
Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen: How many years can I be emperor? Liu: It was originally 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years

People in feudal society believed in "divine right of kings", so everyone who ascended to the imperial throne would hold a ceremony to sacrifice to the heavens. Similarly, when they have something they can't decide, they choose to ask the gods.

As a result, positions such as the "Qingtianjian" that specialized in communicating with the gods and immortals were derived, and they were responsible for observing the heavens, promoting fortunes, and praying for the blessings of the gods. In the history of our country, it is recorded that there are many people who can calculate fortunes and reason about fortunes, such as Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang, Yuan Tiangang and so on.

The Ming Dynasty also had such a strange man, his name was Liu Ji, also called Liu Bowen. Zhu Yuanzhang once asked him to count a gua and see if he could be emperor for a few years, but Liu Bowen said: "Originally there were 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years", today we will tell this story.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen: How many years can I be emperor? Liu: It was originally 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years

Liu Ji's life

Before telling this story, let's first understand who Liu Ji is and why he deduced the art of divination. Liu Jizi Bowen, which is often referred to as Liu Bowen, was born in an ordinary family in Zhejiang.

However, ordinary families have given birth to an unusual child, Liu Bowen has shown a talent that is different from ordinary people since he was a child, he can see ten lines at a glance, can be described as a prodigy. What is even more surprising is that Liu Bowen was admitted to the show talent at the age of 12.

Many people may not understand what can be represented by being admitted to xiucai, for example, like Fan Jin, who everyone knows, has been a show talent until the age of 50. From this point, it can be seen how remarkable the 12-year-old zhongxiu is.

After being admitted to the Show Talent, Liu Bowen went to study with a teacher, and under the guidance of a famous teacher, he soon completed several Classics of Confucianism, such as "Spring and Autumn" and "Zhou Li". Even his teacher told his parents that you must have accumulated virtue in your ancestors, which is why you have such a smart child.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen: How many years can I be emperor? Liu: It was originally 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years

"If you raise this child well, he will certainly be able to shine on the lintel in the future..." And so on. In addition to studying, Liu Bowen also constantly came into contact with "miscellaneous studies" such as astronomy, geography, and mathematics, laying a good foundation for the later "phase art".

Became Zhu Yuanzhang's courtier

Because of his profound knowledge, Liu Bowen's scientific expedition path was like "opening and hanging", and he passed the jinshi examination at the age of twenty-three. Liu Ji, who had achieved success in his studies, did not go well in his career, and it was the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and the people were poor in political decay.

Although he was determined to use what he had learned to serve the motherland and the people, because he was very honest and honest, he was incompatible with the officialdom, and finally decided to live in seclusion after being impeached several times. It is gold that always shines, although the Yuan court did not reuse him, but he also ushered in his Bole, that is, Zhu Yuanzhang.

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang invited Liu Ji to Ying Tian to be his adviser, and Liu Ji also analyzed the situation in the world very thoroughly in three words. He told Zhu Yuanzhang that now Chen Youyu and Zhang Shicheng are both supporting their own soldiers, and we should not fight on both sides, but should break them one by one.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen: How many years can I be emperor? Liu: It was originally 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years

At the same time, our backs to the "Xiaoming King" is not a long-term solution, but we are afraid that in the future, we will not be able to avoid the fate of being slaughtered. Or do you have to establish yourself as king, and use "Daming" as the name of the country to attract people's hearts.

After Zhu Yuanzhang listened, he felt that Mao Sai was suddenly open, and with the blessing of Liu Bowen's wisdom, Zhu Yuanzhang finally laid the foundation of Daming. As mentioned above, in addition to Liu Ji's ability to assist Zhu Yuanzhang to ascend the throne, his reasoning skills are also enjoyable.

Liu Ji's comprehension ability is very good, which can also be seen from his scientific expedition path. Legend has it that once an old man came to a group of children with a book, and the other children could not understand it and felt bored and left.

