
What are the matters that need to be paid attention to before the third generation IVF transplant in Changsha?

With the spread and popularization of IVF technology, this technology has become the best way to treat infertility, which not only improves the success rate of IVF but also ensures the health of the fetus and gives patients more confidence. Although the success rate of IVF technology is very high today, there are still many uncertainties that can affect it, so it is necessary to pay attention to precautions and maintain healthy living habits before IVF transplantation.

What are the matters that need to be paid attention to before the third generation IVF transplant in Changsha?

Introduction to IVF 3rd Generation:

Hengjian overseas introduction, the third generation of IVF, also known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), refers to the method of taking the genetic material of the embryo before the embryo transfer of IVF-ET, diagnosing whether there is abnormality, screening healthy embryo transfer, and preventing the transmission of genetic diseases.

The assay takes 1 cell of 4 to 8 cell stage embryos or the first diode of the egg before and after fertilization. Sampling does not affect embryonic development. Single-cell DNA analysis is used for detection, one is polymerase chain reaction (PCR), to detect male and female sexes and ungene genetic diseases; The other is fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), which detects sex and chromosomal disorders. Edwards proposed the idea of PGD as early as 1964.

What are the matters that need to be paid attention to before the third generation IVF transplant in Changsha?

Precautions before IVF transplantation:

1, pay attention to sexual life, do IVF, want to live a sex life a week ago there is no big problem, but should also do a good job of contraception, in addition, during IVF transplantation, try to avoid not having sex, otherwise it is easy to have pelvic inflammatory diseases, there may be miscarriage after pregnancy, and before IVF transplantation, the mood can not be depressed, you need to keep a happy mood, nor can you overwork, pay more attention to rest, so as to effectively improve the probability of success.

2, first of all, you should see whether your physical condition can be transplanted at this stage, or if one of the husband and wife has any family genetic diseases, at this time, you should also consult with the doctor in advance to see whether there will be a genetic situation, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

3, do not have bad living habits, if you want to do IVF, a month before the couple should not have bad living habits, such as smoking and drinking, etc., and during this period it is best not to eat Y, so as not to have the opposite effect, in addition to the usual diet should be reasonable, maintain the right amount of exercise, so that the quality of eggs and J can be better, but also improve the probability of female pregnancy, IVF success is much higher.

4, enhance their own resistance, before doing IVF, couples should enhance their own resistance, so as to ensure the probability of implantation of the fetus, it is recommended to do more aerobic exercise during this period to avoid colds, for friends with gynecological diseases, they should go to the hospital in time for treatment, and usually eat more vegetables and fruits. In addition, for female friends, after menstruation, you can eat some blood-replenishing food appropriately to make your body better and better, which will have many benefits for the success of conception.

What are the matters that need to be paid attention to before the third generation IVF transplant in Changsha?

5, pay attention to age, since you want to do IVF, the hospital has very strict requirements for the age and physical and mental health of the couple, especially female friends, the age is best not to exceed forty years old, even if it is difficult to conceive, the probability of eventual miscarriage is much higher, and it may cause the fetus to appear deformed.

6, maintain adequate sleep, before doing IVF transplantation, want to improve the implantation rate of the fetus, during this period the couple should maintain adequate sleep, so that the effect will be much better, and personal hygiene should also pay more attention, usually add more nutrition, couples are in good health, the probability of pregnancy is much higher.

7, pay attention to diet, before doing IVF, diet needs to pay more attention, in addition, when starting to inject, this period should also eat more foods containing protein, such as soy milk and milk, etc., these foods can make the follicles grow better, thereby improving the chances of pregnancy, remember not to eat spicy and stimulating food during IVF, so as not to be very effective.

8, there is another very important point, that is, your mentality. A nervous body that hangs its heart in its throat every day, the baby does not like to get in bed in such a body. Maintain a pleasant mood, whether it is success or failure, you must calmly cope. This is also very important for success or failure.

The above is the precautions that need to be paid attention to before or during the entire IVF transplant, as well as some ways to maintain good health, for infertility patients, these are worth paying attention to, in order to improve the success rate of IVF to pay more attention.

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