
8-year-old prisoner of war, Mitsutoshi Akira: Exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and had children to become a rich man, and returned to China in his later years to find relatives

author:History has been seen

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, there was once a Chinese teenager who was very lucky to escape the scourge of killing, and was also adopted by Japanese officers, and after 40 years of inflow in Japan, he not only married his daughter-in-law but also became a rich man.

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, a Chinese teenager was very lucky to escape the scourge of killing, and was adopted by Japanese officers, living in Japan for 40 years, not only marrying a daughter-in-law but also becoming a rich man.

8-year-old prisoner of war, Mitsutoshi Akira: Exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and had children to become a rich man, and returned to China in his later years to find relatives

The twists and turns of his life turned into homesickness in his later years, and when he returned to the motherland in his later years, he did not hesitate to drag his inconvenient body back to his hometown to find his relatives, and the person who had such a tortuous life was Guang Junming, a Chinese who had been living in a foreign country since the age of eight.

Lucky to be alive

With the birth of Guang Junming, the Japanese invasion of China also launched a war, in the extremely turbulent years, the mother alone to take care of two children is very difficult, in order to be able to keep both children alive, Guang Junming's mother gave him to others, and his first adoptive father was a Kuomintang officer.

This Kuomintang lieutenant was very good to Guang Junming, not only sending him to study, but also providing a series of guarantees for his life, because of his adoptive father's military status, so Guang Junming has not been able to live stably in one place, often where the army goes, he goes to school.

8-year-old prisoner of war, Mitsutoshi Akira: Exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and had children to become a rich man, and returned to China in his later years to find relatives

Following the army will inevitably encounter war, once, Guang Junming's unit clashed with the Japanese army, more than 4,000 people became prisoners, at that time, the Japanese army was notoriously brutal, they chose to put more than 4,000 people all to death, only one person survived, and this person was only eight years old.

Hikari Toshiaki was also the subject of execution, and the reason why he was not executed was not because the soldiers remembered that he was young, so they did not kill the killer, but because there was an officer named Takahashi in the Japanese army, and when he saw Hikari Toshiaki, he remembered his brother, so he moved his compassion not to kill him.

8-year-old prisoner of war, Mitsutoshi Akira: Exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and had children to become a rich man, and returned to China in his later years to find relatives

At this time, Hikari Toshiaki was only eight years old, and he did not have an obvious perception of these Japanese in his heart, so he still behaved very innocently and cutely in the enemy's military camp, and this simple child who belonged to him successfully made him very popular in the Japanese military camp, only because the people who were tormented by the war saw the vitality and hope of life from him.

Gradually, everyone gradually accepted his existence, until 1945, Kwang Toshi myung followed the Japanese army to Vietnam, and in August of the same year, Japan unconditionally announced its surrender, and Hikari Junming became a prisoner again.

Travel to Japan

Unlike the brutality of the Japanese army, these prisoners were not killed, and after being settled between countries, Hikari Toshiaki's stay became a problem.

8-year-old prisoner of war, Mitsutoshi Akira: Exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and had children to become a rich man, and returned to China in his later years to find relatives

Although Hikari is a Chinese child, he has long been accustomed to the Japanese way of life. In addition, the organization could not find the family members related to Guang Junming, so leaving him in the country could only make him an orphan, and at that time, there was already a Japanese military doctor who expressed his willingness to adopt the child, so it was better to let the child follow the military doctor back to Japan to live, at least there was a guarantee of life.

Against this backdrop, the Chinese agreed to the military doctor's request and signed a petition to prove their relationship, and hikari came to Japan with his second adoptive father to live, and Hikari, who adopted him, came to Japan to live another life.

8-year-old prisoner of war, Mitsutoshi Akira: Exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and had children to become a rich man, and returned to China in his later years to find relatives

His adoptive father provided him with a stable enough life, and he himself worked very hard, not only to enter the university of business, but also to work in a foreign company after graduation, and then to become a rich man through entrepreneurship, during which time he also met local women and formed his own family.

Looking for loved ones

However, looking at the double harvest of his love career, Guang Junming has always had an unsolvable knot in his heart, that is, his nostalgia for his hometown. Although he had left his family at a very young age, he missed his mother and sister so much for many years that he had always cared about them.

8-year-old prisoner of war, Mitsutoshi Akira: Exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and had children to become a rich man, and returned to China in his later years to find relatives

He first went to the Chinese ambassador in Japan to express his wishes, and after hearing About Hikari's idea, many people followed up to help him find his family.

Finally, when it came to Guangjun tomorrow night, he returned to the country as he wished, but this was only the beginning of his search for his family, although in the end he still did not find his relatives at that time, but Guang Junming did not lack the company of relatives, and his life can be described as lucky.

In the war of aggression, many children as old as him lost their lives, but he was very fortunate to survive, although he was not able to grow up peacefully in his homeland, but his adoptive father was also very good to him, not only let him study, but also supported him in pursuing his dreams.

8-year-old prisoner of war, Mitsutoshi Akira: Exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and had children to become a rich man, and returned to China in his later years to find relatives

Guang Junming, who has not been able to find his relatives, is sympathetic, as Chinese, the bond between us and home is brought from the blood, in today's words, we spend our lives looking for the direction of home, and for Guang Junming, he is also the same.

This life experience was very tortuous for him, but it was also very significant, so he left a book called "The Eight-Year-Old Prisoner" to record the story of his life.

In the rolling history, the story of Guang Junming is just one of the grains of sand, but whether he is lucky or unlucky, we can feel Chinese's nostalgia for his hometown, no matter how far we go, our hearts cannot let go of their own bondage to their hometown.

8-year-old prisoner of war, Mitsutoshi Akira: Exiled to Japan for 40 years, married and had children to become a rich man, and returned to China in his later years to find relatives

Now that painful history is far away, we look forward to the long-term continuation of the peaceful situation between the two countries, and the real demand for no more war in the world. Aggression and aggression should not occur in this world, the damage caused by war takes a long time to heal, which can be a pain that can hurt anyone, so why don't we choose to close it permanently?

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