
Why are prisoners of war always executed smoothly and no one resists? Some experts have explained 4 reasons


Since the birth of human civilization, war has never stopped, but the situation of war has been constantly changing. From the very beginning of the cold weapon war to today's high-tech war. When it comes to war, World War II is the most impressive! At that time, more than half of the world's countries were more or less involved, and in order to achieve the final victory, people also used a variety of high-end weapons. Under the threat of aircraft and tanks, tens of thousands of people will be buried in the sea of fire in an instant! And along with the war, in addition to casualties, there are also prisoners of war...

Why are prisoners of war always executed smoothly and no one resists? Some experts have explained 4 reasons

No camp wanted to mistreat prisoners of war

In the beginning, the victors were mostly cruel to prisoners of war. They would torture these prisoners of war with all kinds of cruel means, and even death was a gift. So being a prisoner of war is definitely a lingering nightmare for every soldier! In view of this situation, international organizations had to appeal to States, hoping that such abuses of prisoners of war would not recur, and had introduced relevant agreements.

However, when war actually comes, these provisions are often difficult to implement. It is not difficult for careful friends to find that during World War II, many countries would not be soft when dealing with prisoners of war.

Why are prisoners of war always executed smoothly and no one resists? Some experts have explained 4 reasons

As the representative of the fascist countries, Japan committed countless crimes against Asian countries during World War II. Especially in China, they openly slaughtered civilians, and created the appalling Nanjing Massacre in Nanjing alone! However, thanks to the efforts of the anti-fascist countries, the Japanese invaders were soon defeated, and the Soviet Union at that time was also deeply affected by Japan.

The angry Soviets escorted hundreds of thousands of captured Japanese soldiers home and sent them to distant Siberia for labor reform. It should be known that Siberia is cold all year round, the temperature is extremely low, and many Japanese prisoners of war have died in the local area due to environmental discomfort.

Why are prisoners of war always executed smoothly and no one resists? Some experts have explained 4 reasons

Why didn't the prisoners of war resist?

The Japanese government, which embraced the spirit of Bushido at the time, vowed that these hundreds of thousands of people would resist until the last moment, but what they did not expect was that these prisoners of war did not resist in the slightest. In fact, we often see in documentaries or film and television dramas that a person executes a group of prisoners of war. I believe that everyone is very confused, why do these prisoners of war not resist, but let them be slaughtered?

In this regard, a military expert once explained the reasons to everyone:

Why are prisoners of war always executed smoothly and no one resists? Some experts have explained 4 reasons

The first is that these prisoners of war have been imprisoned for a long time, and they have lost their most basic fighting spirit. In the army, "pre-war mobilization" is a very important thing, so soldiers who lack spiritual strength are scattered, lose morale, and have no combat effectiveness.

Second, the captives were to be separated and imprisoned, so they didn't know each other. And the commanders of these prisoners of war were also executed in advance, or held incommunicado. With the dragons leaderless and unfamiliar with each other, prisoners of war were easily slaughtered. I believe that if there is a person with appeal who can stand up and lead everyone to make a rigorous plan, then the situation is likely to be very different.

Then there are many soldiers who, after being captured, still have illusions and luck. They believe that they will inevitably die if they resist, but as long as they do not resist, then they at least have a chance to save their lives, even if they spend the rest of their lives in prison!

Finally, the execution of prisoners is actually a very confidential matter. Many PRISONERs of war walked to the execution ground without knowing where they were going, until they finally found out that they were helpless. So as we all know, the execution of multiple prisoners of war by one person is entirely common sense.

Why are prisoners of war always executed smoothly and no one resists? Some experts have explained 4 reasons


After two world wars, human beings have always been very afraid of war. But even so, in some countries it is still full of smoke every day. In human history, the accumulation of resources and the ability of science and technology can determine the outcome of war, but it depends on human nature that can determine whether war occurs or not!

Hope for world peace!


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