
She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

author:Xiao Moe*

It was a sunny afternoon, in front of an elegant villa in a high-end residential area in Taipei City, an elegantly dressed middle-aged woman was taking a nap with her eyes closed.

Her face is so beautiful and picturesque that it is unforgettable.

This is Ge Weiru, who was once known as "Taiwan's No. 1 Beauty".

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

Suddenly, a familiar male voice broke the silence: "Weiru, can we do it all over again?" When she opened her eyes, she saw her ex-husband Lin Zhilong standing in front of her expectantly.

This goddess who was peerless back then is now over half a hundred years old, but she is still dazzling.

She smiled lightly and said in a firm tone: "I'm doing well now, and I won't repeat the mistakes of the past."

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

Indeed, Ge Weiru has fallen to the bottom several times on the emotional road, but she can always regain her strength and be reborn.

It is this independent and self-reliant tenacious personality that makes countless predecessors unforgettable her unique charm.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

She was born into a poor family, lost her mother at an early age, and her family's fortunes fell into decline.

However, this test of fate has tempered her precious qualities.

In order to help his family repay his debts, Ge Weiru took a leave of absence after graduating from high school to start a career, and worked hard in the film and television industry step by step with his talent.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

In 1990, she played the role of the villain in the TV series "Phoenix on Fire", and her superb acting skills became an instant hit.

Since then, he has starred in a number of well-known dramas, such as "A Fairy Wife", etc., and has become a popular student.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

Ge Weiru's first marriage married into a wealthy family.

At that time, she was beautiful and moving, with unlimited scenery and was envied.

But after all, that kind of life of bondage is not in line with her personality of pursuing freedom.

In the end, Ge Weiru resolutely chose to divorce, took their son out of the house, and refused to accept the high alimony offered by her ex-husband Lin Zhilong.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

fell in love with each other, and soon after, Ge Weiru married the wealthy businessman Li Jizeng and stepped into another "golden cage".

At the beginning, Li Ji was considerate to her, but it didn't take long for his strong desire to control to make Ge Wei breathless.

Because of this, the two quarreled frequently, and finally went to the thorny road of divorce.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

It is commendable that in this process, Ge Weiru once again rejected Li Jizeng's alimony of 100,000 yuan and left the house.

For the former "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", money and power are far less precious to her than freedom.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

Compared with the ups and downs of his emotional life, Ge Weiru's career development has been booming.

With her superb acting skills, she vividly interprets the inner world of the character and has won the love of countless audiences.

She exuded a unique charisma, becoming one of the brightest and most sought-after stars of her time, and her popularity was unmatched.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

Perhaps it is precisely because of this independent, self-reliant, and indomitable personality, coupled with the persistent pursuit of freedom, that Ge Weiru is endlessly charming and dazzling.

She would rather be alone than be bound by anything; She is willing to leave the house cleanly, and does not want to be bound by money.

This unrestrained free body and mind makes her like a soaring eagle, forever able to break free from the shackles of the world and soar freely in the blue sky.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

Whether she refuses to accept alimony or resolutely chooses to divorce, every decision made by Ge Weiru seems to declare her pursuit of freedom and her desire for money and status.

This noble and refined character is destined to make her charm last.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

Time flies, and Ge Wei is now past the age of knowing the destiny of heaven.

But she is still radiant, independent, and free.

Looking back on the bits and pieces of the past, she has no regrets about everything.

Those painful experiences are just a memory forged by fate, which has made her the tenacious, independent and self-reliant woman she is today.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

It is precisely because of such tempering that Ge Weiru realized the preciousness of freedom.

The land of money was nothing more than a splendid shackle mixed with bondage; Only absolute freedom is the ultimate ideal she strives for.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

The world's praise for Ge Weiru is undoubtedly well deserved.

But her dedication and experience are more worthy of learning and thinking for each of us.

Because in this materialistic era, it is rare to be able to get rid of the temptation of financial interests and be indifferent to fame and fortune.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

A heroic heart that never stops and moves forward is the spiritual core of Ge Weiru.

This spirit not only reflects her unique understanding of life, but also moves countless people.

In the final analysis, what she seeks is nothing less than a complete freedom and liberation, a supreme covenant to the soul.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

Therefore, Ge Weiru's life experience actually transcends the individual, and it has become a symbol of the times.

In this impetuous generation, each of us should learn from her heroic heart that never gives up and strive to pursue a free life of our own.

Only in this way can we finally achieve the sublimation of our souls, show our style, and live a wonderful life without regrets.

She is "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty", she has been out of the house twice after divorce, and her ex-husband has not forgotten it for 20 years

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