
Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

In the novel "Red Rock", there is a very classic character image - "crazy old man" Hua Ziliang. He was imprisoned in the secret prison of the military command for 14 years, in order not to expose his true identity, endured humiliation and burden, and pretended to be crazy and stupid in prison. Later, there was also a Peking Opera called "Hua Ziliang", which also vividly told his story.

Hua Ziliang's prototype is Han Zidong, what is the connection between Han Zidong in reality and Hua Ziliang in the artwork, why he was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, and what was the end of his later years after escaping from prison? Today's article will share the story of Han Zidong.

Born in 1909 to an ordinary peasant family in Yanggu County, Shandong Province, Han Zidong attended a private school for several years and was admitted to Shandong Provincial No. 2 Middle School in 1925 with the support of his elder brother. In 1926, the National Revolutionary Army launched the Northern Expedition, which broke through the bamboo, and young people from all over the country joined the revolution. At that time, when the Kuomintang and the Communists cooperated and revolutioned together, Han Zidong joined the Kuomintang.

In 1929, he offended the capitalists by organizing trade unions in coal mines to safeguard the interests of workers, and the party department also considered him to have links with the Communist Party. He was expelled from the party on charges of plotting a riot and wanted throughout the province.

Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

After Han Zidong received the news, he immediately fled Shandong and came to Beiping. While working in a bookstore, he studied at a private school and was later admitted to the Economics Department of a Chinese university. The Spring and Autumn Bookstore where he worked was founded by progressives and usually secretly sold revolutionary books. Han Zidong also read these books desperately, and his thinking gradually changed.

A customer named Zhou Yi often came to the bookstore to read books and chat with Han Zidong. This Zhou Yi was the core personnel of Beijing Teco under the leadership of Chen Geng, when Teco was founded not long ago, everyone was looking for and developing members separately. After a long period of observation and conversation, Zhou Yi found that Han Zidong was ideologically progressive and familiar with revolutionary theory, and in January 1932 he developed him into a party member. Later, Han Zidong wrote in his self-report:

From this day on, I felt that I was close to the sun, found the light, and became the happiest person!

Since then, the Spring and Autumn Bookstore has become the secret office of Beijing Tecco. At that time, Dai Kasa had just established a special agency in North China in Beiping, with Zheng Jiemin as the head of the district, and the name of the organization was "Blue Clothing Society", which was the predecessor of the military command. In order to obtain enemy intelligence, the organization considered that Han Zidong had worked in the Kuomintang in the past and had the identity of a student to cover up, and decided to send him to infiltrate the Blue Jacket Society.

The Blue Jacket Society prohibits horizontal contact between its members, which makes the information that Han Zidong has access to very limited. He had conceived a way to develop familiar members in schools who were assigned to various departments and with whom he had connections, would have wider access to information. He has done an excellent job in the tasks assigned by the organization.

Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

However, in the early days, the organization of the Blue Jacket Society was very strict, and the members often monitored each other, and Han Zidong was whistleblown in less than half a year. He went home to hide for 3 months, thinking that the storm had passed, so he returned to Beiping. However, he was soon arrested by Kuomintang agents and began a long prison career.

At first, Han Zidong was imprisoned in Peiping, and his interrogation was the third regiment of gendarmes known as the "Hall of the King of Yan". But no matter how the enemy tortured him, Han Zidong always gritted his teeth and did not admit that he was a communist. In another torture, Han Zidong passed out. The medical examiner came and couldn't get a pulse and filled out a death certificate for him.

At that time, the Blue Jacket Society was seriously secretive, and the various factions attacked each other. The chief agent was afraid of being accused of being an accomplice with Han Zidong and was charged with the crime of "killing people and destroying mouths". He called a doctor and went to the morgue to rescue him, and finally Han Zidong, who was the eldest, woke up. After that, the secret agents did not dare to torture him again, and transferred him to the nanjing military secret prison.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Han Zidong was successively transferred to Wuhan, Yiyang, Xifeng and other places, and finally escorted to the Chongqing Baigongguan Detention Center in July 1946.

Everywhere they went, in order to show their skills, the spies would use Han Zidong, a diehard, to practice their hands and try to pry open his mouth. Tiger stools, chilli water, electric chairs, wooden sticks with fingers... All kinds of torture, Han Zidong tried again, even his teeth were knocked out, and he never admitted his true identity.

Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

An agent said to him, "Want to die? Not so good thing, only 5 minutes to die, I want you to live better than to die, can't eat it will have to 'repent and rehabilitate'. ”

Life in prison is extremely hard, and the rice issued by the secret agents is called red rice, which is a mixture of rice and barnyard. It was also mixed with a large amount of sand and gravel debris, making it impossible for people to swallow, but after being extremely hungry, they could only swallow it together.

