
The volunteers transported the prisoners, and the political commissar demanded that they risk their lives, but on the way, they were killed by A US plane

author:Bing said

Author: Sea Breeze

On November 14, 1951, during the Korean War, the Chief of The U.S. Military Justice Service, James W. Bush, was elected to the United States Military Justice Department. Han Lai released false news to reporters that Chinese and North Korean troops had killed American prisoners of war and other Allied prisoners of war in North Korea. The next day, US President Harry S. Truman also openly spread rumors, and Western newspapers and radio stations also talked about this matter with a nose and an eye. So, what exactly is the truth?

The volunteers transported the prisoners, and the political commissar demanded that they risk their lives, but on the way, they were killed by A US plane

From October to December 1950, in two battles, the Volunteer Army annihilated 51,800 allied and Korean troops, capturing a total of 14,211 enemy soldiers. The Volunteers were required to move prisoners of war to the rear in time, but because the U.S. army airdropped tens of thousands of tons of bombs every day on the lines of communication, it posed a great threat and difficulty in transporting prisoners of war.

No matter how difficult the difficulties were, the volunteers still overcame many difficulties to achieve the goal of transit.

After the end of the second campaign, the volunteer Translator Li Bingyun's regiment captured 141 American prisoners and organized a small detachment to transport the prisoners, and the regimental political commissar asked them to sacrifice their lives and ensure that the prisoners were transported to the Bitong prisoner of war camp on the Yalu River.

In order to avoid bombing, the transport team set off from 5 o'clock in the evening, but the road was full of dangers, and only 24 kilometers were traveled in 18 hours. On the way to transport the captives, many accidents occurred. A volunteer soldier fell off a cliff in search of 2 American prisoners who had fallen behind, and 3 seriously wounded prisoners of war died of their wounds. The U.S. military launched an air raid that killed 7 prisoners of war on the spot.

The harsh reality made some prisoners of war despair. One night, an American sergeant suddenly pounced on a wounded guard soldier and took a gun. He did not shoot at the volunteers, but at the captives.

The volunteers transported the prisoners, and the political commissar demanded that they risk their lives, but on the way, they were killed by A US plane

He roared, "I save you in the name of God!" "He killed 5 American prisoners and wounded 17, a soldier of our army was seriously wounded and killed, and the director of the department was slightly injured."

The Director of Department quickly arranged for the treatment of the wounded, and then convened a meeting of all personnel. He said: "Along the way, I know that everyone is very bitter. More than two years ago, I was a sergeant squad leader in Chiang Kai-shek's army, and after the defeat I became a prisoner. At first I was scared, and the PLA was lenient with prisoners, and the actions of this army made me believe in them. ”

The translator could not accurately express the director's meaning due to his limited level of education, and one of the captains in the prisoner-of-war group stood up and said, "I can speak Chinese, I will translate for you, can I?" The director nodded.

Several prisoners of war asked, "Is it true that I heard that you sent us to the rear so that we would be tortured to death?" The secretary said, "Not so. Thousands of people used to be prisoners with me, and everyone started to worry. Later, the People's Liberation Army released the prisoners of war, and the prisoners of war all went home, and I voluntarily stayed and became a cadre. ”

The volunteers transported the prisoners, and the political commissar demanded that they risk their lives, but on the way, they were killed by A US plane

When the captain translated the chief's words into English, the prisoners were surprised. The secretary-general went on to say, "I rarely tell anyone about this experience. I say this today to let you know that the Volunteers strictly adhere to the policy of treating prisoners. The United States air-dropped bombs pose a threat to us, and as long as we are willing to work together, we will be able to overcome the difficulties. ”

After translating the words of the chief of staff, the captain said to the prisoners: "I stayed in China for a long time during World War II, and I learned that Chinese is moral. I hope that everyone will abide by discipline and overcome difficulties together. Later, the prisoners of war elected the captain as the prisoners' representative and conveyed their hearts, who were willing to reflect on the successive unfortunate events.

Faced with a shortage of food during the transfer, the Director immediately requested support from his superiors. Two days later, the rear leaders of the Volunteer Army received the report and immediately sent a car to bring rice, salted fish and canned food, solved the food problem of the prisoners of war, and took more than 20 seriously wounded and sick prisoners of war to the hospital for treatment. A week later, the prisoners of war arrived at their destination.

