
The battle was fought recklessly, and only during the pursuit did it find that the situation was abnormal, but the chief gave a general order to commend it

In 1943, in order to uproot the puppet army's Changjiazhuang stronghold on the outskirts of Linyi, Shandong Province, and at the same time train the new team, the Eighth Route Army Coastal Military Region decided to send the newly established Linshu County Brigade Independent Battalion to carry out this task.

However, in order to ensure the smooth completion of the task, the military region also sent three companies of the 684th Regiment of the 115th Division, nicknamed the "Tiger Company," as a backing, which is equivalent to "the master leading the apprentice", and if a serious situation occurs, it will be on top at any time.

On this night, the Independent Battalion and the "Tiger Company" quietly came to the vicinity of the Changjiazhuang stronghold under the cover of nightfall. After a night of hard work, the trenches, deer blocks, and barbed wire on the outskirts of the stronghold were swept away, and a pack of 200 kilograms of explosives was prepared to blow up the enemy bunkers.

At dawn, a scout suddenly rushed to report to the battalion commander Chen Shifa (major general in 1955) that he had received reliable information that the enemy in Linyi City had learned that Changjiazhuang was besieged by the Eighth Route Army and planned to send more than 500 puppet troops to reinforce.

The battle was fought recklessly, and only during the pursuit did it find that the situation was abnormal, but the chief gave a general order to commend it

When the news spread, the commanders and fighters of the independent battalion, who had been staying up all night, were suddenly tired and happy.

Usually, it is difficult to tease the puppet army to come out by all means, but now that they have actually sent it to the door by themselves, it is still a large piece of "fat meat", and the commanders and fighters of the whole battalion are of course happy.

What's more, the independent battalion plus the "tiger company" in the back, a total of 4 companies of troops, to deal with these vulnerable puppet troops, that is not to catch turtles in the rice fields - ten to nine stable!

Chen Shifa decided to fight an ambush battle and eat the enemy who came to reinforcement.

He personally surveyed the terrain and found an excellent ambush position a few miles away: the troops could be ambushed in a north-south, dried-up loop, and to the west was a large open field with no terrain to hide, which was exactly in the direction in which the enemy was coming.

The battle was fought recklessly, and only during the pursuit did it find that the situation was abnormal, but the chief gave a general order to commend it

"Haha, god help me!" Chen Shifa was very satisfied with the terrain and immediately ordered the first company of the independent battalion to continue to besiege the Changjiazhuang stronghold, while the second, third, and "tiger companies" were ambushed in hetao, preparing to annihilate the reinforcements of the enemy.

The great battle was imminent, and the warriors were very excited, and they all rubbed their fists and tightened their belts, ready to meet the battle.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, a large number of enemies appeared in the west, and the road was so billowed with smoke by their footsteps and horses' hooves that the soldiers could not even see the appearance of the enemy too clearly.

Chen Shifa looked at it, and at this time, the sun was rising in mid-air, just interfering with the enemy's line of sight, so that their distant view of our army's position would be relatively blurred.

When the enemy was only about 100 meters away, Chen Shifa gave an order, and the light and heavy weapons of the warriors opened fire at the same time, hitting the enemy by surprise, and instantly fell a large piece, and the living wolf retreated backwards.

The battle was fought recklessly, and only during the pursuit did it find that the situation was abnormal, but the chief gave a general order to commend it

"The enemy wants to flee, comrades rush!" While shouting, Chen Shifa brandished a large knife and jumped out of the trench, leading the warriors to pursue the enemy bravely.

The warriors all held bayonet rifles in their hands, roared and rushed toward the enemy, like a fierce tiger out of the cage, and played like a sea of mountains.

However, Chen Shifa found that the situation was abnormal during the pursuit -- the discarded enemy corpses on the ground were not fake soldiers, but Japanese soldiers wearing yellow cow leather boots and steel helmets, and some of the devils' backpacks were also marked with japanese four- or five-character names.

Chen Shifa realized that this battle had been fought too recklessly, and he had not even figured out whether the enemy was a Japanese army or a puppet army and rushed to attack.

The battle was fought recklessly, and only during the pursuit did it find that the situation was abnormal, but the chief gave a general order to commend it

In an attitude of respecting historical facts, it must be pointed out that during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression our army treated enemies of these two components differently.

It is not uncommon for a puppet army to have poor combat effectiveness and not to carry a blow, and it is not uncommon for an Eighth Route Army to level four or five puppet armies.

However, the Japanese army is not only well-armed and well-equipped, with good physical fitness (eating beef, pork and other high-white egg foods all year round, nutrition is guaranteed), but also has a strong combat literacy through high-intensity training, and the troops of the Coastal Military Region often need to be equipped with troops in a ratio of five to one to fight the Japanese army.

Now that he had mastered the real situation, Chen Shifa could not but treat it with caution. After all, although the Japanese army was temporarily repelled, they were well trained and could counterattack at any time.

The battle was fought recklessly, and only during the pursuit did it find that the situation was abnormal, but the chief gave a general order to commend it

He ordered the soldiers to immediately pick up the guns and ammunition thrown by the enemy and withdraw to reinforce the fortifications of the small river loop to prevent the enemy from counterattacking.

Chen Shifa's decision proved to be very wise, and after the Japanese army withdrew a few hundred meters, it immediately gathered its forces in the woods and set a trap to let the Eighth Route Army cast its nets.

Unexpectedly, Chen Shifa ordered a retreat in time, and just escaped a disaster.

The Japanese army was extremely disappointed, and because it could not understand the falsehood of the Eighth Route Army, it adopted an extremely conservative strategy, and did not dare to advance forward to organize a counteroffensive except for a burst of artillery.

The sun was about to set, and the Japanese army was even more weak-hearted, so they carried the plaster flag back to Linyi City.

When Chen Shifa led his troops to fight the Japanese army fiercely, they rushed out of the stronghold and fled westward, ready to fight with the reinforcements of the Japanese army.

The battle was fought recklessly, and only during the pursuit did it find that the situation was abnormal, but the chief gave a general order to commend it

Unexpectedly, they had just left the bunker, and they encountered Chen Shifa retreating with reinforcements, which happened to hit the knife edge, and finally all the more than 200 puppet troops were annihilated.

After the battle, Chen Shifa took the initiative to review it with the head of the Coastal Military Region, saying that due to poor reconnaissance and erroneous intelligence, he rushed to attack without figuring out whether the enemy of reinforcements was the Japanese army or a puppet army, and this battle was fought recklessly.

Surprisingly, instead of criticizing Chen Shifa, the chiefs gave commendations and praised the troops for fighting well. Because this battle perfectly explains the principle of "two armies against the brave one wins", as long as a unit has the courage to fight and be invincible, and occupies favorable terrain, even the most powerful enemy will be afraid of it!

Note: What is stated in this article is not a fabrication, but a fact. Chen Jianshun, an instructor of the Second Company of the Independent Battalion of the Linshu County Brigade who participated in the battle, once recorded the battle in detail in his memoirs.

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