The prison was dark, especially when it was held in the cave, the cave was dark and damp, and the cell was so short that it could not even straighten its waist. In this environment for a long time, coupled with insufficient nutrition, he suffered from a variety of diseases, and a person in his 30s looked like a 50-year-old.

Without acknowledging his identity, he has been detained as a "serious disciplinarian". In prison, the military commanders and discipline violators looked down on him, and the revolutionaries were even more reluctant to take care of him. He remained silent and did not participate in the disputes between the factions. Only revolutionary volunteers who, after a long period of exchange, feel trusted, will tell him his true identity.

He was once locked up in a cell with a madman, and in order not to expose his identity, he also began to learn to be a madman.

After a long period of detention, he was already skinny and disheveled. He was often silent, his eyes sitting hollowly in a daze, sitting for half a day. Sometimes I pick up the pot that has fallen on the ground and chew it until the gums bleed. The agents looked at him crazy and thought he was being locked up stupidly, called him a "crazy old man", usually made fun of him, and occasionally let him go to the outside of the prison. In order to survive, he can only bear the burden of humiliation.

Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

One day, the secret agent of the military command went to the Baigongguan Detention Center to interrogate the prisoners, and when he saw Han Zidong outside, he asked the agent next to him: "Why is this person outside?" The agent told him: "This old man has been locked up and driven crazy, let him move around outside, and he will not cause trouble." Shen Drunk said: "I see that he is pretending to be crazy, and the eyes of really crazy people will not be so alert." ”

As a result, Han Zidong was imprisoned for several months, and even he himself only understood the reason when he met Shen Drunk decades later.

There was a secret party branch in the White Mansion, and they often worked together to study the escape method and put forward three plans: one was to organize a collective escape as much as possible; the other was for individuals to have the opportunity to escape from prison and escape one by one; and the third was to launch a struggle to strive for a better life.

After a collective struggle, the agents promised to leave the food and the commissary in the prison to the prisoners themselves, and selected Han Zidong as the administrator. Because he was detained for a long time and was usually crazy, the agents thought that he did not dare to run around. In addition, he is not a local and is not familiar with Chongqing at all, so going out will not be too much of a problem.

Under the leadership of the secret agent Yang Jinxing, Han Zidong went to Ciqikou Street to purchase goods. Every time he took to the streets, he kept silent, secretly observed the terrain around the prison and the location of the guard posts, and ventured to draw a map and give it to the party branch. Every time the money handled is always not bad, after purchasing things immediately return to prison, never run around. Even the agents said, "This crazy old man, we just let him go, and he's going to run back." ”

Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

Shifengdong Prison

However, before the collective escape plan could be implemented, in August 1946, Luo Shiwen, former secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, and Che Yaoxian, a member of the Military Committee of the Sichuan Special Committee, who were imprisoned in the White Mansion, were brutally killed by military agents. Especially after 1947, the situation of the Liberation War began to change, and the Kuomintang vented its resentment of defeat on the battlefield on the prisoners, and constantly killed revolutionary volunteers.

In view of this situation, everyone discussed that the possibility of collective escape from prison was getting smaller and smaller, and asked Han Zidong to find an opportunity to escape first, report the situation in the prison to the organization, and take measures to rescue him.

Han Zidong went to the street to buy things, usually led by Yang Jinxing. Yang Jinxing is tall and tall, and he can also do some kung fu, and he is fierce and alert, and Han Zidong can't find any chance to escape when he takes him out. On August 18, 1947, Yang Jinxing and a few others went out, and Han Zidong took him out on the pretext of going to the street to buy goods.

Along the way, Han Zidong was thinking about how to escape, but he could not find the opportunity. While they were frustrated, the two walked to the ciqikou and met the White Mansion Military Doctor Wang Dian. Wang Dian said, "It's so hot, let's go eat some cold food." Han Zidong pinched his thigh, thinking in his heart to agree, promise it... But Lu Mingsen declined, which made Han Zidong sigh.

Coincidentally, at this time, Hu Weixiang, the caretaker of the White Mansion, also came over and invited the two to play mahjong at his house, saying that the neighbor had a girl in her early 20s who could invite her to play together. At this time, Lu Mingsen agreed, and Han Zidong also followed him to Hu Weixiang's house, sitting on a cool chair in the guest hall and pretending to sleep, but in fact, he wanted to escape.

Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

Yang Jinxing

Several people played a few laps, and Lu Mingsen seemed to have a good hand and kept playing cards. The attendant who looked at Han Zidong also gathered at the mahjong table from time to time to watch the game. He went back and forth several times, and when he saw that Han Zidong was sleeping, he let down his vigilance. Just as they were making a lot of noise, Han Zidong put his hat aside and pretended to go to the visual dead end of the outer courtyard wall.

At this time, he found that the two large wooden doors at the door were closed tightly, and if they wanted to open them, they would make a noise and attract attention, and the wall in front of him could not climb up with his bare hands, and he would make a sound if he did not make a sound. When I was thinking about what to do, I saw the flat burden I had put aside, so I used it to stand in the corner of the wall, stepped on it and climbed the edge of the wall with my hands, and then carefully climbed over the wall and escaped.

The guard watched the battle for half a day before reacting and found that Han Zidong was missing. Lu Mingsen immediately sent someone to look for it, but he couldn't find it everywhere, and only reported to director Ding Minzhi at 9 p.m. Ding Minzhi slapped the table and scolded him for being a "bandit", immediately imprisoned him, and then sent more agents to take the police dogs out to look for him and found him. Lu Mingsen was imprisoned for 20 months.

According to the prior plan, in order to avoid exposure, Han Zidong did not go to the local organization after escaping. Instead, it went all the way north, towards the Liberated Areas. He took a boat from Chongqing to Wuhan and then to Xuchang by train.

When he was in Xifeng Prison, Han Zidong knew a man named Zheng Shaofa, and the two had a good friendship, and agreed to go to his home to find him after arriving in Henan. This Zheng Shaofa went to Chongqing to find old Jiang to recognize his relatives (interested in self-search for "Zheng Shaofa"), and the result was that he was not seen but was imprisoned by Dai Kasa and treated preferentially in Xifeng, and was only released in 1946.

Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

Han Zidong found his home and worked in a hotel for a while with his help. He collected enough money for the road and asked Zheng Shaofa to get a pass, and finally found the Liberated Area on October 3, 1947. After a short debriefing and rest, he decided to go home first to see his wife and daughter.

Han Zidong, who had been away from his hometown for many years, finally returned to Hanzhuang Village in Yanggu County, Shandong Province. At that time, he was only 39 years old, but he was already full of white hair, his teeth were gone, he was skinny and bone-skinned, and he looked like an old man who had suffered many vicissitudes. After so many years of not being heard from, even his family in the village thought he was dead.

When he knocked on his door, neither his wife nor daughter recognized him, and his wife asked with a puzzled face, "Who are you looking for?" ”。 It wasn't until he said he was "Zi Dong" that the family cried with a headache.

After recuperating at home for a while, he decided to go to the Party Central Committee to report his experience and the situation in prison and rescue his fellow prisoners as soon as possible. On January 23, 1948, he came to Xibaipo to find the head of the organization department, introduced his situation, and submitted a 30,000-word escape report. After an organizational review, he was reinstated as a party member. An Ziwen, then deputy director of the Organization Department, said with emotion:

You can withstand 14 years of secret prison life, which is rare even among the party members, which is rare and precious.

Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

After liberation, Han Zidong worked in a number of central ministries and commissions, and was transferred to Guizhou in 1958, where he served as deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. He had worked in the military command, and there were several other comrades who had lurked with him, and those comrades had already died, and because they were all single-line contacts, no witnesses could be found, and their identities had never been recognized.

Han Zidong has been writing letters to his superiors as a prisoner to reflect. During those turbulent years, he was also slandered as a secret agent who was drunk and arranged to lurk, and was persecuted. Fortunately, Shen Drunk always adhered to the principle, denied this statement, and provided proof that he personally sent someone to hunt down Han Zidong.

In 1979, Song Zhenyong, the brother of "Little Radish Head", who was writing literature and historical materials on the "Xi'an Incident", visited Han Zidong in Guizhou, who had not yet implemented the policy. After seeing the family's difficult life, he reflected his situation to the central government, and Han Zidong's problem was solved.

Han Zidong was imprisoned by the military commander for 14 years, escaped with a flat shoulder, and when he returned home, his wife asked: Who are you looking for?

Han Zidong, who resumed his work, still exerted his residual heat and organized the "Little Radish Head Children's Working Committee", and he himself often went to schools across the country to tell the story of The Little Radish Head.

On May 19, 1992, Han Zidong died of illness in Guiyang at the age of 84.

Han Zidong was only a little older than a year old when he was arrested, but he was imprisoned for 14 years, and he only needed to do a simple "repentance" to gain freedom and reunite with his relatives, but he did not do that. After gaining his freedom, Han Zidong also had no obligation to constantly appeal to those comrades who had sacrificed, but he continued to insist. What drives him to persevere is probably the power of faith, principle and responsibility.

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