
Kidney Strengthening Medicinal Diet (1)

author:Ophthalmologist Wang Zhiqiang

In Chinese medicine, the kidney is the innate foundation of the human body, and the kidney is sufficient to strengthen the body.

In daily life, kidney essence is often easily dissipated, and there is a risk of fierceness when supplementing medicine, and it is often advisable to eat supplements.

Briefly introduce some daily convenient and easy medicinal diets, spring and summer yangyang, for your reference.

1, two immortal roast lamb: xianmao 15 grams, xianling spleen 15 grams, ginger 15 grams, lamb 250 grams, seasoning appropriate amount. The first three flavors are packed in a gauze bag, pricked; lamb sliced, cooked with the medicine bag until the lamb is cooked, remove the medicine bag, add salt and MSG to taste. Eat meat and drink soup, 2 times / day. Function tonic kidney yang, dispel cold and dampness. It is suitable for waist and knee weakness, cold limbs, low sexual function, cold and wet paralysis and other symptoms of insufficient kidney and yang.

2, garlic lamb: lamb 250 grams, garlic 15 grams, seasoning appropriate amount. Wash and cook the lamb and slice it; mash the garlic, add an appropriate amount of cooked oil (or cooked oil chili), soy sauce, fine salt, etc. to mix well. Function warm kidney to help yang. It is suitable for kidney deficiency impotence, waist and knee soreness, enuresis or frequent urination, etc.

3, Dayun mutton porridge: 10 grams of dayun, 100 grams of lamb, japonica rice, salt, ginger, green onion and other appropriate amounts. Remove the residue from the dayun decoction, take the juice, add lamb and japonica rice and cook it to make porridge. Season with salt, green onion, ginger, etc. Suitable for enuresis in children.

4, lamb backbone soup: 1 lamb backbone, 30 grams of cistanche, 3 grass fruits, 6 grams of chinese cabbage, flour to taste. The lamb backbone is crushed, boiled with various medicines into a juice, filtered out the residue, seasoned with onions and ginger, and made into a noodle soup. Functional tonic kidney element. It is suitable for long-term deficiency, waist and kidney injury and other symptoms.

5, sheep kidney black bean eucommia soup: sheep kidney 1 pair, black beans 60 grams, eucommia 10 ~ 12 grams, cumin 3 grams, ginger 9 grams. Wash the sheep kidneys with delipididation membrane glands. Wash the black beans. Put eucommia, cumin and ginger slices together in a clean gauze bag, put in water and cook for 20 minutes, then add beans and kidney tablets. After the beans and kidneys are cooked, go to the medicine bag. Drink soup to eat kidneys and beans. Function to tonify the kidneys and strengthen the waist. Suitable for kidney deficiency and low back pain.