
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan

"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan

Liu Xiangyuan, Zi Yaowu, Yinghe resident, Yueyueshan, male, Han ethnicity, CPC member, born in October 1973 in Taihe County, Anhui Province, is currently a member of the Heilongjiang Provincial Calligraphers Association and a director of the Heihe Calligraphers Association.

Calligraphy works:

National "Zen - Art No Two" Calligraphy Competition Excellence Award,

National "Fulu Shouxi Meilan Bamboo Chrysanthemum" Silver Award,

The 19th National Children's Calligraphy and Painting Competition Organization Guidance Award,

Excellence Award of the 6th Beishan Cup National Calligraphy and Painting Competition

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of Guan Xiaofeng's birth, the National Doufang Works Competition

The Heihe Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the first prize of the exhibition of the "Hanmo Book Is Clean, Danqing Painting Qingfeng" Honest Government Calligraphy and Painting Competition

Heihe Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department commemorated the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up first prize,

Heilongjiang Province", "Integrity Guidelines" to do the second prize of hard pen calligraphy for honest cadres,

Heihe City "Tiangong Cup" New Year Calligraphy Exhibition won the third prize,

Heihe City won the third prize in the first exhibition of Linti calligraphy works,

Heihe City "Ecological Longjiang, The Most Beautiful Heihe" Tourism Calligraphy Competition won the third prize.

Third Prize of the 3rd China-Russia International Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of the 3rd Tourism Development Conference

Heihe City Military Affairs Bureau "Veterans always follow the party, inherit the red gene, continue to write the glory of the military" competition third prize

Heihe City Federation of Trade Unions organized in Heihe City Calligraphers Association organized the "Brilliant Hundred Years, Struggle for a New Era" Heihe City Staff Calligraphy and Painting Works Exhibition Third Prize

Bronze Medal of the First "Beautiful World" Peony Calligraphy and Painting Invitation Exhibition

Heilongjiang Provincial Book Association "Yamaguchi Lake Cup" Calligraphy Exhibition Excellence Award

Heihe City "Li Ye Cup" Calligraphy Competition Excellence Award,

Heihe Calligraphers Association and Huatai Real Estate welcomed the Excellence Award of 19 Calligraphy Exhibitions

93 Agricultural Management Bureau Anti-epidemic Calligraphy Network Exhibition Excellence Award

He is currently a member of the Heilongjiang Calligraphers Association and a director of the Heihe Calligraphers Association.

Heihe Calligraphers Association, Heihe Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Association, Heihe Hexing Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. jointly organized the "Don't Forget the Party's Grace, Hanmo Lyrical "Hexing Cup" Calligraphy Works Exhibition" won the Excellence Award.

Entered the Exhibition of Zhenwu Liquor Industry Cup National Calligraphy and Painting Sketch Competition

Selected for the 3rd Heilongjiang Province Newcomers New Works Calligraphy Exhibition,

Entered the Heilongjiang Province Linti Exhibition,

Participated in the exhibition of Chinese and Russian culture collection calligraphy exhibition,

Entered the exhibition of calligraphy for the 55th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in Heihe City,

Entered the Heihe City "Changhui Real Estate Cup" calligraphy exhibition,

Heihe City [With the Party of One Heart, One Mind, One Way with the People] Online Calligraphy Exhibition

Engraved works:

In the first provincial "Longjiang Book Carving" fine exhibition, the engraved work "Climbing the Cloud fishing moon" won the Excellence Award and was collected.

Won the "Tiangong Cup" engraving exhibition in Heihe City (award engraving work "Hanshu Under wine").

Entered the Heilongjiang Provincial Lettering Exhibition.

Liu Xiangyuan's calligraphy is in practical practice, paying attention to the overall layout of chapters, brushwork, ink method, orthography, blank space between lines and verticals, natural and smooth pen movement, dot painting skimming, retracting, retracting and releasing dangerous oblique changes are natural and appropriate, pay attention to the balance of center of gravity, hidden like Taishan, and pay great attention to stroke strength and stroke thickness.

"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan
"Opening the Year Of Great Dedication, Golden Tiger Nafu" 2022 special recommended artist - Liu Xiangyuan

Calligraphy is an art that can be described as "benevolent people see benevolence, wise people see wisdom", can not be generalized, looking at Liu Xiangyuan's calligraphy works, his calligraphy works fully reflect the calligraphy solemn, smooth, strong, ancient and clumsy. His calligraphy is dignified and free, imposing, thick and calm, dignified and atmospheric, not seeking state but not being prepared, not seeking beauty but beauty in it. Liu Xiangyuan's calligraphy pays attention to calligraphy, penmanship, chapter method, ink method, natural change, proper expansion and contraction, force through the back of the paper, balance of gravity, and seek refuge in danger. Orthography; poly-dot drawing into words, "balanced symmetry, harmonious contrast, appropriate primary and secondary, dense and moderate, diverse and unified."

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