
Detailed process of three generations of IVF in Thailand

At present, there are three generations of mature ivy technology, namely the first, second and third generations. However, when infertile patients really want to do IVF fertility, there will always be some doubts in their hearts, IVF has three generations of technology, which generation am I suitable for? Is the third generation of IVF technology state-of-the-art, and is its operating process any different from the previous two generations? Let's follow Hengjian overseas to learn about it together.

Detailed process of three generations of IVF in Thailand

Hengjian Overseas said that in general, the third generation of IVF and the previous two generations of IVF technology is still relatively different, mainly reflected in the different indications of the population, the emergence of this technology not only broadens the scope of indications, but also effectively improves the success rate of IVF, and truly achieve eugenics. So, what is the third generation ivory process, let's take a closer look.

First, the specific process of the third generation of IVF:

1. Preliminary inspection stage

Before IVF enters the week, both men and women need to do a comprehensive physical examination. Usually, the time is on the second day of the woman's menstruation to see the doctor at the reproductive hospital and check the body. For example, gynecological examination blood routine analysis and basic endocrine hormone measurement, etc., the specific examination items also vary from person to person. Doctors develop ovulation induction regimens based on ovarian function and sex hormones.

2. Ovulation induction, monitoring of follicular stage

About 9-10 days. Generally on the second day of menstruation, the body is examined according to the ovarian function and sex hormone reports to start the induction injection, about 4-5 days of medication, the doctor again to perform sex hormone examination and B ultrasound monitoring of follicle development, to determine whether the drug and dose need to be adjusted. On the 9th day of menstruation, ultrasound B is performed to monitor the development of follicles, and if the development is up to standard (most follicles are above 40px), stop excretion and inject HCG needles at night.

Detailed process of three generations of IVF in Thailand

3. Egg retrieval, sperm retrieval, embryo in vitro culture and transfer

In the follicle development Y applied for about 10 days, the follicle matures, then the B ultrasound guidance through the yingdao vault puncture can retrieve the egg, when the female egg retrieval, male sperm retrieval. The sperm eggs are placed in special medium, in vitro inseminated, and after 3 days of culture, the fertilized eggs develop into embryos. If you do not do PGD examination, you can transplant fresh embryos into the uterine cavity. If PGD testing is required, the blastocyst needs to be transferred after the embryo has developed to 5-6 days.

4. After embryo transfer

5-6 days after the egg retrieval, the embryo develops into a blastocyst, the doctor will generally freeze the blastocyst, such as the woman's uterine lining is suitable for the transplant, if the endometrial conditions are not up to standard, the doctor will first formulate a conditioning endometrial program for the patient, and transplant when the intima thickness is appropriate.

At the time of transfer, the doctor will apply a very thin embryo transfer tube, implant the best quality embryos into the mother's uterus through the cervix, and decide the number of embryos to be transferred according to age, embryo quality and previous IVF experience, usually 1-2 embryos.

5. Determination of pregnancy

Serum HCG is measured approximately 10 days after embryo transfer to determine whether to become pregnant. You can choose to rest for 3-4 days and return to China for pregnancy testing, or you can stay until the tenth day of pregnancy testing and then return to the mainland. If unsuccessful, continue to wait for the next menstrual period and transfer the remaining embryos again.

Detailed process of three generations of IVF in Thailand

Hengjian overseas tips: Clinically, the third generation of test tube technology is not necessarily better than the first generation and the second generation, and different "generations" are not a substitution relationship, but a progressive relationship. Generally speaking, for couples who are not very old, J and eggs and ovarian function are still ideal, the technology of the first and second generation of test tubes is also recommended, and the specific choice of which generation of ivy tubes is fertile, or according to their physical condition, specific problems are analyzed.

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