
The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

The State of Qin began in the Zhou Dynasty, and although it was one of the "Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons", it was never the most favorable competitor to the Central Plains Hegemony. Until the qin xiaogong period, the heavy use of shang martingale and the change of law made the Qin state gradually move towards the road of rich country and strong army.

In the period of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, the State of Qin produced a famous general, who was ranked as one of the "Four Famous Generals of the Warring States". He is the most representative figure of the Spring and Autumn Warring States, the "Warrior Family" of the Hundred Sons and Hundreds of Families.

Bai Qi's lifelong southern conquest of the northern war, without a single defeat, laid a solid foundation for Great Qin to sweep through the six kingdoms and unify the world. However, even if he made great achievements in the Qin Dynasty, he still could not end well in his later years.

The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

The era in which Bai Qi lived was the most powerful period of the Qin state. Just as the so-called times create heroes, the King of Zhaoxiang at that time was thirsty for talents and wanted to show his grand plans. And Bai Qi, who was born as a civilian, also conformed to the times at this time and joined the army to serve the country.

In 294 BC, the State of Qin sent troops to attack Korea. A year later, the Battle of Yique broke out, and the Combined Forces of Han and Wei held The Han and Wei armies to prevent the Qin army from advancing eastward. Qin Xiang Wei Ran recommended That Bai Qi as the main general to go to Korea. And Bai Qi also began his brilliant life after this battle.

The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

After Bai Qi took office, he adopted the strategy of avoiding the real and attacking the false, confusing the enemy army head-on, and gradually moving the troops to the rear of the Han and Wei coalition forces. After repeatedly eliminating the remaining troops in the rear of the enemy, as well as the detachments that returned to the rescue. Bai Qi successfully surrounded the Han and Wei allies at Yique and annihilated 240,000 Han and Wei troops in one fell swoop. Bai Qi then led his army across the Yellow River and captured a large area of Korea.

After this battle, Bai's name shocked the world, and his official position was also promoted. A year later, Bai Qi was promoted again, and led troops to attack the State of Wei, breaking through the sixty-one cities of the State of Wei, laying the foundation for the further eastward advance of the State of Qin. In the following years, Bai began to win successive battles and conquered several cities in neighboring countries. As a result, Bai Qi became more and more heavily influenced by the Zhaoxiang King.

The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

Since the Battle of Yique, the State of Qin had the idea of attacking the State of Chu in the south. The king of Chu was afraid of the state of Qin and could only make peace with the state of Qin and show his submission. However, how could the king of a country want to live under the people for a long time, and soon after the king of Chu sent people to contact various countries and join forces to conquer Qin.

When the King of Qin heard of this, he was furious and sent Bai Qi to raise an army to cut down Chu. The State of Chu was not an opponent of the State of Qin, and at this time the State of Chu was not ready to face the Qin army. Bai Qi defeated the Chu army in a battle, and the Chu state could only cut off the land and seek peace. But how could the Qin King's anger be extinguished so easily?

The following year, the King of Qin sent Bai Qi to attack the Chu state. Bai Qi captured five cities in a row in the Chu Kingdom. After that, Bai Qi gave up supplies, divided the troops into three routes, quickly broke through the border defense line of the Chu State, and the soldiers directly approached the capital of the Chu State, Yingdu.

The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

Bai Qi's adventurous march had a miraculous effect, breaking the Chu army and capturing the capital of the Chu state, and the king of Chu was forced to move the capital to Chen Hou. Subsequently, Bai Qi marched again and occupied most of the Chu state. Although the king of Chu once again gathered 100,000 troops, he recaptured a small part of the land occupied by the Qin state to the west. However, from then on, the State of Chu collapsed until it perished.

In 273 BC, the State of Qin attacked Korea, and the combined forces of Zhao and Wei quickly rescued Korea. Bai Qi once again led an army to break the combined army of Zhao and Wei, beheading 130,000 people and capturing several generals from three countries. In the following years, Bai Qi led an army to attack South Korea and occupy a large area of South Korea.

After Bai Qi attacked and captured the Wild King, the road to the capital was cut off and isolated. King Han ordered Shangdang to surrender to the State of Qin in order to stop the Qin army from fighting. However, the Shangdang people preferred to surrender to the State of Zhao rather than to the State of Qin. King Zhao, who was also salivating over Shangdang's territory, immediately accepted Shangdang's surrender.

