
During the war, the Japanese army used this way to exercise their courage, and even women did not let go, which was simply inferior to animals

The Japanese invasion of China brought great harm to our people, and many ordinary people died under their butcher knives. They have committed more than eight massacres of more than 3,000 people in our country, men were directly and brutally killed by the Japanese army, while most of the women were raped first and then killed.

Although the Japanese army is cruel and ruthless, but they also have a lot of new recruits to Come to China, in the early days their courage is still very small, and they are very afraid of killing, but when they come to China, they must learn to kill, and many recruits are taking the living to train their courage.

During the war, the Japanese army used this way to exercise their courage, and even women did not let go, which was simply inferior to animals

Ishii Yoshiaki, a veteran of the invasion of China, became a prisoner and was imprisoned after Japan's defeat. During this time he recounted how he killed Chinese during the War of Resistance. In October 1943, Ishii Yoshiaki was stationed at Huanglong Temple in Yichang County, Hubei Province, when he was still a recruit, and after the end of training, several of the commanders were shouted away by their superiors.

Then some recruits were sent to dig pits, and everyone knew that this was going to kill people again, and after they had finished eating at noon, the recruits had already dug the pits, and in the afternoon the recruits began to train, and Ishii and some of the recruits were holding bayonets, and the instructor who was called Sakata at that time was loudly training them, which meant that they were to let these recruits practice their courage, but they were not allowed to shoot, and they had to use bayonets to deal with the enemies who had done bad things.

During the war, the Japanese army used this way to exercise their courage, and even women did not let go, which was simply inferior to animals

Ishii and the others were very nervous and scared after listening to it, they had been coming to China for more than half a year, they had not really killed anyone, they had not even experienced a formal battle, so they all felt very scared, and even trembled involuntarily.

After the instructor had finished his lecture, four captives were brought up, four men and a woman, all of whom had been basically tortured and looked so weak that they could not even stand steadily. Ishii thought to himself that these were the people who did bad things? It was too cruel for him to kill these unarmed and weak people, and his heart was still very unbearable.

During the war, the Japanese army used this way to exercise their courage, and even women did not let go, which was simply inferior to animals

Soon the five men were pulled down to the edge of the dug pit, and Ishii and the recruits stood silently behind them with guns. The instructor picked one of the men and made the prisoner fall to his knees, but the man did not follow at all, and the instructor angrily stabbed the prisoner several times with his bayonet, and the prisoner was in pain, but he still refused to kneel.

The instructor beat the captive again, and finally forced the captive to kneel on the ground, and the captive was not actually kneeling, but collapsed to the ground, very miserable. The instructor also disguised himself, brandishing a knife to cut the captive. The captive seemed to know that he was going to die, so he stabilized his body and let himself die a decent death, which was a very sad scene.

During the war, the Japanese army used this way to exercise their courage, and even women did not let go, which was simply inferior to animals

Then the instructor waved off the head of the prisoner, and the blood spurted out instantly, and the instructor immediately hid far away, but the boots were still stained with blood, and then the man was planted in the pit, but the head was not cut off, and there was breath. The instructor ordered each of them to stab the captive to death, and all the recruits were so frightened that no one even wanted to stand up, and finally the instructor dragged a recruit out.

At that time, the recruit's legs were trembling, and he hardly dared to move, and the instructor grabbed him angrily and kicked him into the pit. At that time, the recruit suddenly shouted loudly and stabbed at the prisoner like a madman, and finally completed the task.

During the war, the Japanese army used this way to exercise their courage, and even women did not let go, which was simply inferior to animals

The recruit was polite and polite, not at all like a person who could kill people, but he had completed his task, and Ishii thought that he must not be left behind, and he could not let the guy underestimate himself. When the recruit climbed up, the instructor was satisfied, and let everyone learn from him, and could not be merciful in the face of the enemy.

The instructor pulled another captive to the pit, and this captive did not resist after facing the killing of his compatriots, but automatically fell to his knees and looked at the instructor intently, in his eyes there was no fear, there was no anger, but a very calm look.

During the war, the Japanese army used this way to exercise their courage, and even women did not let go, which was simply inferior to animals

This expression of his made the instructor tense and stutter, he took the knife and walked behind the prisoner, took a deep breath and prepared to cut the man, and when he had not yet shot, another recruit took the initiative to stand up, hoping to give him a chance. At that time, everyone knew that this recruit was not only to solve the ugly appearance of the instructor, but also to ask for credit. The recruit's father was an alcoholic, very cruel, he had been abused for a long time, he was very cunning and cold-blooded, even very cold-blooded, and often bullied new people.

After the recruit took the knife, he went to the back of the prisoner and raised the knife to cut it down, and cut off the head with a knife, and even kicked the head as a ball, instantly rolling into their team, causing a riot, Ishii saw that the head's eyes were still moving, very terrifying.

During the war, the Japanese army used this way to exercise their courage, and even women did not let go, which was simply inferior to animals

The instructor praised him greatly, and at this time there were only three people left, the instructor asked Yamen to carry out a collective assassination together, tied the three people to the tree, they were divided into three groups, punched and kicked these prisoners separately, but no one dared to stab, and finally after being taught by the instructor, they began to assassinate, one after another, Ishii also plucked up courage, the captives at that time were scarred, very miserable, Ishii stabbed into the body of the captives, so that he was completely liberated, at that time Ishii was also relieved, thinking that he had done the right thing, so that the captives did not have to suffer.

The female captives were even more miserable, half-naked and covered in blood, and many people couldn't bear to look at it, and finally they learned that she was the wife of the guerrilla leader Zhang Ziliang, while the other four were his subordinates. These recruits had courage after practicing their courage and became murderous butchers.

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