
Why did Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin succeed in "releasing military power with a cup of wine"? Aren't you afraid of someone directly rebelling?

Why did Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin succeed in "releasing military power with a cup of wine"? Aren't you afraid of someone directly rebelling?

The generals who held military power in the early Song Dynasty were all Zhao Kuangyin's "righteous brothers". The relationship between these Yishe brothers and Zhao Kuangyin was quite good. They all came together from birth to death, and they had great respect for Zhao Kuangyin and listened to Zhao Kuangyin's words. This feeling is like the good man of Liangshan to Song Jiang. Therefore, Zhao Kuangyin wanted to "release the military power with a glass of wine", and his brothers could not help but listen.

Why did Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin succeed in "releasing military power with a cup of wine"? Aren't you afraid of someone directly rebelling?

Zhao Kuangyin's "right to release troops" was actually implemented step by step. He started with relatively distant generals, such as Zhang Guanghan, Zhao Yanhui, Murong Yanzhao, and Han Lingkun, who were neither his brothers in the Righteous Society, nor had they followed him for a long time, nor even their personal friendship was very deep. Therefore, for them, the means were relatively simple, but although they were simple, they were not treated badly, first, Zhang Guanghan and Zhao Yanhui respectively dismissed the guards sima jun and the infantry army from commanding envoys.

Why did Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin succeed in "releasing military power with a cup of wine"? Aren't you afraid of someone directly rebelling?

Zhao Kuangyin not only gave the courtiers preferential treatment to save them from worries, but also promised to treat their descendants kindly, and he even married his subjects, giving their daughters or daughters in the harem and giving them high positions, so as to show that he was willing to make friends with his subjects for generations, kiss them, and hoped to show his sincerity. Hearing this, the group of ministers was naturally willing to accept, although the real power was gone, but in the end it could still enjoy such a generous treatment, the most important thing was that there was no hidden danger of being killed, why not enjoy it!

Why did Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin succeed in "releasing military power with a cup of wine"? Aren't you afraid of someone directly rebelling?

The occurrence of a historical event is by no means as simple as we see on the surface. Zhao Kuangyin's Chen Qiao mutiny and the addition of the yellow robe were a well-planned mutiny, and "a glass of wine to release the military power" was also a well-planned action. Behind this "benevolence" praised by future generations is still full of calculations, games, thrilling, unknown details and dangers.

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