
Why did the song dynasty make the literati the happiest in life, and what was the matter with a cup of wine and release the military power?

Speaking of the founding emperors of ancient times, the most brutal treatment of heroes belonged to the founding emperors of the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, everyone knows that they were all peasants who were forced to rebel helplessly and finally became emperors, typical peasant thinking, in order to keep their own country and mountains forever, slaughtered the only founding heroes, and then divided the king of the clan to replace the heroes. Everyone knows that their dynasty had various peasant uprisings in the last years, and their demise was closely related to the peasant uprisings. For example, on the eve of the fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Zhangjiao Uprising, and on the eve of the fall of the Ming Dynasty, there was also a peasant uprising by Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. But there is a dynasty is indeed an exception, he is not dead and then on the peasant uprising, on the contrary, the south once had a powerful local separatist regime, and finally were suppressed, this dynasty is the Song Dynasty, let the editor take everyone to understand it together!

Why did the song dynasty make the literati the happiest in life, and what was the matter with a cup of wine and release the military power?

?? The Song Dynasty was divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, and the reason why the Northern Song Dynasty was criticized by posterity was two points, the first was that the territory was too small, and everyone knew that the Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures in the hands of the dynasties had not been exchanged after Shi Jingyao ceded to the Khitan in the Later Jin Dynasty, and it was not until the establishment of the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years later that the Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures were recovered. During the Song Dynasty, because there were no Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, it was criticized by historians and posterity, and another one was too cowardly to invade the outside nomads, for example, the Northern Song Dynasty and the Liao, Western Xia, Jin and other ethnic minority regimes at that time signed unequal treaties similar to those in the late Qing Dynasty. But don't forget that the Song Dynasty can be said to be the most economically developed era, the Song Dynasty people are very rich, the people live a rich life, and the literati doctors and officials are very comfortable, because Song Taizu clearly stipulates that future generations should not kill the scholars and doctors if they have nothing to do. Therefore, in the end, if the officials of the Song Dynasty offended the emperor by speaking, they would not be killed, but changed to exile.

Why did the song dynasty make the literati the happiest in life, and what was the matter with a cup of wine and release the military power?

?? According to the statistics of drama experts, the GROSS DOMESTIC product of the Song Dynasty at that time was ten times that of the Later Ming Dynasty, and it was among the best in the world at that time. And all this is due to the policies established by Zhao Kuangyin at that time, everyone until the Great Song he established can be said to be in the wrong position, and he usurped the power of the Northern Later Zhou at that time. After the death of Emperor Chai Rong of Zhou Shizong, Zhao Kuangyin and others were asked to assist the young lord, because Zhao Kuangyin was the commander of the Forbidden Army at that time, and his officials were very large, and he held most of the military power of the imperial court. Later, he self-directed and self-acted to launch the Chen Qiao Mutiny on the grounds of fighting the Northern Han Dynasty, and then forced the young lord at that time to abdicate, and the entire coup d'état was completed except for Han Tong and others who were killed, and everything else was safe. It can be said that his seizure of the throne is different from that of other emperors, and he did not cut the grass and remove the roots and kill the ring like other emperors, and adopted a very benevolent policy.

Why did the song dynasty make the literati the happiest in life, and what was the matter with a cup of wine and release the military power?

?? Everyone who has read the history of the Song Dynasty or has watched some Song Dynasty TV dramas knows that the story of Zhao Kuangyin's cup of wine and the release of military power is different from the treatment of the founding heroes by successive emperors, he did not kill on a large scale, but instead hoped to consolidate the power in his hands by peaceful means. Once, while drinking with some of his heroic brothers, he asked them if they wanted to emulate him and finally forced themselves to abdicate and live an emperor's addiction. At that time, when these heroes heard Old Zhao say this, they were very afraid in their hearts, and finally they both handed over their military power to Old Zhao. Old Zhao Ming promoted all their official positions, and in fact all the military power in their hands went to their own hands, and the soldiers took back the power in their hands without bloodshed. Moreover, in order to consolidate the power in his hands after the establishment of the Great Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin knew that the power of the forbidden army was strong at that time, so he reformed the political system of the forbidden army and effectively avoided the consequences of usurpation of the throne by later generations. However, in this way, there was such a problem in the final Song Dynasty, although the Song Dynasty was very powerful, but most of them were forbidden troops, and the border defense was much weaker in the external aspect!

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