
The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death

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The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death
The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death
The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death
The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death
The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death

I collect a green glaze trick le waist encouragement figurine, girl form, waist drum, hand clapping waist drum, dancing with euna's colorful dance steps, wearing clothes although draped with ribbons, but slightly swollen, obviously thick cold and warm clothes, from the bottom carcass should be the liao dynasty Chifeng kiln tile tire, the bottom has two carved words, unrecognizable. Probably the Khitan script that has died.

The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death
The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death
The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death

The Liao and Northern Song dynasties were nomadic dynasties in China at the same time, and the Song Dynasty reached the height of its cultural reach, and during the Northern Song Dynasty, neighboring countries competed to create their own ethnic script based on Chinese characters. For example, The Western Xia, Khitan, Jurchen script, and at the same time, there were characters used in Vietnam, square characters used by Zhuang compatriots, etc. Although their glyphs are obviously different, their roots are from Chinese characters. During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, China was in the midst of a great split, with frequent wars and dynastic changes in the Central Plains, while the north ruled by nomadic peoples was relatively peaceful. In the second year of the Northern Khitans (916 CE), the Khitan chief Yelü Abaoji unified the eight khitan tribes and subsequently established the state as emperor. Establishing the Great Liao State, and at the same time taking advantage of the internal strife of the Central Plains Dynasty to invade the Central Plains in the south and seize the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, under the influence of hanchen Han Yanhui and others, Yelü Abaoji established the Khitan political system modeled on the Central Plains Dynasty, implemented the hereditary system of the throne, and implemented the one-country-two system, Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures where there were many Han people used Han Confucianism and ruled in accordance with the Central Plains Dynasty, and the northern nomads used the past way of ruling the grasslands, and at the same time established five capital cities, Liaoshang Jinglinfu, Zhongjing Dadingfu, Liaoyangfu in Tokyo, Andujinfu in Nanjing, The general name of Xijing Datong Province. He also ordered the chancellor Yelü Turu to create the Khitan script on the basis of Chinese characters. At that time, the Khitan characters had a total of more than 3,000 words, which fully met the needs of the ethnic group for communication and recording. At the same time, they also learned the Han porcelain industry, such as the tile pot kiln in Chifeng, the imitation leather bag pot, the chicken head pot, the chicken crown pot and so on.

The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death
The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death

In the seventh year of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Liao state of Huizong for 210 years was destroyed under the attack of the Song and Jin dynasties, and then Yelü Dashi moved west to establish the Western Liao, which was destroyed by the Mongols in 1218, and in the following decades, the Khitan language completely disappeared, and gradually became a "death script" that cannot be deciphered to this day. In order to prevent the full penetration of Han civilization, the Liao state has been culturally closed for a long time, and the Khitan language is only limited to the use of the Khitan nobility, and only a few words are not allowed to flow out of the territory of the Liao state. Before and after the fall of the Liao state, the Liao government destroyed the Khitan official documents in a centralized manner, and Jin Xuanzong also issued an edict prohibiting the use of Khitan within the Scope of the Jin Kingdom, so the Khitan script almost disappeared into the long river of history along with the demise of the Liao State.

(The picture and text originate from the original author of the online copyright)

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The bottom two illiterate characters of the Liao Dynasty Green Glaze Trick Le Waist Encouragement Figurine talk about the Khitan script of death

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