
Nissan's latest 7-seat MPV exposed! The exterior resembles Alpha and the interior is luxurious, only 160,000

Toyota's cars, SUVs, and MPVs are doing very well, which makes Nissan quite red-eyed. Because Nissan is also very strong in the car field and the SUV field, but there is basically not much to do in the MPV field. Toyota, on the other hand, Honda has their own MPV masters, but this situation will change in the future. At present, Nissan's new generation of seven-seat MPV model has been officially exposed on the official website, and this model is a customized version of SERENA. Nissan has plans to introduce this model into The country in the future, after all, the competition for MPVs is becoming more and more fierce, which is quite the trend of SUVs just breaking out.

Nissan's latest 7-seat MPV exposed! The exterior resembles Alpha and the interior is luxurious, only 160,000

From the perspective of exterior design, the overall shape of SERENA is quite familiar to us, using an inverted ladder shaped air intake mesh design, which is filled with two horizontal penetration chrome trim strips, which echo the car logo. The headlights are actually a bit similar to Toyota's Alpha, using a split design, equipped with sports surrounds, and the sense of heaviness is created well.

Nissan's latest 7-seat MPV exposed! The exterior resembles Alpha and the interior is luxurious, only 160,000

From the side, it is equipped with a blackened roof, blackened mirrors, and the structure of the two-color body, which reflects a good sense of fashion. The wheel hub adopts the design of a small mirror hub, and the sense of grade is still quite obvious. In addition, SERENA also uses the construction of an electric sliding door. In fact, in the D-pillar position, the SERENA exhibits a similar blackened construction to the Toyota Alpha and looks stylish.

Nissan's latest 7-seat MPV exposed! The exterior resembles Alpha and the interior is luxurious, only 160,000

The rear of the new car is a design that we are very familiar with, with a near-flat design and taillights on both sides. The tail light position is higher, like running water, and the safety factor is strongly guaranteed. And the tail resembles Alpha, which is very atmospheric.

Nissan's latest 7-seat MPV exposed! The exterior resembles Alpha and the interior is luxurious, only 160,000

At present, the power system of this SERENA has been exposed, after watching the power system of this model, the small partners will know that the price of this car is not high: the new car has a 2.0L naturally aspirated power system, which is matched by the CVT's stepless transmission. There are also two new energy versions, including a 2.0L hybrid model, matched by the E-CVT's stepless gearbox. The last power is particularly interesting, that is, the 1.2Le-power system, there should be many small partners on this power system is still more familiar with, in the new generation of Xuanyi power models are also equipped. This power system is actually more innovative, there is no endurance anxiety, the use of pure electric drive, and in the acceleration moment by the motor and the engine together to pull the speed.

Nissan's latest 7-seat MPV exposed! The exterior resembles Alpha and the interior is luxurious, only 160,000

At present, the price of this SERENA in Japan is about 160,000 to 190,000, if introduced into The country, I personally think the price of this car will be in line with the Honda Odyssey, the price of 200,000 to 300,000, I don't know if the small partners can accept SERENA.

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