The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

The King of Qin, who heard the news, was furious, and he ordered the Qin army to attack the party first, and then attack the State of Zhao. However, the Qin army encountered Lian Po, who was also one of the "four famous generals of the Warring States". Lian Po faced the powerful army of the Qin state and set up layers of defense.

Facing the defensive positions of the Zhao State, although the Qin army advanced forward one after another, it was eventually stopped at the Danhe defense line. After three years of confrontation between the Qin army and the State of Zhao, the Qin army could not take another step forward.

The prolonged confrontation between the two armies has placed a considerable burden on both countries. Especially in the State of Zhao, the national strength was not as good as that of the State of Qin, and the King of Zhao wanted to quickly resolve the war. At this time, the State of Qin also spread rumors in the State of Zhao, saying that Zhao Kuo was quite stronger than Lian. Forced to be helpless, King Zhao could only give it a go and send Zhao Kuo to take the initiative to attack, and the Battle of Changping broke out.

The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

At this time, the commander of the Qin Army had already quietly changed to Wu Anjun Baiqi. Facing Zhao Kuo, who was a light enemy, Bai Qi decided to lure the enemy deeper and divide the encirclement. As soon as the Qin army engaged the Zhao army, it immediately pretended to be defeated and quickly retreated backwards. Zhao Kuo saw that the Qin army was about to collapse at a touch, and sure enough, the enemy ventured forward.

At this time, Bai Qi led the army to retreat, and at the same time ordered two partial divisions of 25,000 men to attack the Base Camp of the Zhao Army from the flank. Due to the attack of the Zhao army, the defensive line of the Hundred Mile Stone Great Wall in the rear was occupied by the Qin army in an instant. This completely cut off the Zhao army's contact with the rear by the Qin army.

In the frontal battlefield, Bai Qi retreated while laying ambushes on both sides of the battlefield. When the Zhao army fully entered the ambush circle, it immediately turned around to meet the Zhao army, and let the two wings of troops attack the Zhao army, dividing the Zhao army into three sections.

The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

In the front, the main force of the Qin army was divided and surrounded, and then there were Qin army surprise troops blocking the road, and the Zhao army made several surprise attacks without success. Zhao Kuo could only order his troops to build fortifications and wait for rescue. However, at this time, the Zhao army had no troops to send, and the Zhao army, which had been without food for forty-six days, could only try to break through again. Zhao Kuo personally led his elite troops to battle, but they were shot and killed by the Qin army, and the Zhao army was defeated, and 400,000 Zhao troops surrendered.

In the face of the surrendered Zhao army, Bai Qi made a decision that everyone did not expect, killing 400,000 Zhao troops. Since then, the State of Zhao has been in a slump, and it was still the State of Wei that sent troops to rescue it to avoid the danger of national subjugation.

The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

After the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi wanted to destroy the Zhao state in one fell swoop. Han and Zhao were greatly frightened, so they bribed Qin Xiangfan Ju with heavy money. Fan Ju approached the King of Qin and asked Han and Zhao to make peace. The King of Qin readily agreed, and Bai Qi formed a grudge with Fan Ju as a result.

A few months later, the Qin army attacked the Zhao state again, and Bai was seriously ill and failed to fight, and the Qin army suffered heavy losses. The King of Qin wanted to make Bai Qi go out on a campaign, but Bai Qi told the King of Qin that attacking Zhao at this time would be defeated. The King of Qin did not listen, and the Qin army was indeed defeated, and Bai Qi was angry in his heart, so he made a sarcastic remark to the King of Qin.

The qin state is a strong general, who has slaughtered millions of enemy troops in his lifetime, why can't he die well?

The King of Qin was therefore furious with Bai Qi and ordered Bai Qi to lead an army to attack the Zhao state. Bai Qi could only take orders, but Bai Qi's illness made him delay his trip. Fan Ju took the opportunity to present a rumor to the King of Qin, saying that Bai Qi disobeyed his orders and did not obey, so the King of Qin gave Bai Qi death.

A generation of famous generals were white, never defeated in their lives, and finally failed to die under the enemy's sword, but died under the conspiracy and trickery of the court, which had to make people feel sorry. If King Qin Zhaoxiang could trust Bai Qi a little more, if Fan Ju was not a greedy person, perhaps it would not be Qin Shi Huang's turn to sweep through the Six Kingdoms, but where in this world there are so many ifs.

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