
As the ten brothers of the Righteous Society, Liu Tingrang has already released his military power with a cup of wine, why would he go on a hunger strike and die with hatred?

Liu Tingrang, when Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty, was still working under Zhou Shizong Chai Rong, he and Zhao Kuangyin and eight other people became brothers with different surnames, known in history as the "Ten Brothers of the Righteous Society", specifically here I will not say more, we will focus on how Liu Ting let him die today. However, before we talk about this point, we still have to take some words to explain some things.

All the officials know that after the Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin sat firmly on the throne, the next thing was the "cup of wine to release the military power", these founding fathers were basically idle, Liu Tingrang was appointed by the Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin as the Zhenning Army Festival Envoy, the seat of governance is probably near the present-day Henan Xinxiang Jun (xun) County, to say more, last year Henan 7.20 flood, Xun County was also very seriously affected, we Luoyang Volunteer Federation received a lot of materials donated by the people of Luoyang, of which four trucks of materials were transported to Xun County (a car 12 meters long, Three cars 9.6 meters long).

As the ten brothers of the Righteous Society, Liu Tingrang has already released his military power with a cup of wine, why would he go on a hunger strike and die with hatred?

After Emperor Taizong of Song and Zhao Guangyi ascended the throne, Liu Tingrang had two changes, one was to change his name to Liu Tingrang, he was originally named Liu Guangyi (Yi Zuoyi), which was not the same as the emperor's name, Song Taizong gave the name Liu Tingrang. Another was that the Zhenning Army did not let it go, and was given the post of sanitation idle---- the general of the Right Xiao Wei.

It must also be explained that the "sanitation" of the Song Dynasty is not the sanitation workers who are responsible for the environmental sanitation of the city that we think of now, and the Northern Song Dynasty was responsible for this piece called the "Street Division", but it is more powerful than our current sanitation department, in other words, it should be "Sanitation Bureau" + "Urban Management Bureau" + "River Bureau".

The Northern Song Dynasty sanitation officer probably means "Janissary", and we will not explain it to the Janissaries, but most of these official names are fictitious, and the official names sound frightening, but there is nothing to do with the official names, and it is impossible to mobilize a soldier and a pawn.

However, the "sanitation" officer also has a role, that is, to reserve cadres, and once there is a shortage of people, they can select people from this group of sanitation officials to fill the vacancy. It is safer to use them than to use new people at critical times, because these people are more experienced and stable.

As the ten brothers of the Righteous Society, Liu Tingrang has already released his military power with a cup of wine, why would he go on a hunger strike and die with hatred?

Liu Tingrang was later revived. Let's first explain the background of his re-use.

In the third year of Song Taizong Yongxi (986 AD), the Yongxi Northern Expedition ended in failure, the consequences of this defeat were very serious, the morale of the entire army was low, a group of veteran generals who could fight good battles were killed, the most famous was the old general Yang Ye, and Although Pan Mei returned alive, he was demoted, transferred or dismissed because of such and such crimes, and there was a lack of senior command generals in the army, especially in the troops guarding the border.

Against this background, in June of the third year of Emperor Taizong of Song (986 CE), Emperor Taizong of Song used Liu Tingjian as the governor of Xiongzhou (雄州, in present-day Xiong County, Hebei), which was soon later changed to Yingzhou (present-day Hejian, Hebei).

At the end of this year (December), the Liao army invaded the south again, and the vanguard of the front was the god of war, Yelü Hugo, which we have mentioned many times.

When Yelü Hugo came this time, he did not launch a large-scale attack as usual, but cautiously advanced, and immediately retreated after encountering the stubborn resistance of the Song army, and did not engage in large-scale battles with the Song army, which seemed to be very patient.

As the ten brothers of the Righteous Society, Liu Tingrang has already released his military power with a cup of wine, why would he go on a hunger strike and die with hatred?

As a result, some people can't hold their breath, who? Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi.

