
When the Eight-Power Alliance invaded Beijing, why didn't Guangxu take advantage of Cixi's flight to the west and regain his power?

In the twenty-sixth year of the Qing Dynasty, the Boxer Rebellion intensified, and Cixi felt that "the people's hearts were available" and transferred this group of "divine warriors and gods" to the capital to fight against the Western powers. The great powers used this as an excuse to gather their armies to attack Beijing.

At the critical juncture, Cixi unexpectedly declared war on the eleven most advanced powers at that time, and as a result, in less than two months, she was chased by foreigners and fled to Xi'an.

Under normal circumstances, the chaotic world is often the best time for power change, so it has been suggested that Guangxu can take the opportunity to get rid of Cixi and regain power.

If you think so, it's really naïve...

When the Eight-Power Alliance invaded Beijing, why didn't Guangxu take advantage of Cixi's flight to the west and regain his power?

To say that the change of power in the chaotic world is indeed not uncommon in Chinese history. For example, at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the world was in chaos, the rebel army was about to kill Xianyang, and the baby who had just been established as the King of Qin killed Zhao Gao and took sole power;

Another example is the Tang Dynasty Anshi Rebellion, the crown prince Li Heng successfully escaped the control of his father Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong, and declared himself emperor in Lingwu, turning his father into Emperor Taishang;

For example, in the Northern Song Dynasty, when the Jin soldiers suppressed the territory, Song Qinzong was self-determined, killing Tong Guan, who was favored by his father Emperor Huizong, and other traitors, and there was also a scene of Zhongxing returning to the light.

Then can Guangxu also be concocted in accordance with the law?

The answer is, no way!

Tang Xuanzong and Song Huizong would be seized of power, because they themselves did not care much about that power.

When the Anshi Rebellion broke out, Tang Xuanzong fled to Shuzhong to avoid disaster, saw his father and common people stopping the car, afraid of delaying his escape, he sent the crown prince Li Heng to stay and deal with it, and as a result, Li Heng took the opportunity to become independent. Xuanzong was helpless, but he also acquiesced to this result, because in his twilight years, he really had no heart, and he was powerless to face that broken mountain and river anymore.

Song Huizong is even more so, Jin Bing invaded the situation, the first thing Huizong wanted to do was to take the initiative to abdicate, and even pretended to be ill, and his son did not want to take over.

But Cixi was different, from the time of her husband Xianfeng's reign, Cixi began to help her husband approve the recital. After his son ascended the throne, Cixi defeated the eight ministers of Gu Ming and Prince Gong Yixuan, and finally monopolized power.

After decades of calling for wind and rain, this woman's thirst for power has never been exhausted, even when the great tribulation is imminent, and she must be allowed to take the initiative to give up power, unless the sun rises in the West. This is the essential difference between the old lady and Tang Xuanzong and Song Huizong.

When the Eight-Power Alliance invaded Beijing, why didn't Guangxu take advantage of Cixi's flight to the west and regain his power?

Why can't the scene of the baby killing Zhao Gao be repeated on Guangxu?

Because Zhao Gao did not have any defense against the puppet of Zi Bao at first, and Cixi had already strictly guarded Against Guangxu, that is, because of the Coup d'état!

In the twenty-fourth year of Guangxu, two years before the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, Guangxu reused Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, and others to carry out the Hundred Days Restoration, but his behavior gradually violated Cixi's authority.

In order to be able to carry out thorough reforms, Guangxu contacted Yuan Shikai, who thought he was obedient, hoping that he would lead his troops to surround the Summer Palace and imprison Cixi, thus completely eradicating the Hou Party. As a result, Yuan Shikai decided that Guangxu's uprising was unsuccessful, and turned around and reported the mutiny plan to Cixi's close confidante Rong Lu, who was directly subordinate to him.

Cixi rushed back to the Forbidden City, imprisoned Guangxu, killed Tan Si and the other "Six Gentlemen of Wushu", and Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and others fled. Cixi retrained her government, and from then on there was no great power to fall by.

With this lesson from the past, Cixi clearly understood that Guangxu is not a fuel-saving lamp. This adopted son who grew up himself felt that his wings were hard and he could do anything. Therefore, since the coup d'état, Guangxu has never been freed, but has been imprisoned in Yingtai.

Guangxu had already tried to launch a mutiny, could Cixi give Guangxu another chance? Therefore, I knew with my knees that even if Cixi fled to Xi'an, she must have taken Guangxu with her, and on the way to escape, it was impossible to relax her guard over him.

After all, the days of fleeing to Xi'an, although they were awkward, stimulated Cixi's greater vigilance. There was already wolf smoke outside, how could it make the backyard catch fire again? If you don't leave the capital, leave the capital, Guangxu's life will only be more bitter.

Therefore, before evacuating the capital, cixi first did was to throw Guangxu's favorite woman, who was also the most loyal helper of his transformation, into the well and drown, and since then Guangxu can be said to have completely become a lonely person, and the eunuch palace women who can be contacted around him are all monitored by empress dowager Yi, and there is not even a person who can be trusted.

In this case, even if he wants to seize power, who can he find?

When the Eight-Power Alliance invaded Beijing, why didn't Guangxu take advantage of Cixi's flight to the west and regain his power?

Guangxu himself could not do anything, and there was another possibility that the situation could change, that is, the ministers took the initiative to get rid of Cixi and welcome Guangxu.

It is reasonable to say that this is not impossible, after all, there have been careerists in all dynasties, like Dong Cheng at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who knows whether the "Belt Commandment" in his hand was given by Emperor Xian of Han or forged by himself.

There really were such people in the Guangxu Dynasty, but unfortunately, this person was the famous "big fool" Kang Youwei. After he went into exile, he declared that he held the Guangxu Emperor's "Edict of Clothing" and called on benevolent people to donate enthusiastically, promising the high-ranking official Houlu.

As a result, the money allowed him to invest in his own property and buy an island in Northern Europe as a pension place. With such a "pig teammate" ruining his reputation, who would dare to help Guangxu?

Overseas hope is not up, look at the domestic bar.

First of all, the ministers of the DPRK and the Central Committee, whether these people stayed in the capital or drove the "Western Hunting", none of them dared to help Guangxu. They had all watched the failure of the Peng shu transformation method, tan si and the other six gentlemen's heads fell to the ground, who was impatient to find themselves unhappy?

When the Eight-Power Alliance invaded Beijing, why didn't Guangxu take advantage of Cixi's flight to the west and regain his power?

In the end, all that remains is the governor of the localities, but what are they busy with? Southeast Mutual Insurance!

Ever since Cixi declared war on the great powers, the southeastern governors with heavy troops were shocked by this old woman and lost their jaws. From that moment on, these people were even in a showdown with the Qing court.

Liu Kunyi, the governor of Liangjiang, Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Huguang, and almost all the southern governors and some northern feudal officials signed treaties with the great powers, declaring that they would not recognize the orders of the Qing court and would not be enemies of the great powers. They even agreed that once the Qing Dynasty was defeated, a republic would be established and Li Hongzhang would be elected as the president.

You say you support Guangxu's seizure of power? Sorry, the old masters are not rare at all! The little power of the Qing Dynasty was no longer worth mentioning in the eyes of the southeast governor. Then who would be idle and run to take care of Guangxu's life and death?

Therefore, Cixi did not let down his vigilance, the courtiers did not dare to help, and the overseer did not care whether he was dead or alive, Guangxu could only continue to wait for death under Cixi's surveillance!

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