
This person was not reused in the Kangxi Dynasty, and wrote poems lamenting that the future was uncertain, but Yongzheng ascended to the throne and became a military minister

Ortai, born in Manchuria with the Yellow Flag. Zu Shang even relied on defecting to Nurhaci to obtain the position of Zo ling. His grandfather was also an official in towbe Langzhong, and his father also held the position of kokuko sake offering, which can be called an official eunuch family. Born in 1680, he was also intelligent from an early age, and he was able to receive a good education, and at the age of 17, he was talented and 20 years old, and he has also entered the career since then.

This person was not reused in the Kangxi Dynasty, and wrote poems lamenting that the future was uncertain, but Yongzheng ascended to the throne and became a military minister

It is said that the young man has the ambition and the family background, and at this time, Ortai will inevitably be full of spirit and hope to be able to show his ambition. Unfortunately, it backfired, although he had a hereditary position, could serve as a bodyguard, and could admire the holy face, but was not valued by the Kangxi Emperor, and after more than ten years of trial and error, it was difficult to become a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the age of 37. This is obviously a big gap with his expectations, over forty years old, and this huge sense of gap also makes him full of troubles, and even from time to time he writes a poem sighing: "The mirror collector will be old, and the door will not be born." And in the "Yong Huai", he sang and said: "It seems that forty is like this, and it will be known in a hundred years." ”

The gate of fate and the confusion of the future also made him feel powerless, and it seemed that his life had been frozen.

In the sixty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Kangxi Emperor died and the Yongzheng Emperor ascended the throne. However, he did not think that he jumped to the "marquis and worship the minister", and he was even more an official and a minister of military aircraft. Why?

This person was not reused in the Kangxi Dynasty, and wrote poems lamenting that the future was uncertain, but Yongzheng ascended to the throne and became a military minister

It turned out that in the Kangxi Dynasty's nine sons and wives, it was not just a struggle between the princes, but also a game between the supporting forces behind them, including Suo Ertu, Mingzhu and others were involved in this power struggle, the prince Yinrong Party, the Eight Princes Yinyu and so on attacked each other, and the phenomenon of various princes pulling the flag people, flag masters, and officials was not uncommon. At that time, Ertai naturally did not have the merit of supporting the establishment, and he also resolutely refused the "bribery" behavior of Yin Chan the Prince of Yong, and it was this behavior that was different from the behavior of others who chose to take sides, but it greatly appreciated the Yongzheng Emperor who finally won the throne after the ninth son seized the throne, believing that such a just and upright official as him was the loyal general he needed, so only less than 5 months after the Yongzheng Emperor ascended the throne, Ortai became a political envoy and a local official in Jiangsu.

And for the Yongzheng Emperor's kindness, he naturally did his best. In the third year of Yongzheng, he had been promoted to an official position and was promoted to inspector of Yunnan, serving in Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi.

This person was not reused in the Kangxi Dynasty, and wrote poems lamenting that the future was uncertain, but Yongzheng ascended to the throne and became a military minister

At that time, the vast frontier areas, in fact, although named state rule, but there were a large number of ethnic minority areas, they were even in a slave society, with toast as the respect, toast as the master, toast as if it were the master of the local and village, forming a situation like "the country within a country", for the unity of the country, the integration of the nation is an obstacle, as the prince of the way, the Yongzheng Emperor naturally realized the harm of this situation, and began to "change the land and return to the stream". The abolition of the toast system has directly touched the interests of toast and caused a riot in toast, and as a high official, he resolutely adopted the strategy of suppressing and using both, eliminating all those who dared to resist, and pardoning those who obeyed.

In the fourth year of Yongzheng, he was also promoted to the post of governor because of the strategy of changing the land to a stream. The rapid elimination of Changzhai Toast, in a short time has achieved the success of land reform, has conquered nearly 2,000 cottages. At this time, he was already the governor of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi, and the rank of Bingbu Shangshu.

Life is proud, and such ups and downs are only 5 years. In addition to his hard work and pragmatism, unlike when he refused the Yongzheng Emperor's solicitation, he also learned to "flatter".

This person was not reused in the Kangxi Dynasty, and wrote poems lamenting that the future was uncertain, but Yongzheng ascended to the throne and became a military minister

In the sixth year of Yongzheng (1728), a major case occurred above the court. Zeng Jing sent his disciple Zhang Xi to invite Yue Zhongqi, the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, to oppose the Qing, and Yue Zhongqi chose to write to Chen. As a result, the court shook, everyone was silent, and a large net of literal prison was also unfolding at any time, and at this time, Ortai, who came out of the town of Yungui, wrote a book, and the "colorful Qingyun" appeared in Yunnan, and the emergence of this auspicious Rui meant that the Son of Heaven was prosperous and the world was praised.

This naturally relieved the Yongzheng Emperor's sacred heart, which was angry with Long Yan, and this "smooth" way of being an official also allowed him to make pilgrimage to Enlong in Yongzheng, and in the first year of Qianlong, he held several positions, military aircraft minister, leading guards and internal ministers, and was also given the title of Xiangqinbo. He died in 1745 at the age of 66.

Reference: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty

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