
When love was opposed, she took poison and committed suicide as a laughingstock, becoming a concubine at the age of 36, but becoming a vicious stepmother in the pen of her stepdaughter

Life does not live together and die, and they accompany each other on the Huangquan Road. The double butterflies dance, and the grace and love are endless.

This is the last four poems in "Liang Zhu", written about the story of Zhu Yingtai forced to marry, passing by the tomb of Liang Shanbo, and after martyrdom, the couple turned into butterflies and danced.

When love was opposed, she took poison and committed suicide as a laughingstock, becoming a concubine at the age of 36, but becoming a vicious stepmother in the pen of her stepdaughter

In ancient times, there are many examples of martyrdom, such as Yu Ji in "Farewell to the Overlord", such as Gao Wa, a famous prostitute who licked the blood slit and martyred her lover Yang Jun in "The Legend of the Strange Woman"; and the classic love story Romeo and Juliet.

Until the Republic of China, such things as martyrdom are still emerging in an endless stream, and the woman I want to talk about today, whose love affair was opposed by her parents, also chose martyrdom, but her martyrdom was not praised by people, but became a laughingstock, which directly led to the tragedy of her life.

Sun Yongfan was the daughter of Sun Baoqi, the governor of Shandong in the late Qing Dynasty and the fourth premier of the Republic of China.

When love was opposed, she took poison and committed suicide as a laughingstock, becoming a concubine at the age of 36, but becoming a vicious stepmother in the pen of her stepdaughter

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, Sun Baoqi can be described as a high-powered position, although he has 16 daughters, but it is clear that for those who want to be his son-in-law, there are still fewer daughters.

Sun Baoqi's eldest daughter married Sheng Enyi, the fourth son of Sheng Huaixuan, the "father of industry" in the Republic of China, the second daughter married to Zailun, the fifth son of Yi Xi the Prince of Qing, the third daughter married to the grandson of Wang Wenshao (the governor of Yungui in the late Qing Dynasty, bingbu Shangshu and other positions), and the fifth daughter married Yuan Keqi, the son of Yuan Shikai.

It is reasonable to say that this Sun Yongfan should also be like his sisters, marry into the rich, drunkenly dream of dying for a lifetime, however, Sun Yongfan, who has received new ideas, at the age of 17, chose another path, and this matter was later mentioned in Sun Yongfan's stepdaughter Zhang Ailing's book "Little Reunion".

When love was opposed, she took poison and committed suicide as a laughingstock, becoming a concubine at the age of 36, but becoming a vicious stepmother in the pen of her stepdaughter

17 years old, is a girl's ignorant age, but also the age of the beginning of the love sinus, when Sun Yongfan, liked his cousin, he secretly talked about love with his cousin, and fell in love, unable to extricate himself.

But Sun Yongfan's cousin is not the best son-in-law in Sun Baoqi's eyes, so Sun Baoqi is strongly opposed to this matter, at that time, Sun Yongfan, who fell in love, has lost his mind and eloped with his cousin, but unfortunately, he was found by his family.

Since she could not be together in life, she and her cousin were martyred together, even if they died, they would be together, so Sun Yongfan did not want to think about it, so she took poison...

When love was opposed, she took poison and committed suicide as a laughingstock, becoming a concubine at the age of 36, but becoming a vicious stepmother in the pen of her stepdaughter

Fortunately, the family found out early and rescued in time, Sun Yongfan saved a life, but Sun Yongfan, who woke up, immediately heard a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and his cousin did not take poison and commit suicide as agreed.

Soon, Sun Yongfan's cousin married someone else, and Sun Yongfan, who had lost confidence in love, had been alone, and this drag was actually dragged to the age of 36, and Sun Yongfan became an old girl.

It was also in this year that Sun yong was introduced by the people and met Zhang Ailing's father, Zhang Zhiyi.

When love was opposed, she took poison and committed suicide as a laughingstock, becoming a concubine at the age of 36, but becoming a vicious stepmother in the pen of her stepdaughter

At that time, Zhang Zhiyi had been married to Zhang Ailing's mother Huang Yifan for many years, and gave birth to Zhang Ailing and Zhang Zijing's brothers and sisters, but because Zhang Ailing's mother Huang Yifan was born of a concubine, she hated Zhang Ailing's father Zhang Zhiyi for smoking opium and marrying concubines, and the husband and wife always quarreled continuously.

Later, Huang Yifan simply ran away from abroad and wandered around, which led to the scene of Zhang Zhiyi marrying Sun Yongfan.

The wedding of Zhang Zhiyi and Sun Yongfan was held in Shanghai, and the scene was very large, and although Sun Yongfan did not have much deep feelings with Zhang Zhiyi after marriage, he got along quite well.

When love was opposed, she took poison and committed suicide as a laughingstock, becoming a concubine at the age of 36, but becoming a vicious stepmother in the pen of her stepdaughter

But as soon as Sun Yongfan entered the Zhang family's door, he annoyed his stepdaughter Zhang Ailing, for the simple reason that after Sun Yongfan married over, he immediately posed as a hostess and began to rectify the affairs of the Zhang family, which for Zhang Ailing, Sun Yongfan's performance was to announce that the Zhang family was his own territory from now on, and he was eliminating the influence of her mother Huang Yifan in the Zhang family.

Therefore, Zhang Ailing was extremely disgusted with this stepmother, and later, Sun sent Zhang Ailing a box of old clothes with a fan, and Zhang Ailing completely broke out, writing: "... Picking up the clothes she had left over to wear, she could never forget a thin red cotton robe, the color of the ground beef, the inexhaustible dress, as if she had frostbite all over her body; winter had passed, and there were still frostbite scars - it was such hatred and shame! ”。

At that time, Zhang Ailing did not know that the Sun family at that time had declined, sun Yongfan was not rich, and the box of old clothes was carefully selected by Sun Yongfan and given to her.

When love was opposed, she took poison and committed suicide as a laughingstock, becoming a concubine at the age of 36, but becoming a vicious stepmother in the pen of her stepdaughter

Later, Zhang Ailing's mother Huang Yifan returned to China, wanted Zhang Ailing to go abroad to study, and quarreled with Sun Yongfan, Sun Yongfan was excited, slapped Zhang Ailing, and also grounded Zhang Ailing, the relationship between mother and daughter, completely broken, this matter, was written by Zhang Ailing in "Whispers", Sun Yongfan, the notoriety of the stepmother, famous all over the world.

Later, according to the recollections of those present at the time, Sun Yongfan did not move at that time, and the reason why Zhang Ailing was grounded was because Zhang Ailing had malaria at that time and was afraid to wear it to others.

Around 1976, Zhang Ailing published "Leifeng Pagoda", which mentioned this matter again, saying that she misunderstood Sun Yongfan's good intentions.

When love was opposed, she took poison and committed suicide as a laughingstock, becoming a concubine at the age of 36, but becoming a vicious stepmother in the pen of her stepdaughter

And Sun Yongfan, after marrying Zhang Zhiyi, has not been able to have his own children, in 1953, Zhang Ailing's father Zhang Zhiyi died of illness, since then, Sun Yongfan has been lonely and alone.

In 1986, Sun Yongfan died of illness in Shanghai at the age of 83, and when he died, the room he lived in was only 14 square meters, how desolate and desolate it was.

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