
Why is the fate of Little Joe's three children lamented? Where is Little Joe's tomb?

Why is the fate of Little Joe's three children lamented? Where is Little Joe's tomb?

Little Joe (stills)

Zhou Yu is personable, and Xiao Qiao is a national color. Therefore, Du Mu has a poetry cloud: "The east wind does not go with Zhou Lang, and the copper bird spring deep locks the second Qiao".

Xiao Qiao is actually a small bridge, and in ancient times, Qiao and Qiao were mixed, and she was most likely the daughter of Qiao Rui.

Qiao Rui was a general under Yuan Shu who was killed in battle with Cao Cao's army in 197.

In June 197, Yuan Shu also died, and his family and subordinates were taken to Anhui City, and Big Qiao and Little Qiao should be among them. In 199, Zhou Yu's entourage Sun Ce attacked the city of Anhui in Lujiang, and after the city was broken, Sun Zena Big Qiao and Zhou Yuna Xiao Qiao.

Zhou Yu died in 210, but only 35 years old, and he and Xiao Qiao lived together for 12 years.

Zhou Yu has three children, the eldest son Zhou Xun, the second son Zhou Yin, and the daughter Zhou Shi.

Because there is no historical record that Zhou Yu had other wives and concubines, these three children should be born to Xiao Qiao.

The father is a hero of the first life, and the mother is a beautiful woman, but unfortunately, the three children have no fate.

The eldest son, Zhou Xun, should have been well educated, and had the legacy of his father Zhou Yu. Sun Quan admired him and married his eldest daughter, Sun Luban, to him. Zhou Xunguan to Riding Du Wei, Riding Du Wei is the official in charge of Yulin Riding, and Yulin Riding is the Emperor's Janissaries, which shows Sun Quan's trust and importance to Zhou Xun.

Unfortunately, Zhou Xun, who had a bright future, died early, and how much he lived is not recorded in history. The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and Wu Shujiu records that the male Princess Xunshang, worshiping the knight lieutenant, had a Yufeng, and died early.

Sun Quan was also very kind to Zhou Yu's second son, Zhou Yin, and appointed him as the capital of Xingye, and then married him the daughter of the Sun clan, leading a thousand soldiers and stationing him in public security. In 229, Sun Quan became emperor and made Zhou Yin the Marquis of Duxiang, the highest title among the descendants of meritorious men.

It is a pity that this son of Zhou Yu is a clumsy disciple, indulging in wine with his father's merits and Sun Quan's favor, and even acting recklessly, even Sun Quan's admonition is taken as a side note. (Sun Quan: "And Yin Quan, who is arrogant and self-indulgent, who has confessed before and after, has not changed his mind.") )

In the end, Zhou Yin broke the law, and Sun Quan dismissed him from office and sent him to Luling County. Sun Quan only wanted him to reform himself, and Zhuge Jin and others also knew Sun Quan's intentions. In 239, Zhuge Jin, Bu Qi, Zhu Ran, Quan Chun and other ministers all interceded on his behalf. Sun Quan agreed and prepared to restore Zhou Yin's previous treatment, but before the edict could be issued, he died.

Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao only had one daughter, and the name was not passed down, let's call it Zhou.

The Zhou clan married Sun Quan's eldest son, Crown Prince Sun Deng. If nothing else, she should become empress.

However, Sun Deng died in 241 at the age of 32. Zhou Shi, like her mother Xiao Qiao, became a widow at a young age.

Why is the fate of Little Joe's three children lamented? Where is Little Joe's tomb?

Sun Deng

When did Little Joe die? There is no record of history. But quite a few of Joe's tombs across the country.

One is the tomb of Xiaoqiao in Lujiang (Anhui), which is far away from the tomb of Zhou Yu in the east of the city. In 210 AD, Zhou Yu died of illness and was buried in the tomb alley of Hengjie Street, East Gate of Lujiang, and Xiao Qiao lived in Lujiang and raised orphans until he died and was buried here. This is the most credible.

The second is the tomb of Xiao Qiao in Nanling (Anhui), Zhou Yu once served as the head of Chungu (Nanling), and Xiao Qiao was buried in Nanling after his death, which is also based on this theory.

The third is the tomb of Xiaoqiao in Yueyang (Hunan), the tomb site is north of Yueyang Tower, Zhou Yu's former town of Shoubaqiu (now Yueyang City), xiaoqiao cemetery area, rumored to be the Three Kingdoms Zhou Yu military palace. However, after Zhou Yu's death, the body was welcomed from Baqiu to Wu County, and finally buried in his hometown of Lujiang. Xiao Qiao must have died after Zhou Yu, so why did he return to bury Baqiu? This is the most implausible.

The fourth is the tomb of Xiaoqiao in Nanjing (Jiangsu), and it is rumored that the campus of Nanjing No. 1 Middle School was once the seat of Zhou Yu's metropolitan governor's office. It is said that Xiao Qiao's tomb is on the campus of Nanjing No. 1 Middle School, originally on the east side of the Peace Building, which is a hill, about three stories high. But now the mountain has been bulldozed and a school library has been built. Sun Quan established the state as the empress, and the capital was Jianye, which is today's Nanjing. Xiao Qiao's eldest son was an official in the dynasty, his daughter was a princess, and Xiao Qiao lived in Jianye before he died, and it is not impossible to be buried in Jianye after his death.

Why is the fate of Little Joe's three children lamented? Where is Little Joe's tomb?

Tomb of Xiaoqiao in Yueyang

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