
Family color Zhuang Xihui: Use family color ideas to read children's hearts

Hosted by Tencent News and Tencent Parenting, the 2021 Tencent Smart Parenting Annual Ceremony was successfully held in Beijing on January 11, bringing together experts and scholars in the field of parenting, maternal and infant big V, industry associations and institutional representatives, with the theme of "Journey to the Future, All the Way to Children", to analyze and discuss the current parenting environment, children's education hotspots and maternal and infant trends, and to seek valuable and innovative parenting concepts for the healthy development of mothers and babies.

Moderator: Hello netizens! Here is the interview room of the 2021 TWP Tencent Smart Parenting Annual Ceremony. I am very happy to be able to interview the teacher here, first of all, we first ask the teacher to say hello to our vast number of netizens, and simply introduce yourself.

Zhuang Xihui: Hello audience friends! I am Zhuang Xihui, founder of Sichuan Xinyibo Education Consulting Co., Ltd., family color education ideas. Since 2013, I have been committed to the study of family education, found that a person's early experience will affect or even determine a person's life script, in these 8 years of education road, I found the truth of life, but also helped tens of thousands of families to regain a new life, from all the things in my life, I think education has given me this sense of mission, let me feel that I have done a very valuable, meaningful thing.

Then I use this family color to solve the difficulties and problems of family education from language, from methods, from thinking, relationships, environment, etc., and then form an effective system that allows this child to grow to the sun. Use the idea of family color to read the child's heart. For example, when this child is in the painting studio, what he describes is the world he thinks, and then this world may be in his world, there may be golden suns, green trees, yellow houses, in short, his painting is very vibrant. However, a child who has suffered a natural disaster or a major accident, his world is presented in a gray, and only when we see the dark world in the heart after the children who have been treated incorrectly by their parents, we know how difficult it is to guard and follow the child, and how difficult it is to have a colorful world, but it is a very happy thing.

Moderator: Okay, thank you teacher. What new changes and new opportunities have been brought to the maternal and infant market by the new policy dividends such as double reduction and three children in 2021? What do you think are the new strengths of your institution in the new nurturing environment?

Zhuang Xihui: In the past 2021, chicken baby, inner volume is a hot word that resonates with many parents, driven by this kind of educational anxiety, this way of intensive parenting, whether it is children or parents, they will be very tired. Then the introduction of the double reduction policy is committed to reducing the burden of students, as well as the burden of off-campus training generated by parent-intensive education methods, and also hopes to alleviate the anxiety of parents, and then how to let parents escape this anxiety, so that this education returns to the essence of the problem that our parents need to further think calmly.

Then the "Family Promotion Law" was correctly implemented on January 1, 2022, making it clear that when the minor parents are responsible for implementing family education, he not only needs to fulfill his family responsibilities and fulfill his duties, but also correctly fulfills his responsibilities and takes the baby according to law, then in such a new situation, there will naturally be new requirements for parents, and the parenting style of parents also needs to be updated and iterated. Because the growth of children is actually the second growth of parents, so our existence is that we hope that this family color can enter every family, so that all families can be happy because of this.

Moderator: Okay, thank you teacher. So next, ask the teacher to use a word or a sentence to describe your company's 2021, how will you describe it? And I would like to ask the teacher and our netizens to share a reason why you define it this way.

Zhuang Xihui: Good. Then use four words to describe it, called re-emerging, because the family color education is composed of three primary colors, then I am here with green, red and blue, this green it is a symbol of hope, positive vitality, growth, I will use this green to stimulate the child's internal motivation, to the child to plant a seed of hope, to the child's spirit to install an engine. Then red it is a symbol of warmth, a symbol of warmth and air, and I will use red to represent language. Because language is an invisible, but also can motivate people, against the wind, can also hurt, language will hurt people, it can make people stagnant, and even go to crime. Therefore, it is very important to create a high-quality family language environment and correct the original language pattern to see the blind spots in thinking.

That blue symbol, in my case here is the strong thinking, reason, sense of boundaries, emotions, I will use this blue to represent the relationship. Because in the parent-child relationship, if there is no relationship, then there is naturally no education, and we often hear a saying called learning to grasp the power of relationship, because relationship will determine fate.

So why the family color it has to choose these three primary colors, the reason is because after these three primary colors are mixed together, it will become white, and this white it is a symbol of light, that is, it represents the rebirth, so this is the physical phenomenon brought about by the composition of the three primary colors, let us see the essence of this thing, and behind this essence it is the law, so this is the birth of our family color, we use the color of love to let more families can be reborn because of this.

Moderator: Okay, thank you teacher. For the consumer group responsibility is the foundation of the enterprise, with high-quality products and services to continue to speak out is an enterprise in the society can take a steady step, for the social responsibility that the enterprise should bear, I would like to ask the teacher, how do you understand or have what thinking?

Zhuang Xihui: Teenagers are strong and the country is strong, because teenagers are the hope and future of this family, he is the hope and future of the country, I can save this child today, but how many children need to be saved, how can I save more children? In the whole process of consultation, I found that many parents, when he was young, he was not correct, and his parents did not treat him in the right way, so he did not know what was the right education, nor did he know what the correct education method was for the whole law of the child's growth. So that's it, going on from generation to generation.

So I made a long wish myself is to do my best to help Chinese parents to educate their children correctly, so that Chinese children can be more confident and more sunny, and then let Chinese families be happier and healthier, so that our country can prosper and become everyone's mission.

Moderator: Okay, thank you again for explaining so much. So our interview today ends here, thank you again for accepting our interview, thank you to the majority of netizens, goodbye!

Zhuang Xihui: Thank you, goodbye!

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