
A child claimed to be Qianlong's grandson, and Qianlong believed it, and the military minister was shocked to see the child

A child claimed to be Qianlong's grandson, and Qianlong believed it, and the military minister was shocked to see the child

In the spring of 1780, Qianlong returned from his fifth southern tour and was temporarily stationed in Zhuozhou, Hebei. A monk came with a young child and said that the child was the second son of Qianlong's fourth son, Yong Jun, who was Qianlong's grandson.

A child claimed to be Qianlong's grandson, and Qianlong believed it, and the military minister was shocked to see the child

The origin of the matter is that Yongjun has a favored side Fu Jin Wang clan, she saw Yongjun's other side chamber pregnant and gave birth to a child, afraid that his mother would threaten her own position in the future, so when the little prince was just born, she wanted to kill the little prince. In order to avoid disaster, the subordinates took the infant little prince out of the palace and raised him by the monks. Now that the little prince has just grown up, the monks heard that the Qianlong Emperor had returned from a tour and passed through Zhuozhou, so they specially took the little prince here to meet and recognize his relatives.

Although YongJun was passed on by Qianlong to his uncles and brothers, he also loved this son. Yong Juan's side room gave birth to a child, Qianlong also knew, and he personally gave the child a name. Not long after, Yong juan accompanied Qianlong to the paddock to hunt, and suddenly there was a fast horse to report that the little prince died of pox. And the subordinates of the royal palace were privately rumored to have been killed by the Wang clan of The Lateral Fujin, and for a time it spread wildly.

Qianlong secretly summoned Yong juan's Concubine Fujin to inquire, but Concubine Fujin denied it. A eunuch in the palace said something else: "The little prince had a pox, but in fact, he did not die, the Wang clan secretly sent someone to exchange other corpses, and then ordered someone to throw the little prince into the wild, and it was not the little prince who was crying in his arms." Because they had their own arguments, Qianlong didn't know which side to believe, so he had no choice but to stop.

A child claimed to be Qianlong's grandson, and Qianlong believed it, and the military minister was shocked to see the child

At this moment, the monk came with the child to confess his relatives, and he knew the secret old affairs of the palace very well, and Qianlong had already believed in his heart for a few points, thinking that this child was indeed a grandson who had been abandoned. Subsequently, Qianlong took the monks and children back to the capital and handed them over to the Military Aircraft Department for handling, and asked all the military ministers to help interrogate and identify. When he arrived at the military plane, the child was also calm, calm and self-assured, plus he was good-looking and quite graceful. The ministers of the military plane were intimidated by the momentum of the children, because the matter involved the privacy of the royal family, and everyone was very cautious and did not dare to take a stand easily.

Next, the child is clever and is mistaken for cleverness. He beckoned Jean Andan to his side and said, "You are my grandfather's close vassal, how can you let people of royal blood flee the grass and watch the truth be annihilated?" You should be fair to me. ”

The crowd looked at each other. The Cheng Shilang of Baoli Hall was a military aircraft division officer at the time, and he reacted quickly, and immediately heard that this did not look like the words and deeds of a young child at all, and that someone must have designed the lines in advance and secretly let them memorize them, so there would be such a performance similar to performance. He stepped forward, slapped the child a few times, and then shouted, "Where are you from the village, who is it that you are directed by to come here and cheat?" Hurry up and honestly confess, this is a great sin of exterminating the door and exterminating the clan! ”

A child claimed to be Qianlong's grandson, and Qianlong believed it, and the military minister was shocked to see the child

Sure enough, the child had not experienced such a scene, suddenly did not know how to deal with it, and could not withstand the intimidation, and soon admitted that his surname was Liu, and everything was arranged and taught by the monks in advance. As a result, the monks were beheaded and paraded, and the children were exiled to Ili, Xinjiang. Later, the child was a little older, and he presented himself as an imperial grandson in Ili, deceived others, and was beheaded by local officials.

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