
Spinach is fully nutritious, tender and delicious, made into ball soup, egg cake, but delicious

author:Chengdu tourism food recommendation

Spring has arrived, and fresh vegetables have also filled the tables of each family. Among these greens, spinach is particularly nutritious and tender. Spinach is a vegetable that many people will buy, mainly because it is very nutritious and is a healthy green vegetable.

Spinach is fully nutritious, tender and delicious, made into ball soup, egg cake, but delicious

Today, I will use spinach to make a delicious spinach ball soup, less oil healthy spinach ball soup, fresh and delicious and delicious. I love to drink and eat a bowl of steaming spinach ball soup at home, less oil and healthy, there are vegetables and meat, and it is comfortable to eat.

Spinach is known as a "nutritional model student", it is rich in carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals (calcium, iron, etc.), coenzyme Q10 and other nutrients. Spinach can be used as a good ingredient to protect the eyes. This season's spinach is cheap and tender, so buy some and go home and fry it, and the soup is very good.

Prepare the ingredients you need: 150 grams of fresh meat filling, 200 grams of spinach, 50 grams of rice noodles (dried), salt, chicken essence, green onion, ginger, five-spice powder, soy sauce.

Spinach is fully nutritious, tender and delicious, made into ball soup, egg cake, but delicious

Step 1: First chop the green onion and ginger into small pieces, add the prepared fresh meat filling, add salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, five-spice powder and beat an egg, whisk in one direction, set aside. (Friends who don't like ginger can put ginger water or ginger powder)

Step 2: Set aside the beaten minced meat and wait for the minced meat to be marinated. During this time, let's wash the spinach and rinse the spinach under the tap to remove the dirt on it. Then add an appropriate amount of salt to the water and soak the spinach for 5 minutes to remove the eggs and pesticide residues.

Step 3: Separate the leaves and stems by hand, first put the stems in cold water and wait for the water to boil before putting in the leaves, turn off the heat and blanch for 3 minutes. Cool off with cool water, drain the water and set aside. Pour more water into the pot and bring the water to a boil over high heat. Bring the water to a boil, and put the prepared meat filling into balls into boiling water.

Step 4: After all the balls are in the pot, add a small handful of dried rice noodles, until the rice noodles become soft and rotten, and then add the boiled spinach, salt, and chicken essence to taste.

Spinach is fully nutritious, tender and delicious, made into ball soup, egg cake, but delicious

Such a tender and fragrant spinach ball soup is ready. Balls Q bomb, spinach tender, rice noodles smooth. Drinking a bowl of delicious spinach ball soup on this dry spring is both nutritious and comfortable.

Spinach is a variety of methods, making it into a soup is a very simple method, and stir-frying is also a homely routine. Let's make a delicious spinach egg cake, which tastes very delicious.

Step 1: 300 grams of spinach, half a carrot, flour to taste, salt 1 gram, 2 eggs, cooking oil to taste, watercress sauce to taste, coriander to taste.

Spinach is fully nutritious, tender and delicious, made into ball soup, egg cake, but delicious

Step 1: Wash and blanch the spinach in a pot to remove the oxalic acid from the spinach. Then blanch the spinach and cut into small pieces.

Step 2: Rub the carrots into strips, put oil in the pan and sauté the carrots. Oil-simmered carrots release nutrients and are more easily absorbed by the body.

Spinach is fully nutritious, tender and delicious, made into ball soup, egg cake, but delicious

Step 3: Take an appropriate amount of watercress sauce and mix well with a little water, cut the coriander into minced coriander and set aside. Beat two eggs into the spinach and beat well. Pour in the sautéed shredded carrots, add salt and flour and mix well until the paste is free of particles.

Step 4: Put the oil in the pan, when the oil temperature is 60% hot, scoop the appropriate amount of batter into the pot, and use a spatula to flatten it into a cake. After one side solidifies, it is turned over, and the batter is burned until both sides are solidified, and the golden brown is cooked. Spread the right amount of watercress sauce and sprinkle with parsley. Roll it up and you're good to go.

Spinach is fully nutritious, tender and delicious, made into ball soup, egg cake, but delicious

Delicious spinach egg cake, the taste is super good, the cake made of spinach, how to eat how green and healthy.


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