Having just experienced the defeat of the Yongxi Northern Expedition, Zhao Guangyi, emperor Taizong of Song, urgently needed a victory to piece together the face that had fallen to the ground and crumbled into slag; he also urgently needed a victory to boost the morale of the soldiers who had fallen to the freezing point; and even more needed a victory to test the results of the personnel mobilization in the past six months.

Therefore, he directly issued an order to Liu Tingrang to take the initiative to attack, asking Liu Tingrang to go north to find the main force of the Liao army and fight a decisive battle with it. I don't know whether Liu Tingrang was full of confidence in his tens of thousands of elite soldiers, or for the emperor's re-activation of himself, or to meet the emperor's inner needs, he actually said that I can go to Youzhou in one breath.

I don't know why, but every time I think about this, I can always think of a sentence that some soldiers said when our volunteer army first entered the DPRK: "If you soak in urine, you can make the United States devils go to the Pacific Ocean."

As the ten brothers of the Righteous Society, Liu Tingrang has already released his military power with a cup of wine, why would he go on a hunger strike and die with hatred?

The dispatch of troops was a dispatch of troops, but as a veteran of the battlefield, Liu Tingrang, who was nearly sixty years old, was still very cautious, and he allocated his most elite 10,000 horses to Li Jilong, who was stationed in Cangzhou at that time, and agreed with Li Jilong that if something happened to him, he would let Li Jilong lead this ten thousand horses and Li Jilong's own headquarters to come to the rescue.

Then, Liu Tingrang led these tens of thousands of people to set out, and then was surrounded by the Liao army at Junziguan, 30 miles north of Yingzhou (present-day Hejian in Hebei), and tens of thousands of troops were completely destroyed. The specific details will not be said more, and there will be a chance to talk about this battle in the future.

"Song Shi Liu Tingrang Biography": "Tens of thousands of Khitan horses came to invade, Ting Rang and the Warriors Pavilion." When the weather was cold, the soldiers could not bow and crossbow, and the Khitan siege court let several heavy. Ting let the first elite soldiers belong to Li Jilong as the rear hall, and the emergency was helped. In the end, after Long retired to Baoleshou, Ting Rang's army was gone, and tens of thousands of people died, and only a few horses were spared. ”

What does that mean? It was said that the weather was very cold at that time, the generals could not even pull the bow and arrow, Liu Tingrang was surrounded, and was surrounded by several layers, Liu Ting let the division of troops to Li Jilong was for the critical time Li Jilong to rescue, but Li Jilong retreated with people and horses, and as a result, Liu Ting let these tens of thousands of people all die, and only a few people protected Liu Tingrang and escaped.

"Continued Zizhi Tongjian Long Compilation": "Ting let the whole army be gone, tens of thousands of dead, Ting Let him take advantage of it, only to get away with death." ”

It is said that Liu Ting let the war horses die, and rode other people's horses to escape.

As the ten brothers of the Righteous Society, Liu Tingrang has already released his military power with a cup of wine, why would he go on a hunger strike and die with hatred?

The result of the lone army's adventurism was that the teammates escaped from the battle, and their own troops were completely annihilated, how did the emperor deal with this matter? "History of Song": "Knowing that Li Jilong was mistaken, I am not responsible." In four years, he reinstated Zhang Yongde zhixiong prefecture and deployed soldiers and horses. ”

What does that mean? The emperor knew that because Li Jilong did not come to the rescue, he did not hold him responsible, and in June of the following year, he was appointed as the capital of Xiongzhou.

Some people may ask, what about Li Jilong? If you run away, why deal with him? "Continued Zizhi Tongjian Long Edition": "Arrest Long, make Zhongshu ask questions, and seek to explain it." ”

Simple, right? The man was arrested, interrogated, and then there was no then, and the man was released, leading the state to observe the envoy.

Li Jilong is all right, Liu Ting let the dissatisfaction in his heart grow day by day, this matter is also in the heart of anyone, the emperor you have to let me go on the expedition, my tens of thousands of soldiers, just died in this battle, Li Jilong, you did not come to save me, but also took away my most elite ten thousand horses, what are you doing, is it a personnel matter? And the emperor, he is like this, actually not punished?

