
He can't settle the state, wu can't fix the country, why should he become a military minister

During the Yongzheng Dynasty, Zhang Tingyu was extremely popular, and he also held important positions such as the Bohol Temple, the Minister of Military Aircraft, and the Official Shangshu, and after his death, he was also able to enjoy the Taimiao Temple. This kind of honor is unmatched by no one among the Hanchens. However, in the final analysis, Zhang Tingyu's role was only that of the emperor's secretary, not wenneng anbang or Wuneng Dingguo.

However, the Qing Dynasty is a relatively unique feudal dynasty, the concentration of imperial power exceeds the previous dynasties, there is no actual sense of the prime minister, the emperor's secretary is the so-called university scholar, military minister play the role of secretary, only the right to suggest and no decision-making power. Therefore, from this point of view, the role of the emperor's secretary is undoubtedly the most prominent of the courtiers.

It was not easy to play the role of a secretary in front of the emperor, especially under the temperamental Yongzheng Emperor. The reason why Zhang Tingyu is competent for the work of secretary and can be an extremely popular minister is that he has four prerequisites, and these four conditions can be said to be indispensable.

He can't settle the state, wu can't fix the country, why should he become a military minister

One is looks. Looks are a hot topic in every dynasty, and having excellent looks is popular and enviable. People looking for objects also like the opposite sex with high looks, and leaders looking for secretaries also prefer to find a secretary with high looks. People, have to look good, look at the eyes, look at the eyes, naturally have a good mood.

The decision on appearance was never in his own hands, but it was very important, and without a good appearance, the emperor could not have ordered you to be a secretary. In the three years of the country, there are as few as more than 100 people who have been admitted to the military, and as many as 400 or 500 people, and if they want to make a difference in the official field, in addition to talent is appearance. When the emperor chooses a secretary, he must first look at his appearance, and he will not ask for it. The Chinese character face was the most popular in the Qing Dynasty, and Zhang Tingyu's parents were very powerful and gave him a standard Chinese character face.

The second is loyalty. Appearance, though important, is much inferior to faithfulness. For faithfulness is fundamental to all work. But why loyalty is placed after the appearance, the answer is very simple, the emperor can see the appearance first, followed by loyalty.

Loyalty is one hundred percent loyalty to the emperor, and in general, loyalty to the emperor is loyalty to the country, but there is a difference between the two. The state is the collective, the emperor is the individual. Of course, first loyalty to the country, and then loyalty to the emperor. Loyalty to the emperor, no adulteration, no yang and yin violation, no two sides and three knives, a road to the black.

How to make the emperor think that you are loyal, that depends on the usual performance, some people go to the soup and the fire; some people show loyalty and swear to die to do things for the emperor; some people pay attention to the long flow of fine water and rely on the usual bits and pieces. Either way, it's to show that you're not a half-hearted wall-to-wall grass.

Loyalty is very simple to say, but it is quite difficult to do, and many people choose to be loyal without hesitation when loyalty and filial piety cannot be complete. This spirit is what the emperor needs most. Obviously, Zhang Tingyu has done a good enough job in this regard.

He can't settle the state, wu can't fix the country, why should he become a military minister

The third is talent. As the emperor's secretary, he must be talented, know astronomy, know geography, and know the three religions and nine streams in society. As a secretary, first of all, you must be able to understand articles of various genres, whether it is music chapters, poems and songs, but also to be able to write, to be able to write all kinds of articles, what the emperor thinks, he must write. The emperor did not expect that it would be better if it could be written. This shows that you have the talent to shock the world and cry ghosts.

Zhang Tingyu's copywriting level is unquestionable, manchu articles are handy, and the memory is particularly good, and the work is cautious and careful, and there has never been any mistake. Therefore, both the Kangxi Emperor and the Yongzheng Emperor had great trust in this secretary. Of course, the most crucial point of Zhang Tingyu is that he is smart, never shows off his talent, and will not let the emperor lose face. How could an emperor not like such a talented secretary who knew how to hide his sharp edge?

Fourth, eloquence is good. As a secretary, you must not only be able to read, but also be able to write, that is, you can speak. Of course, when the courtiers speak to the emperor, they must be well balanced, and the voice and tone must be just right, so that the emperor always has a feeling of being on top. Obviously, Zhang Tingyu was a master in this regard, which made the emperor very useful.

He can't settle the state, wu can't fix the country, why should he become a military minister

With the above four conditions, you can become a qualified emperor's secretary, but only qualified. If you want to become a super-first-class secretary, there is still one missing, and the most important one, that is, you must read the emperor's mind, know what the emperor is thinking, of course, this meaning cannot be expressed by himself, let the emperor express it himself, and also do not let the emperor know that you are speculating on his thoughts. At this point, Zhang Tingyu and He Yan can be described as pure fire!

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