
Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

author:color is an empty record card

Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

Nurhachi's rise to prominence

The wheels of history are always rolling forward, and some extraordinary figures emerge in every era, and Nurhachi is such a moving legend. From an inconspicuous small lord, with his unique political vision and military talents, he eventually succeeded in establishing the powerful Later Jin Dynasty and became a major threat to the Ming Dynasty. The twists and turns in this process make people marvel at the wisdom and courage of this minority leader.

Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

It is not difficult to find that during the critical period of Nurhachi's rise, there was serious corruption and incompetence in the ruling layer of the Ming Dynasty, which gave Nurhachi an opportunity. Even if the Ming emperor was determined to resist the expansion of the Jurchen tribes, he was often stumped by some pedantic civil officials. Yang Hao, a typical "nerd", is a good example. When the Ming army was preparing to compete with the Jurchen tribe, he actually revealed all the marching routes and deployments of his army to the other party, which was not an unintentional mistake, but an outright fool's behavior. For such military idiots, they focused more on innocuous wordplay and neglected the importance of military affairs, which led to repeated crushing defeats of the Ming army in its confrontations with the Jurchen tribes.

In contrast, Nurhachi was undoubtedly a very good military strategist and statesman. He is good at observing and discerning the enemy's weaknesses and exploiting them. For example, when he attacked Lushun, he did not rush to launch a full-scale attack, but skillfully lured the people and soldiers in the city, and successfully rebelled against Li Yongfang, a key player. In the end, he not only gained a large number of people and goods, but also consumed the strength of the Ming army. He also adopted a similar tactic in the attack on Qinghe, and the result was also amazing. This fully demonstrates Nurhachi's superb strategic strategy.

Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

In addition, the quality of the army under Nurhachi was also beyond the reach of the Ming army. Most of them were born in the young adults of the Jurchen tribes, received systematic military training, and were accustomed to living by plundering. They are an elite army, even if they are inferior in numbers, they can rely on their high will to fight and share the results of the Ming army. In contrast, the Ming army was filled with a large number of ruffians and hooligans, who often deliberately starved their horses to death in order to escape the battle. Naturally, such a soldier could not compete with Nurhachi's troops.

We cannot ignore that behind Nurhachi's rise is also the deteriorating situation of the Jurchen tribe. At that time, the Jurchen tribes were suffering from severe drought and poverty, and they had to make ends meet by plundering other countries. This extreme pressure to survive has also fueled Nurhachi's expansionist ambitions to a certain extent. He used these plundered people to become his "coat", and laid a good human foundation for later unification. This practice of sacrificing innocent civilians in exchange for its own development has undoubtedly left a heavy humanitarian price to history.

Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

Overall, Nurhachi's ability to gradually advance his expansion plan was inseparable from the corruption and incompetence of the Ming ruling class. At that time, the Ming Dynasty had completely reduced to a dynasty of internal and external troubles, unable to cope with challenges from all sides. In stark contrast to this, Nurhachi's resourcefulness and masterful tactics were masterful. He is good at observing the enemy's weaknesses and adjusting his strategy in time. At the same time, he also had an elite and well-trained army under his command, which gave him the upper hand in the confrontation with the Ming army. It can be said that the leader of the Jurchen tribe, with his extraordinary talents, succeeded in starting his own dynasty in the midst of turmoil, thus becoming an important turning point in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

The importance of talent can be seen. In this contest between the Ming army and the Jurchen tribes, the key watershed lies in the wisdom and ability of the leaders of both sides. Ignorant people like Yang Hao will only drag down the combat effectiveness of the Ming army, but Nurhachi can effectively organize and mobilize his own army, and defeat the powerful Ming army with a strategic strategy that cannot be underestimated. This also illustrates a truth: in any era, true leaders are the key force driving history forward, and only with outstanding talent and vision can they find their way to survive in the turmoil and write their own legends.

Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

Nurhachi took advantage of the situation and not only defeated the Ming army militarily, but also showed excellent skill politically. He skillfully used the contradictions within the Ming court to create the famous "Seven Hatreds". On the surface, it may seem like some emotional accusations, but in fact it is an elaborate political ruse. This not only created a legitimate excuse for him to attack the Ming Dynasty, but also a provocation and ridicule of the Ming rulers.

The leader of the Jurchen tribe obviously saw through the shortcomings of the Ming court. He was well aware that the Confucian scholars of the Ming Dynasty could only talk about theories and lacked serious research on actual military affairs. Moreover, the Ming government was corrupt and incompetent, often excluding some politically capable people. Such a system cannot produce a true military elite, and naturally it will be difficult to resist the challenge of an all-round talent like Nurhachi.

Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

It is no exaggeration to say that Nurhachi is a politician and military strategist through and through. Not only is he good at commanding his subordinates, but he can also see the enemy's weaknesses and adjust his strategy in time. In both siege battles at Lushun and Qinghe, he showed extraordinary wisdom. By creating misleading information, he succeeded in luring his enemies into letting their guard down, and then taking advantage of the situation, with impressive results. This ability to use psychological tactics undoubtedly allowed him to occupy the initiative in the war pattern at that time.

Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

More importantly, the quality of Nurhachi's army was also unattainable by the Ming army. They were born in the young adults of the Jurchen tribe, and after rigorous training, they were accustomed to obtaining survival resources through plundering warfare. For such an elite army, even if it is inferior in numbers, it can rely on high will to fight and rich results to share and defeat the enemy. In contrast, the Ming army was filled with a large number of ruffians and hooligans, who often deliberately destroyed their own armaments in order to avoid fighting. Such a cowardly and incompetent soldier naturally could not compete with Nurhachi's elite troops.

Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

It should be pointed out that Nurhachi's rise is not entirely due to the expansion of his own power. To a large extent, it is also closely related to the deteriorating living conditions of the Jurchen tribes. At that time, the Jurchen tribe was facing severe drought and poverty, and had to resort to plundering to make ends meet. This existential pressure has pushed Nurhachi's expansion ambitions to a certain extent. He used these plundered people to become his "coat", laying the human foundation for later unification. This practice of sacrificing innocent civilians for its own development has undoubtedly left a heavy humanitarian price to history.

Don't you believe it, another pig teammate in the Ming Dynasty is afraid of many soldiers in the war, and looks down on Nurhachi?

In general, Nurhachi's ability to repeatedly win in the face of the powerful dynasty of the Ming Dynasty is inseparable from his own outstanding political and military talents. He is good at observing the shortcomings of the enemy and adjusting his strategy in time. At the same time, the quality of the army under his command far exceeded that of the Ming army. This superiority in strength, combined with the current state of corruption and incompetence within the Ming Dynasty, eventually made Nurhachi a key turning point in history. His rise not only dealt a heavy blow to the Ming Dynasty, but also laid the foundation for the later establishment of the Manchu dynasty. It can be said that the leader of the Jurchen tribe is undoubtedly an outstanding historical figure, and his achievements are unforgettable.

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