
In World War II, Japan's worst battle, 190,000 prisoners of war were "killed" without a single one left!

In World War II, Japan's worst battle, 190,000 prisoners of war were "killed" without a single one left!

On September 18, 1931, Japan forcibly occupied the three eastern provinces of China, and in the face of the frenzied occupation of the Japanese army, the Nationalist government chose not to resist, which eventually led to the loss of millions of territories. On July 7, 1937, Japan began a full-scale invasion of China, and Japan's arrogant claim that it would take only three months to fully occupy China, and with the joint efforts of the Chinese military and people, Japan's wild words of "destroying China in three months" were shattered.

In World War II, Japan's worst battle, 190,000 prisoners of war were "killed" without a single one left!

By the time World War II unfolded in 1941, Japan was confined to the quagmire of land warfare. I don't know where the courage came from, the Japanese ran to attack the American Pearl Harbor. Subsequently, the United States declared war on Japan, and the participation of the United States in the war was probably the most regrettable thing for Japan. In addition to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan also launched a war against the American Philippine colonies and the British Malaya colonies at the same time.

In World War II, Japan's worst battle, 190,000 prisoners of war were "killed" without a single one left!

After pearl harbor was attacked, there was an uproar in the United States. At that time, the United States was ready to become the world's only superpower, and Japan's move was tantamount to provocation, so after the pearl harbor incident, the American people launched a solidarity campaign to demand that the government severely punish Japan. In addition to the United States, Australia also hates Japan. Later, the combined forces of the United States and Australia fought with Japan near the island of New Guinea.

In World War II, Japan's worst battle, 190,000 prisoners of war were "killed" without a single one left!

In this war, 200,000 Japanese were executed 190,000 people, and the rest were wounded. Only five percent of the Japanese survived. Before this war, the Japanese army was still clamoring to achieve the greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere, and after this war, the Japanese army went down the river and embarked on the road of defeat until the end of World War II!

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