As the ten brothers of the Righteous Society, Liu Tingrang has already released his military power with a cup of wine, why would he go on a hunger strike and die with hatred?

Liu Ting let the more you think about it, the more you feel depressed, the more you think about it, the more you feel depressed, people are often like this, there are things in their hearts, the knots can't be solved, for a long time, the body will get sick, so ah, this and that disease, most of them are out of the air, suffocated, you see those optimistic and cheerful people, generally nothing, the more broad-minded, the easier it is to get those Chinese medicine to say "bruising", "stagnation" and other diseases, "the general rule is not painful, the pain is not clear", not to pass, is not silt, blocked!

Liu Tingrang is also like this, not long after the deployment of Xiongzhou, he was sick, still quite serious, the emperor was very concerned, from Kaifeng sent the imperial doctor to Xiongzhou to see him, the body has a disease and can be cured by taking some medicine, but this heart disease, is it possible to take some medicine to cure it? So it didn't get better.

Liu Tingrang wrote a letter to the emperor, saying that I wanted to go back to Kaifeng to recuperate, and I estimated that on the one hand, I really went back to recuperate, on the other hand, there was also the meaning of making a fuss and picking a son, and then the brothers packed up and set off to return to Beijing.

As the ten brothers of the Righteous Society, Liu Tingrang has already released his military power with a cup of wine, why would he go on a hunger strike and die with hatred?

In ancient times, a general with a heavy army in his hands went to the capital without the permission of the emperor, which was a major crime of rebellion! You wrote a letter saying that you would go back to Beijing to recuperate, but the emperor did not agree, and this paid off, so Emperor Taizong of Song directly ordered the arrest of people.

"History of Song": "Emperor Fury, under the imperial history of the question, prison equipment." "Prison gear", the crime has been convicted, and the official title has been stripped of his title and issued to Shang prefecture (present-day Shangluo, Shaanxi). Liu Ting made this brother disobedient, and there was nothing he could do to fight against the emperor against the imperial court, so he fought with himself, went on a hunger strike and did not eat, walked to the vicinity of Huazhou (present-day Weinan, Shaanxi), and died of hatred.

Kaifeng to Weinan, just now the road still has a thousand miles, not to mention the dirt road at that time, Liu Tingrang was nearly sixty years old, still sick, and did not eat, not to die to be unscientific!

As the ten brothers of the Righteous Society, Liu Tingrang has already released his military power with a cup of wine, why would he go on a hunger strike and die with hatred?

Finally, let's say a little more about Li Jilong, a year after Liu Tingrang's death, Li Jilong, who was deployed as the capital of Dingzhou, fought against Yelü Hugo and said: "Things outside of Kun (Kun) will be handsome and dedicated. In previous years, the river was not the dead, and there would be an ear to repay the country. ”

What do you mean? "Outside the Imperial Court", in the words we all know now, that is, it will be outside, and the King (Emperor) orders will not be affected. I think I didn't save Liu Tingrang in the first place because I put these tens of thousands of people in it, and I couldn't save him, so I kept these tens of thousands of elite soldiers and waited to kill the enemy and repay the country today!

A generation of god of war Yelü Hugo to say that the strongest opponent to meet, should be Li Jilong, the two fought countless hands, there are victories and losses, but Li Jilong won seems to be more, his own sister is Zhao Guangyi's empress, as the emperor's brother-in-law, did not monopolize power in the court, but killed the enemy at the border pass, hard just the god of war Yelü Hugo, just by this point, I give 32 likes.

The last sentence, the body is the capital of the revolution, look at the opening point, don't find yourself angry, smile, ten years less, give the old Nick a thumbs up, carry the hand to make me laugh too...

References: "Eastern Capital Chronicle", "Continuation of Zizhi TongjianChang", "History of Song", etc

Guest Author: Old Nick

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