
Fat Donglai, urgent declaration!

author:Securities Times

Fat Donglai issued statements one after another.

On June 29, the WeChat public account of "Fat Donglai Weichu Jewelry" issued a statement saying that it was recently found that some users on the Xiaohongshu platform used the company's shopping receipts, packaging bags, labels and jewelry boxes in videos and pictures in violation of regulations without the company's authorization, but the actual goods have no direct connection with the company, and its behavior has caused confusion and misleading to consumers, and has brought adverse effects to the company. At present, the above-mentioned misconduct has been reported to the market supervision and administration department, and reserves the right to pursue relevant responsibilities.

Fat Donglai said in the statement that Fat Donglai Weichu Jewelry is only sold in Fat Donglai Times Square stores and WeChat mini-program "DL Online Mall - Donglai Preferred Jewelry", and has not authorized any third-party platforms, institutions or individuals to sell. All purchasing behaviors for the company's goods have not been officially authorized by the company; If a third party imposes an improper act in the process of purchasing and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of the company, the company will pursue its legal responsibility in accordance with the law.

On the same day, the WeChat public account of "Fat Donglai Trading Group" issued a statement saying that the company found that there were products similar to the company's self-operated "craft wheat beer" packaging on the market, which had caused confusion to some customers.

The company enjoys intellectual property rights and has registered the copyright of the packaging design of its own "DL Craft Wheat Beer" and "DL Craft Dark Beer" cans, and any unit or individual who uses the above packaging design or uses similar packaging design without the company's authorization is suspected of infringement, and the company will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

At present, the company does not authorize any other units or individuals other than Xuchang Fat Donglai Supermarket Co., Ltd. to use the above packaging design, please pay attention to screening when purchasing, choose carefully, so as not to damage your rights and interests.

Fat Donglai has repeatedly voiced "anti-counterfeiting"

In fact, Fat Donglai has issued statements many times before to "crack down on fakes".

On April 5 this year, the WeChat official account of "Fat Donglai Trading Group" issued a statement saying that the company found a large number of infringements on multiple online platforms such as Taobao, Pinduoduo, Douyin, and Jingdong that used the company's registered trademark as a store (account) avatar and the company's trade name as a store (account) name without the company's authorization. Such behavior has caused misleading and confusion to consumers, harmed the interests of consumers, and seriously infringed on the legitimate rights and interests of the company.

For the above-mentioned infringements, the Company has taken necessary measures including but not limited to complaining to the platform, reporting to the administrative department, initiating litigation, etc., to protect rights in accordance with the law. All those who fraudulently use the company's name to carry out live streaming, open stores or carry out other commercial activities without the company's authorization must immediately stop all infringements, otherwise the company will resolutely pursue responsibility in accordance with the law.

On January 15 this year, the WeChat public account of "Fat Donglai Trading Group" also issued a statement saying that some illegal people forged the company's seal under the banner of "Xuchang Fat Donglai Trading Group Co., Ltd.", carried out false propaganda and online swiping fraud, and sought personal gain through illegal means. In this regard, the company has reported the case to the public security organs.

Fat Donglai: 100,000 yuan will be rewarded and 8.833 million yuan will be compensated

On June 27, entries such as "Fat Donglai compensated a total of 8.833 million yuan for customers who bought rolling dough" rushed to the hot search.

Previously, some customers reported on the Douyin platform on the evening of June 25 that the problem of poor sanitation in the "rolling dough" processing place of Xinxiang Fat Donglai Joint Venture Catering was received, and Fat Donglai attached great importance to it after receiving customer feedback, and immediately asked all the joint venture stalls of the catering department of the two stores in Xinxiang to be closed, and set up an investigation team to strictly investigate and implement the matter in combination with the head of the catering department.

In the early morning of June 27, the official WeChat public account of "Fat Donglai Trading Group" released the "Investigation Report on the Poor Sanitary Environment of the Rolling Dough Processing Site of Xinxiang Fat Donglai Catering Merchants", and gave a cash reward of 100,000 yuan to the customer who helped him discover a major food safety hazard; From June 9, 2024 to June 19, 2024, all customers who purchased rolling dough and spicy noodles at the catering department of Xinxiang Fat Donglai two stores will be refunded and given a compensation of 1,000 yuan (a total of 8,833 copies); and dismissed, dismissed, and canceled year-end benefits for the relevant staff of Fat Donglai; Xinxiang Fat Donglai dough rolling merchants are required to stop business from now on, and terminate the contract to terminate the cooperation, and withdraw the cabinet within a time limit.

Fat Donglai has started to help and reform many times

According to public information, Fat Donglai, which developed from Xuchang, Henan Province, is known as a fairy enterprise, Fat Donglai relies on good service and product quality to provide a shopping experience that exceeds consumer expectations, and in recent years, word of mouth has fermented to the Internet, attracting the attention of people across the country.

In 2023, Fat Donglai will become popular on social platforms with the "Grievance Award", and with the high salaries of employees, good benefits, guaranteed product quality and other details exposed, they have become a model in the industry.

Recently, Yu Donglai, the founder of Fat Donglai, said that he originally planned to earn 20 million yuan last year, but he did not expect to earn 140 million yuan at the end of the year, and the wages of employees are continuing to rise, the minimum income is about 7,000 yuan per month, and the salary of employees in many stores is generally more than 8,000 yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, Yu Donglai has frequently visited commercial and retail and other related enterprises, and at the same time, Fat Donglai has also launched the assistance and adjustment of supermarket enterprises such as *ST Bugao and Yonghui Supermarket, which has aroused widespread attention in the market.

On June 19th, Yonghui Supermarket was located in Zhengzhou Xinwan Square store to resume business, after the adjustment of Fat Donglai officially met with consumers, the scene lined up a long line, due to too many customers, the supermarket limited the flow, Internet celebrity moon cakes and beer were sold out at noon.

Yu Donglai appeared and said that the goal of supermarket renovation is to survive first, and then optimize step by step. He said that after the renovation of *ST Bugao, the daily sales of the store stabilized at 800,000 yuan, and sometimes it could rush to 1 million yuan, which met expectations. He said that he would promote other cooperation and promote the experience of Fat Donglai.

For cooperation with peers, Yu Donglai said that this is a good progress, the retail industry used to be jealous of involution, everyone worked very hard, and now they can help each other. In the past two years, the domestic supermarket industry has fully launched self-transformation and upgrading, which is a good change. When the whole industry walks out of the involution and moves towards value creation and peer-friendly development, it is a new development look.

He hopes that the business is healthy and worthy of the trust of employees, consumers and society. To this end, Fat Donglai tries to share products and services, share the supply chain, and release its own energy. You can't do anything to make money, and you can't leave a lot of regrets in order to make money. He also believes that whether it is the retail industry or the service industry, we must pay attention to social value, the boss can not put all the money in his own pocket, and the employees should also get benefits, and guide more people to learn how to live a simple life and learn a sunny and healthy life.

Source: Part of the synthesis from E company, Fat Donglai Trading Group's WeChat public account, etc

Editor-in-charge: Zhu Yumeng

Proofreading: Zhao Yan

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