
Words written by women to men

(There are always some words that touch the heart ...)

Or separate them.

You have insomnia, and I happen to be awake with you.

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Words written by women to men

One: Men must remember that their own women should never be compared with other women.

Don't keep saying how good other people's wives are, don't count her not being pretty, she can marry you that's your blessing, you still say so, it's really undeserved. For most women, hearing the person they love the most says her good is more useful than everyone saying she's good. Besides, love her and can't bear to hurt her?

Two: You can't snub her for three days.

Women are sensitive and suspicious, and she thinks a lot of things in a negative direction. In fact, a dragonfly kiss before going out, a hug when you go home and push open the door will make your woman think about it later, which is not difficult for men to do at all, isn't it? Remember to tell her to share it when you're sad, and take her hand and pass her the warmth of your palms to her when she's sad.

Three: Don't show your face to your woman, a man who throws a tantrum at women is very hateful.

You are in the business field is bright and tidy, she is busy at home, busy housework has made her have a belly fire, you should know that it is because of all this she has done behind your back that you have no worries. Imagine a man coming home after work and saying: Wife, you have a busy day, hard work! The woman smiled and said: Nothing, you are hard! What a harmonious painting that was.

Words written by women to men

Four: Men come together is more than work than position, women come together is more than men than children.

So in front of her girlfriend, you must show your love and affection for her, so that she feels that she is a princess and has the complete love that will make all women jealous. If she is a reasonable woman, she will definitely give you enough face in front of your buddies and let you be a big man in front of your friends.

Five: Just like men like to see beautiful women, women also like to look at handsome men.

You can be jealous and angry, but a woman who really loves you is actually more simple when she sees a handsome man than when a man sees a beautiful woman, she just sees some beautiful things and sighs, just like seeing a beautiful picture, not like men will have more fantasies.

Sixth: The wife is married to hurt, and a cultivated man will never beat the wife.

If you really love her, you must respect her and not do it casually. If you don't love her anymore, then touch your conscience: Can I still make her happy? If the answer is no, then let her go and let her find someone who can really be nice to her. Let yourself stop being wrong and let her be free!

Seven: Women like men's machismo, which makes them feel safe.

If women's gentleness is a weapon against men, then men's inadvertent gentleness can definitely be said to be a nuclear weapon for women. But women also have their own nature, that is, natural maternal complex, she will occasionally treat you as if you were her own child everywhere, but you have to remember not to be late.

Words written by women to men

Eight: The family is always number one.

Men are certainly responsible for their work, but they also have a work ethic, to have fun from work, but not to be slaves to work, we work to be happier with our families, it is important to enjoy life, and remember to enjoy the world with your wife and your children from time to time.

Nine: The parents of the lover are their own parents, and they will love the house and the house and the U.

As long as the old man and the old man really feel that this is my own parents in the depths of his heart, and the psychological attachment to the old man is intimate, the old man will feel this sincerity. Moreover, when people are old, they are very much like children, as long as they coax the old people to be happy like children. We ourselves have an old day, and we must do a good job of mirroring the younger generations and let them know how to respect the elderly.

Ten: When two people get along, remember to be honest, trusting, tolerant, and understanding.

You can't hide everything, but you can tell some white lies when you have to, and you can grasp it yourself. Dodo stand in the other person's position to see a thing, think about her situation, and experience her difficulties. Remember: you are the person she loves the most, you have to understand her, support her, and be tolerant when she makes mistakes.

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