingshu, Li Jingmai and Li Jingfang who came after him. There are not many daughters, there are three daughters, and the names and birth and death years of the other two daughters are unknown, only Li Jingxuan's life has been passed down to today.

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

Li Jingxuan, born in 1866 in Dongxiang, Hefei, was the second daughter of Li Hongzhang, born to his stepmother Zhao Xiaolian. Li Ju lotus looks beautiful, the figure is small, and the family is prominent, it is reasonable to say that her life's events do not have to worry, she will definitely be able to marry a good family.

But what is surprising is that her husband candidate is not a "top performing stock". From the perspective of modern people, she married her husband and still had some "flowers on cow dung" awkwardness. Li Jurong was given to Zhang Peilun by Li Hongzhang. Who is Zhang Peilun?

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

2. Marry Zhang Peilun

Zhang Peilun and Li Hongzhang were officials in the same dynasty, but if we talk about political skills, ten Zhang Peilun are not as high as Li Hongzhang, so Zhang Peilun's official position is not very high, at least not as high as Li Hongzhang. Li Hongzhang married his daughter to him, there is no climbing dragon attached to the phoenix, but for Zhang Peilun's talent.

Li Hongzhang greatly admired Zhang Peilun's talent. How talented was Zhang Peilun to allow Li Hongzhang to willingly marry his young and beautiful daughter to him?

Zhang Peilun showed amazing talent when he was a child, his mind was quick, and he would listen to the knowledge that Mr. Zhang spoke about once.

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

Zhang Peilun is especially good at writing articles, an article of several thousand words, he can usually write it down in one go. Think about it now, many people's 800-word compositions are suffocated, and thousands of words of papers have to be written and stopped, and Zhang Peilun's talent is indeed very prominent.

Not only did he write articles well, Zhang Peilun won the examination early, won the jinshi the following year, and was subsequently appointed as an editor because of his excellent writing ability.

Zhang Peilun saw that the external troubles were getting worse and worse, so he was quite anxious, and wrote many articles on the world's major events, revealing his generosity between the lines.

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

Zhang Peilun learned five cars and could compete with Zhang Zhidong in terms of learning. Later, because of his knowledge, he entered the command of Li Hongzhang and married Li Hongzhang's 22-year-old daughter Li Jurong. When she married Li Jurong, Zhang Peilun was 41 years old and had two wives, both of whom died.

The ancients were more superstitious, and in this case, Li Hongzhang did not dislike Zhang Peilun's wife, and also married his yellow flower daughter to her, which was also very rare. After Li Jurong married Zhang Peilun, the two lived in quite harmony.

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

He played chess, played the piano, and occasionally chanted poetry. Zhang Peilun also wrote in his book "Jian Yu Diary" about drinking with Li Ju lotus while taking advantage of the moonlight. All indications show that although the two are very different in age, they are like-minded and have a good relationship. The two also wrote a recipe together, as well as a martial arts novel, but unfortunately both have been lost.

Zhang Peilun had three sons and a daughter in her lifetime. Among them, the daughter of the third son, Zhang Zhiyi, is very famous. The novel she wrote, "The First Incense", was recently remade into a movie, starring Ma Sichun and Peng Yuyan, which triggered a hot discussion among netizens, she is the talented woman Zhang Ailing.

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

3. Descendant Zhang Ailing

Zhang Ailing is the famous descendant of Li Juling and Zhang Peilun. Zhang Ailing, formerly known as Zhang Xuan, was born in 1920 in a declining aristocratic mansion in Shanghai. She came from a prominent background, and her grandparents were quite famous, but in her father's generation, she basically relied on the shelter of her ancestors.

However, due to his limited ability, Zhang Ailing's father, Zhang Zhiyi, eventually became an English secretary, which is a typical rich second generation who does not think of making progress. But Zhang Ailing's mother is a new type of young woman with progressive thoughts, so Zhang Ailing's parents have no feelings.

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

After Zhang Ailing's mother studied abroad, Zhang Zhiyi also brought home his own outer room, and then became addicted to opium. Will Zhang Ailing be influenced by her parents?

At the age of seven, Zhang Ailing showed extraordinary literary talent. Other children did not know much about the words, and could not read well at that time, Zhang Ailing had begun her literary creation.

The first story she wrote was about the tragedy of a family. She then wrote a story about a woman who committed suicide after falling out of love. Zhang Ailing, who is a young age, writes stories that are very pessimistic. In elementary school, Zhang Ailing's first novel with a complete plot began to circulate among her classmates. In middle school, Zhang Ailing published her works in newspapers many times.

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

Whether it is a school magazine or an off-campus newspaper, her work can be seen every once in a while. In 1939, Zhang Ailing was admitted to the University of London, but the war was quite fierce at that time, and Zhang Ailing eventually did not go abroad to study, choosing to study at the University of Hong Kong Chinese.

In the same year, she published her true debut novel "Genius Dream", and has officially entered the literary world since then.

In 1943, Zhang Ailing published her masterpiece "Agarwood Crumbs, the First Burning Incense", which attracted much attention as soon as it came out, making Zhang Ailing begin to emerge in the Shanghai literary circle. Subsequently, she published many works, which strengthened her position in the literary world.

In 1888, Li Hongzhang married his 22-year-old daughter to an old minister, and he did not expect the two children to be so famous

Zhang Ailing's work is different from that of other female authors of the same era at that time, and she focuses more on "marriage, love, family, women's frustrations, and women's situations." Her characters are very real women living in the context of the times. It's an impressive read, and it's still hard to read.

IV. Summary

Li Hongzhang admired Zhang Peilun's talent, so he gave him his young and beautiful daughter Li Jurong. After marriage, Li Jule and Zhang Peilun lived in quite harmony and gave birth to Zhang Zhiyi. Zhang Zhiyi's greatest contribution is to give birth to Zhang Ailing, who has written many well-known works.

At the peak of Zhang Ailing's creation, in the 1940s, her bold innovations made her works occupy a unique place in the history of modern literature.

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