
He was the secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and later the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and he lived for 94 years

He was the secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and later the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and he lived for 94 years

In 1910, there were two years left in the national fortunes of the Qing Dynasty, and in the late Qing Dynasty, because of the closed national policy, China had lagged behind the West for a long time.

Countless revolutionary martyrs set off a wave of overthrowing the faint rule of the Qing Dynasty, and in 1911 the first shot of the revolution was fired, the Wuchang Uprising,

Under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty felt pressure that they had never felt before. At this time, feudal society was already a remnant of feudalism, and the Qing Dynasty had no reason to continue to rule. Uprisings broke out everywhere, and finally in 1912, with Puyi reading the abdication edict in the Forbidden City, the Qing Dynasty also came to an end and became history.

This old gentleman, Duan Junyi, was also born in 1910, and he served as the first secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and lived to the age of 94.

He was the secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and later the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and he lived for 94 years

Duan Junyi was born in Pu County, Shandong, and now this place is under the jurisdiction of Henan, called Fan County. As a teenager, Duan Junyi attended middle school in Liaocheng, Shandong. At that time, the school was a hotbed of progressive ideas, many advanced ideas were the first to enter the school, and the students' receptivity was strong. These progressive ideas were soon understood, so the student movement began. Duan Junyi, who graduated from junior high school in 1931, went to Beiping to study.

In the following year, he was admitted to the Department of Political Science and Economics of Peking University of China with excellent results. Here, he came into contact with Marxism, accepted the influence of Marxism, and actively participated in the "129" patriotic movement.

In 1936, Duan Junyi joined the Communist Party of China as he wished, and when many students were arrested by the Kuomintang for demonstrations and protests, he led the All-China Federation of Students and the support of Song Qingling and others to carry out rescue operations. The following year, Duan Junyi went to Yan'an to study Marxism more systematically at the Central Party School in Yan'an, knowing that only socialism could save China.

Only the Communist Party can build a new China. After completing his studies, Duan Junyi returned to Shandong and began to struggle in the frontline of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

He was the secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and later the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and he lived for 94 years

In 1945, after Japan announced its unconditional surrender, the country was temporarily at peace, but the Kuomintang soon provoked a civil war.

During the Liberation War, Duan Junyi served as secretary of the Eyu District Party Committee and political commissar of the Military Region, when Liu Deng's army was advancing into Dabie Mountain.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Duan Junyi began to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of Chongqing Municipality, in 1952, transferred to the Central Committee, as the deputy minister of the First Ministry of Machinery Industry, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, all wastes flourished, an agricultural country, there is no industrial production capacity, the need to vigorously develop industry. In 1960, he became the Minister of the First Machinery Industry.

He was the secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and later the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and he lived for 94 years

During the Cultural Revolution, Duan Junyi was treated unfairly, and after the Gang of Four was crushed, Duan Junyi returned to work as Minister of Railways (the Ministry of Railways has now been abolished). In 1978, Duan Junyi was transferred from the central government to Henan as the first secretary of Henan Province, and after being transferred to Henan, his first thing was to rehabilitate comrades who had been unfairly treated during the Cultural Revolution, with remarkable results. So three years later, Duan Junyi was transferred to Beijing and became the first secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee.

At that time, Beijing was not as big as it is now, and many districts had not yet been included, Duan Junyi built many municipal projects during his time in Beijing, and at the same time he indicated that to accelerate Beijing's economic construction, Beijing as the capital should become a model.

He was the secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee and later the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and he lived for 94 years

After Deng Xiaoping's comeback, he adopted the advisory system, many young cadres were persecuted during the Cultural Revolution, and after the end of the Cultural Revolution, a large number of cadres were needed to rebuild, so Deng Gong advocated letting younger cadres take office, and the older cadres hoped that they would take the initiative to abdicate and give way to Xian because of their advanced age and energy. It is also in this context that there is the Central Advisory Committee.

In 1982, Duan Junyi served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Advisory Committee, and in 1992, in response to Deng Gong's call, he faded from his leadership position.

After that, Mr. Duan Junyi lived his old life until March 8, 2004, when he died at the age of 94.

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