
Famous filmmaker Zhao Jun passed away, experts: hypertension, arteriosclerosis is the most common cause of cerebral hemorrhage

On January 23, according to the China Film Critics Association, Zhao Jun, vice president of the China Film Critics Association and honorary president of the Guangdong Film Industry Association, died at 16:00 on January 22, 2022 due to ineffective medical treatment. He died on December 31, 2012 at the age of 6

Zhang Baiqing, honorary president of the China Film Critics Association, said on Weibo on the evening of January 22: "My friend Zhao Jun (Shores), who has been friends for 40 years, died of cerebral hemorrhage at about 4 p.m. today! Pathetic! In addition, a number of Zhao Jun's film friends revealed that he died of cerebral hemorrhage.

Cerebral hemorrhage, medically known as "cerebral hemorrhage" or "hemorrhagic stroke", cerebral hemorrhage mortality rate of about 30%, survivors will leave different degrees of sequelae. Li Rui, director of the third department of neurology of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, told the Health Times reporter: "The causes of cerebral hemorrhage are more complex, the most common are hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Secondly, it is also related to aneurysms, cerebrovascular malformations and other factors. ”

Famous filmmaker Zhao Jun passed away, experts: hypertension, arteriosclerosis is the most common cause of cerebral hemorrhage

Zhao Jun, vice president of the China Film Critics Association and honorary president of the Guangdong Film Industry Association

"Teacher Zhao Jun is gone, running in tears, there were many happy memories before..." "Teacher Zhao is good!" Many netizens and filmmakers have bid farewell to Zhao Jun. He poured his life's work into his beloved career, and just a week ago, he was advancing the release of the movie "Dragon Girl". "His dew-like crystal clear heart and dedication to nourishing the seedlings are admirable."

Born in Guangdong in 1958, Zhao Jun has long been committed to film distribution and criticism, and enjoys the reputation of "the first person in China's curated theater box office" in the Chinese film culture circle. Together with Gao Jun, former general manager of Beijing New Film Federation Cinema Line, and Wu Hehu, former deputy general manager of Shanghai Film Union Cinema Line, he is revered as the "Three Musketeers of Chinese Film Distribution".

To avoid emergencies, patients should pay attention to and avoid cerebral hemorrhage risk factors on a daily basis. Li Rui reminded, "Patients with hypertension should usually manage blood pressure, keep blood pressure stable, and avoid emotional agitation; people with irregular lifestyles should change their lifestyles; prevent falls; reduce strenuous exercise; keep stool unobstructed, these factors can be well controlled, which can greatly reduce the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage." ”

Li Rui added, "Cerebral hemorrhage is caused by blood entering the brain tissue or subarachnoid cavity from the blood vessel after the blood vessel ruptures. Cerebral hemorrhage is a kind of cerebral stroke, once the symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage occur, such as dizziness, headache, numbness, crooked mouth and eyes, language disorders, consciousness disorders, etc. should be consulted in time. ”

Source: People's Daily health client

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