The volunteers transported the prisoners, and the political commissar demanded that they risk their lives, but on the way, they were killed by A US plane

In accordance with international conventions, Mr. Peng issued orders for leniency in the matter of prisoners of war, including ensuring the safety of prisoners of war's lives, treating prisoners of war who were wounded and sick, and retaining prisoners' personal belongings. The Volunteers strictly implemented policies concerning prisoners of war. In the early days of the establishment of the Bitong prisoner of war camp, due to the large number of prisoners of war, the supply of materials was even more scarce, especially the lack of cigarettes.

An American prisoner of war wanted to smoke and said to a cadre, "How about I exchange a gold watch for a pack of cigarettes with you?" The cadre said: "The volunteer army has strict rules, and the personal belongings of prisoners of war are retained. I can give you some cigarettes. "There are many more examples like this that are not moved by the temptation of money.

The volunteers transported the prisoners, and the political commissar demanded that they risk their lives, but on the way, they were killed by A US plane

Peter, a British prisoner of war in a battalion and a regiment, suddenly contracted acute pneumonia and his life was in danger. At that time, medicines were very rare, and Qian Hua, director of the health department, and military doctors asked the regimental commander Zhang Zhisun for instructions: "Peter's life is in danger, but our regiment only has ten life-saving penicillins, what to do?" The regimental commander replied: "Human life is at stake, and it should be used." ”

After treatment, Peter's body recovered, and he said with tears in his eyes: "Thank you volunteers for saving my life." "At the end of the last century, Peter came to China to express his gratitude.

The volunteers transported the prisoners, and the political commissar demanded that they risk their lives, but on the way, they were killed by A US plane

In order to publicize the preferential treatment policy of the volunteer army, on November 11, 1950, Peng Dehuai, Deng Hua, and Du Ping jointly sent a telegram to Beijing, recommending the release of 103 prisoners of war. On the 12th, the chairman called back: "Your practice of releasing a group of prisoners of war is very good, you should release the prisoners of war quickly, and then release them in batches at any time, without asking for instructions." ”

After receiving the call back, Peng Dehuai immediately ordered: "Release the prisoners of war immediately." "The cadres in charge of the prisoners of war preached the policy to the prisoners, gave them haircuts, bathed them, fed them enough, arranged four trucks, and sent them through the cordon.

The volunteers transported the prisoners, and the political commissar demanded that they risk their lives, but on the way, they were killed by A US plane

When the prisoners of war were released, the volunteers returned the personal belongings of the prisoners of war who had been kept on their behalf, and also issued "security passes" and souvenirs, which made the prisoners very moved. The PRISONERS cherished the Security Pass and carefully kept it in their pockets, saying, "Being a PRISONER of War is safer than combat." ”

This act of releasing prisoners of war in the line of fire shocked the outside world, and the US authorities desperately blocked the news. When news reached the camp at a press conference that the Americans claimed that Chinese troops had killed prisoners of war in North Korea, the prisoners angrily said, "Why lie?" We are obviously alive, is this intended to not want us anymore? The prisoners of war issued an open letter.

Some Western media objectively reported on the transfer and release of prisoners of war by the volunteers. Several U.S. newspapers published editorials expressing skepticism about Hanley's claims, saying: "So far, there is no definitive evidence that Chinese killed prisoners of war." ”

The volunteers transported the prisoners, and the political commissar demanded that they risk their lives, but on the way, they were killed by A US plane

Captured U.S. Division Commander Dean

Canada's Vancouver Daily reported: "Chinese released the wounded prisoners of the United States countless times, they sent the wounded who could not walk due to leg injuries to a safe place on the border between the two armies, and planted a white flag to mark the location of the prisoners of war." ”

An American writer wrote in the book: "Chinese show great sympathy for prisoners of war, especially the wounded. ”

After the armistice was signed, the Volunteers repatriated all prisoners of war. The volunteer army guaranteed the safety of the prisoners of war, gave preferential treatment to the prisoners of war, won the trust of the prisoners of war, and was praised by the world.

【Deeply cultivate the history of war, carry forward positive energy, welcome to submit, private messages will be restored】

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