Only Liu Bowen was very interested in what was written in the book, and he took the book home and studied it all night, and with his understanding, he also read it for many months to understand. After understanding it, he was surprised by the world in this book, which was actually what later generations called "Qimen Dunjia".

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen: How many years can I be emperor? Liu: It was originally 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years

Later, Liu Bowen deleted this book, and the book has not been published since. In general, Liu Bowen not only learned ancient and modern times, but also was very proficient in reasoning and divination, which led to the saying "Xiangshi".

Liu Bowen calculated three for Zhu Yuanzhang

Relying on his knowledge of xiangshu, Liu Bowen once calculated for Zhu Yuanzhang three times, this calculation determines the world, the second calculates the world, and the third calculates the world. It is said that when Liu Bowen first met Zhu Yuanzhang, he was just a small child of a landlord's family herding cattle.

Liu Bowen passed by the ploughing field and saw Zhu Yuanzhang lying on the ground on all fours, and the cow was right at his head, which was clearly a "heaven" character from top to bottom. Liu Bowen was shocked and quickly called zhu Yuanzhang to tell him about it.

However, at that time, Zhu Yuanzhang was only a child and did not pay attention to it. Thinking about it now, this first calculation has calculated the future Son of Heaven, but it is not to set the world. This second calculation is that after Zhu Yuanzhang sat on the throne, the heavens made a joke with the world, that is, drought.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen: How many years can I be emperor? Liu: It was originally 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years

After several months of drought, the people's crops were dried, at which time Liu Bowen once again watched the sky at night and told Zhu Yuanzhang that the emperor had shed too much blood on the throne and needed to get a new edict. Sure enough, after a few edicts of sin, Ganlin descended from heaven, and this second calculation also helped him sit firmly on the emperor's throne.

The most interesting thing is this third calculation, Zhu Yuanzhang sat on the throne for several years, he was a little scared, he desperately wanted to know how long his throne could sit. Therefore, he called Liu Bowen to help him count a gua.

Liu Bowen's calculation is not simple, he told Zhu Yuanzhang: "Originally it was possible to sit for 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years." Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to ask again, but he was blocked by Liu Bowen's remark that "the heavenly opportunity must not be leaked."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this elephant, he was very uneasy, and he wanted to know what had happened to the four years that had been stolen. So, he began to recall it repeatedly in his mind, and finally remembered a past event.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen: How many years can I be emperor? Liu: It was originally 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years

When he was a poor boy, he had no food or clothing, and one day he and his friends made an appointment to go fishing in the river and fight tooth sacrifices. However, my friend's fishing skills were not good, and he did not catch one by one, but he caught a total of 35 big fish.

The friend was angry and stole 4 fish from his fishing basket. Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang was angry and ordered that this friend of his be taken into the palace. Originally, he thought that his friend would steal his throne, but when he saw his friend, he was relieved.

The unkempt appearance of my friend can't become a climate at first glance. So I gave him a sum of money and let him go. Later, Zhu Yuanzhang did not take this matter to heart again, but he did not expect that it was really a slur.

Zhu Yuanzhang reigned for 31 years, and for the next 4 years, his descendants fought for the throne. In this chaotic 4 years, it was finally Zhu Di who won the battle for the throne, and Zhu Di counted the four years of Jianwen Emperor's rule to Zhu Yuanzhang in order to erase Emperor Jianwen.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Liu Bowen: How many years can I be emperor? Liu: It was originally 35 years, but it was stolen for 4 years

Only at this time can I understand that this is really the 4 years that were stolen by my children and grandchildren, so it can be seen that this third calculation is also aware of the general trend of the world. Of course, the stories surrounding Liu Bowen and Zhu Yuanzhang almost all have some mysterious overtones.

For example, Liu Bowen helped Zhu Yuanzhang cut off the dragon vein, Liu Bowen's death, these things are true and false, and they have also remained in the storm clouds of history. Liu Bowen's efforts to rule the Ming Dynasty can be described as bloody and brainy, and he himself is also a confirmation of the song "Who can obey the Ming Lord, follow the orders of Heaven".

What do you think about that?

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