
Today in history: Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and became Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty

author:Great auspiciousness under the stars

On June 30, 1398, after the death of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, his grandson Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and became the second emperor of the Ming Dynasty, known as Emperor Jianwen in history. Emperor Jianwen's brief reign lasted only four years, but it left a deep mark on Chinese history, especially his policy of cutting feudal domains and the resulting Battle of Jingjing, which had a profound impact on the political situation of the Ming Dynasty.

Today in history: Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and became Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty

Emperor Jianwen A portrait of Emperor Jianwen painted in the Qing Dynasty

Zhu Yunwen is the eldest grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, and his father is the crown prince Zhu Biao. Zhu Yunwen has been smart and studious since he was a child, and he is deeply loved and respected by his grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Biao was the eldest son of the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, but his untimely death complicated the issue of succession to the throne. In order to ensure a smooth transition to the throne, Zhu Yuanzhang clearly appointed Zhu Yunwen as the emperor's grandson in his later years.

In 1398, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang died, and Zhu Yunwen, who was only 21 years old, ascended the throne with the year name Jianwen. As a young new monarch, Emperor Jianwen hoped to consolidate centralized power through a series of reform measures, reduce the burden on the people, and achieve long-term peace and stability of the country.

Today in history: Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and became Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty

Ming Chengzu Zhu Di (r: 1402-1424)

After Emperor Jianwen ascended the throne, he faced a major problem with how to deal with the huge clan vassal kings. These feudal lords were powerful and posed a threat to the central power. In 1399, the second year after his reign, Emperor Jianwen decided to implement a policy of reducing feudal domains to consolidate centralized power by reducing and limiting the power of feudal kings. He ordered the abolition of the military power and status of some vassal kings, and especially took more severe measures against some powerful vassal kings.

Today in history: Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and became Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty

Schematic diagram of the Battle of Jingjing

The implementation of the policy of cutting the feudal domain caused dissatisfaction and resistance from many vassal kings, especially Zhu Yunwen's uncle and Zhu Yuanzhang's fourth son, Zhu Di. Zhu Di was a vassal king of Beiping (present-day Beijing), with a heavy army and great political and military talent. In 1399, Zhu Di launched a rebellion in the name of "Jingnan" (that is, to quell civil strife), which is known as the "Battle of Jingnan" in history.

After the Battle of Jingyan broke out, Emperor Jianwen ordered the general Li Jinglong to lead his army north to quell the rebellion. However, due to insufficient preparation, internal contradictions and problems with the combat capability of the army, Emperor Jianwen's army was repeatedly defeated. Zhu Di's army captured a number of strategic points with lightning speed, and finally approached Nanjing.

Today in history: Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and became Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty

The map of the capital of the Ming Dynasty in the "Jinling Ancient and Modern Illustrated Examination" written by Chen Yi of the Ming Dynasty

In 1402, Zhu Di's army invaded Nanjing, and Emperor Jianwen mysteriously disappeared in the palace, and there are different theories about his whereabouts, some believe that he was killed, some believe that he was secretly imprisoned, and others believe that he fled to his home. Zhu Di was enthroned as the emperor, and he was the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, and the year name was Yongle.

Although Emperor Jianwen's reign was short-lived, the reforms he pursued reflected his ideals and ambitions to govern the country. The policy of reducing feudal domains was intended to strengthen the centralization of power and reduce the burden on the people, but the implementation of the policy touched the interests of powerful feudal lords, which eventually led to a civil war. The defeat of the Battle of Jingyan not only ended the reign of Emperor Jianwen, but also brought the Ming Dynasty into a new historical stage.

Today in history: Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and became Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty

The largest territory of the Ming Dynasty (Yongle period)

Zhu Yunwen has been evaluated in history as a benevolent and idealistic monarch. He paid attention to culture and education, advocated the rule of benevolence, and tried to achieve the stability and development of the country through moderate means. However, his personality was too weak and he lacked decisive political skills, and he appeared incapable of facing the powerful clan forces, which ultimately led to his own defeat.

Although Emperor Jianwen's reign was short-lived, his place in Chinese history cannot be ignored. Although his policy of reducing feudal domains failed, it played an important role in promoting the formation of the centralized system of the Ming Dynasty. As a result of the Battle of Jingyan, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di was able to ascend the throne, opening the prosperous era of Yongle and laying the foundation for the strength of the Ming Dynasty.

Today in history: Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne and became Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty

Wenyuan Pavilion, one of the political centers of the Ming Dynasty, is located on the east side of the three major halls of the Forbidden City

On June 30, 1398, Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne as Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty, which was an important node in the history of the Ming Dynasty. His accession to the throne marked the end of the Ming Taizu era and the beginning of the Jianwen reform. Although Emperor Jianwen's reign eventually ended with the Battle of Jingjing, his ideals and spirit of reform left a lasting impact on history. The defeat of Emperor Jianwen provided valuable historical lessons for later generations, and also made people more aware of the complexity of political struggles and the fragility of power.

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