
Don't buy roasted wheat to eat, teach you to make it at home, fresh and soft, more delicious than what the restaurant sells

author:Ah San Food

Life has no rehearsal, and food has no beauty. Hello everyone, today I would like to share with you how to make your own fire at home. Roasted wheat is a kind of snack that is steamed with hot noodles as the skin and wrapped in a basket. Shaped like a pomegranate, white and crystalline, the filling is thin and skinny, the fragrance is delicious, and it is often used as a feast in the folk. It has the effect of promoting growth, replenishing nutrients, avoiding muscle strains and so on. After eating today's yakitori, you will never go out to buy and eat again.

Don't buy roasted wheat to eat, teach you to make it at home, fresh and soft, more delicious than what the restaurant sells

【Glutinous rice yaki sale】

【Basic Ingredients】Glutinous rice, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, minced meat, dumpling skin

【Basic steps】

1. Say that it is wheat roast that many people love to eat it! But we generally choose to buy and eat outside, and few people make it themselves at home. Today we will use glutinous rice to share with you that we make and sell at home. First of all, the glutinous rice we use today needs to be soaked in water overnight in advance, and the glutinous rice that we have soaked overnight in advance is placed on the top of the steaming drawer, covered with a lid and steamed on high heat for 20 minutes.

Don't buy roasted wheat to eat, teach you to make it at home, fresh and soft, more delicious than what the restaurant sells

2. Take advantage of the steamed glutinous rice time to prepare the side dishes. Take out a carrot, peel the carrot and then cut it into slices, then cut it into thin wires and finally cut it into carrot cubes with a knife, cut it all and put it in a prepared dish for use. Then take out the shiitake mushrooms that have been soaked in advance, cut the shiitake mushrooms into evenly sized cubes, cut them all and put them on the plate together with the carrots.

Don't buy roasted wheat to eat, teach you to make it at home, fresh and soft, more delicious than what the restaurant sells

3. We have prepared vegetarian dishes above, and then we will prepare some minced meat. Take out a piece of pork, cut it into minced meat, cut it all and put it on the plate where we just put the side dishes. Heat the pot with oil, add the right amount of cooking oil to the pot, pour in our chopped meat, stir-fry with a spatula, and stir-fry the minced meat in the pan until it changes color.

Don't buy roasted wheat to eat, teach you to make it at home, fresh and soft, more delicious than what the restaurant sells

4. Stir-fry the minced meat in the pot until it changes color, then add the side dishes we just cut, pour the diced carrots and diced shiitake mushrooms into the pot and continue to stir with a spatula to stir well. Stir-fry for a minute, then add the fresh corn kernels we have prepared in advance, continue to stir-fry non-stop, stir-fry it evenly, and stir-fry all the ingredients in the pan.

Don't buy roasted wheat to eat, teach you to make it at home, fresh and soft, more delicious than what the restaurant sells

5. At this time, the glutinous rice we steamed has also been steamed. Pour our steamed glutinous rice into the pot, add salt and soy sauce. Consume the oil, go in the soybean sauce, add some old pumping in, and stir-fry with a spatula. Stir-fry the added glutinous rice and spices well, stir-fry for a minute, turn off the heat and place in a bowl we have prepared in advance.

Don't buy roasted wheat to eat, teach you to make it at home, fresh and soft, more delicious than what the restaurant sells

6. Our glutinous rice filling is ready, we take out the dumpling skin that we just bought from the supermarket and fold the dumpling skin into a pleated shape. Then take out a dumpling skin, put in the glutinous rice stuffing we made, wrap it into a roasted shape, just like in the picture below, and wrap all the dumpling skins into the roasted shape in the picture below.

Don't buy roasted wheat to eat, teach you to make it at home, fresh and soft, more delicious than what the restaurant sells

7. Put the wrapped roast into the steaming drawer of the steamer, add the appropriate amount of water to the pot, and bring the water in the pot to a boil. Cover and heat and steam for 20 minutes. When the time comes to open the lid and turn off the heat, take it out and put it in the plate we prepared in advance, and a delicious glutinous rice roast is ready. Eat thin skin and fragrant, nutritious soft glutinous, there are likes to eat quickly follow up to make it, let's try it together!

Don't buy roasted wheat to eat, teach you to make it at home, fresh and soft, more delicious than what the restaurant sells

【Love Tips】

1. Sticky rice must be soaked in water for one night beforehand, so that it is softer and sticky to eat;

2. When making and selling, our filling is very critical, so we must make it very fragrant to be delicious.

Today's food is shared here, every day for everyone to share a home-cooked food, thank you for watching, like friends to help like, pay attention to Oh! See you tomorrow, thank you!

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