
Qianlong's most powerful warrior lived to be 80 years old, and before his death, he prophesied that He yan would surely fall, and 2 years later it would be fulfilled

Hello everyone, speaking of Qianlong, everyone will not feel strange, especially the influence of the two TV series last year, Qianlong is also more well known to the public, we know that Qianlong has a big talent Ji Xiaolan, there is a big corrupt official and Yan, and He Yan is very much liked by Qianlong in his later years, but today, we want to talk about a military general around Qianlong, Qianlong's most powerful military general lived to 80 years old, before his death, the prophecy and Yan will definitely fall, 2 years later, what is going on, let's take a look at it together!

Qianlong's most powerful warrior lived to be 80 years old, and before his death, he prophesied that He yan would surely fall, and 2 years later it would be fulfilled

This military general named Ah Gui, is the most critical figure in the history of the Qing Dynasty, participated in the entire military course of the Qianlong period, Qianlong twenty years, he participated in the pacification of the Qing rolling chaos, because of his outstanding military achievements received many praises from Qianlong, Qianlong twenty to twenty-eight years, he also participated in the suppression of the rebellion Ili Tuntian, made outstanding contributions to the consolidation of the territory of the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong twenty-five, Qianlong in order to praise him, painted his portrait purple light pavilion, he ranked 17 among 50 meritorious men. Qianlong himself wrote a praise to him: "Akdunzi, quite quick and sensitive in nature, please obey Rong, Yi Zhao only allows." The body is invincible, but the heart can be sincere. Chu Cai succeeded and became the zhen of the country. ”

Qianlong's most powerful warrior lived to be 80 years old, and before his death, he prophesied that He yan would surely fall, and 2 years later it would be fulfilled

From then on, Ah Gui served as the Minister of Military Aircraft, and later as the Chief Minister of Military Aircraft, and in the forty-first year qianlong he served as the assistant scholar of the official Shangshu, and from the forty-fifth year of Qianlong, he served as the assistant to the cabinet, in fact, he had become the actual prime minister in the late Qianlong period.

Qianlong's most powerful warrior lived to be 80 years old, and before his death, he prophesied that He yan would surely fall, and 2 years later it would be fulfilled

In his later years, when he came into contact with He Yan once in his later years, it was also when he was "red and purple", once he and He Yan were sent to the Gansu Co-Supervisor Division, at that time, led by He Yan, it felt very funny, everyone thought, except for a good mouth, it seemed that nothing could be done, such a job and Yan obviously could not be done, in fact, this arrangement was also Qianlong in order to make He Yan a meritorious service to the people, the result was that He Yan took all the soldiers to the ditch, fortunately Ah Gui rescued in time.

Qianlong's most powerful warrior lived to be 80 years old, and before his death, he prophesied that He yan would surely fall, and 2 years later it would be fulfilled

After returning to Beijing, He Yan was severely reprimanded by Qianlong, because Ah Gui reacted to the truth, so he made Ah Gui resentful, so he often said bad things about Ah Gui, and also framed Ah Gui, which made ah Gui very angry, before Ah Gui died, predicted that after Jiaqing came to power, he would definitely let He Yan fall, Ah Gui died at the age of 80, before his death, the prophecy and Yan must fall, 2 years later, Jiaqing's first thing on the throne was to copy He yan's home, unfortunately, he did not see it with his own eyes.

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