
Li Shimin's peaceful and prosperous life is inseparable from Wei Zheng's merits

In 627 AD, the first year of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin was only 29 years old, although he had not yet entered the year of establishment, but a generation of prosperity had slowly begun in his hands.

In the early years of Li Shimin's conquest, he created a piece of music "Qin King Breaking The Array Music", as a military song of the Tang Dynasty, this music sounds majestic and exciting. The first year of Zhenguan also represented an inflection point in the Tang Dynasty's transition from war to peace, and Li Shimin established the main direction of his great politics, curbing war and killing, and attaching importance to the development of culture and etiquette.

Li Shimin's peaceful and prosperous life is inseparable from Wei Zheng's merits

To this end, Li Shimin also created a Hongwen Museum, which brought together the best eighteen scholars at that time, collected many scriptures, histories, sub-books, and collections, and let many literary Hongru work in the museum, and he often took time to discuss with them the rise and fall of the emperors of previous dynasties. Li Shimin told the world with his own actions.

However, at this time, there was a thing that was inconsistent with the times, and the famous general Li Yi actually rebelled again. Li Yi was originally Li Jiancheng's nemesis, believing that his military merits were too high, and he also fought against Li Shimin's subordinates in his early years. When the crown prince was killed, Li Yi also felt panicked, he knew that Li Shimin should have to clean him up, but Li Shimin did not kill him completely, and gave him a false title.

Li Yi realized that this was the beginning of danger, and the emperor did so because he was afraid of the military power in his hands. At this time, a strange thing happened to Li Yi's wife, a witch secretly told her that she was too expensive to say, and she would become a mother in the world in the future. Later, he looked at Li Yi's face and said: The nobleness of the princess is due to the great king, and the great king should be promoted to the great throne. Is this not clearly encouraging Li Yi to rebel?

Li Shimin's peaceful and prosperous life is inseparable from Wei Zheng's merits

At that time, it was already the Taiping era, the four seas returned to their hearts, and the common people did not want to have any more conquests, and Li Yi was undoubtedly unpopular in doing so. But fit your own situation. Li Yi still decided to try it, and the result can be imagined that Li Yi's rebellion is equivalent to a farce. Before the soldiers suppressed by the imperial court had left the capital, Li Yi's head had already arrived in the capital.

For Li Shimin, there is more than one good news. At that time, on the border of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Junzhang, who had been suffering for a long time, also suddenly returned to the imperial court. This wavering small group has been a scourge on the Tang Dynasty's borders since the last years of the Sui Dynasty.

There is a reason why they chose to return, because they are attached to their master, the Eastern Turks have slowly come to an end, and the turks are like this mainly due to natural and man-made disasters.

Li Shimin's peaceful and prosperous life is inseparable from Wei Zheng's merits

Since the establishment of the Eastern Turks, the state has become increasingly powerful because they are simple and their political orders are very simple and easy to implement. Later, after Jieli Kehan ascended the throne, he favored a Han courtier, and in order to show his talent, this Han people changed and changed the Turkic system, the policy became very cumbersome, the implementation was also very troublesome, many people were very dissatisfied, and Jieli Khan was often at war with other tribes, so the domestic situation was chaotic, and the national strength slowly declined.

The Turks were located in the steppe, in the high latitude zone, and in recent years there had been several years of rare snow disasters, which had caused many livestock to freeze to death. There was also famine and many people froze to death. When the Khan saw that his treasury was in deficit, he increased his taxes, and the people suffered, and many of them rebelled or defected to other tribes.

For Li Shimin, this was a very suitable opportunity to counterattack the Turks. However, Li Shimin hesitated and decided to give up, because the policy he had formulated for himself was to light war and emphasize development, and he had just established an alliance with the Turks, so he could not easily break his promises, and the war would definitely cost his life and money.

Li Shimin's peaceful and prosperous life is inseparable from Wei Zheng's merits

The north side has just stopped, and the south side has begun to live again. Although the chieftain of Lingnan, Feng Ang, had long since submitted to the Tang Dynasty, he did not come to the imperial court for a long time. The tang states adjacent to him were also in constant contradictions, so the governors of the prefectures wrote letters to the emperor one after another, saying that Feng Ang was plotting rebellion and asking for troops to suppress it, and Li Shimin could not tolerate rebellion in the country, so he decided to send troops, but was stopped by Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng carefully analyzed the emperor, the miasma in the Lingnan region was prevalent, the road was far away, and there was no sufficient evidence to show that Feng Ang was plotting rebellion, and should not easily raise the army to mobilize the masses, and His Majesty should send people to appease him to show his sincerity. Li Shimin decided to give it a try, retracting the order for war and sending a mission to appease him. Feng Ang did ask his son to lead the team to pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty, and afterwards Li Shimin sighed: Fortunately, Wei Zheng stopped me from sending troops in time, and the Lingnan region was stabilized again, and his talent was superior to 100,000 soldiers.

After Li Shimin succeeded to the throne, the Tang Dynasty resolved many war crises, thus firmly establishing the major policy of Yanwu Xiuwen, which included the contributions of Li Shimin and others in addition to Li Shimin's forbearance.

The emergence of the tang dynasty is not only because of the wise and divine Li Shimin, but also because there are many capable people like Wei Zheng in this dynasty, as well as Du Rumei, Fang Xuanling, and Shangguan Wujie, who are like brilliant stars in the sky, hanging in the long river of history, worthy of our eternal admiration.

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