
How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

Cervical spondylosis!

It doesn't just make your shoulders and neck sore

Serious times

Can lead to irreversible disability!

So everyone should pay attention

We've collected 8 questions that people want to know the most

For example, frequent pillow drops are not cervical spondylosis

Cervical spine is not good how to choose pillows, and so on

Take a hard look, you're sure to reap the rewards!

These symptoms occur frequently

Cervical spondylosis is considered first

Signs of cervical spondylosis such as neck pain and soreness

Previously common in middle-aged and elderly people

Nowadays it is also common among young people

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

It has to do with changes in your work and lifestyle

For example, using computers, mobile phones, and working on desks for a long time

Bad habits such as sitting for a long time and bowing their heads for a long time

Is a high-risk factor for neck and shoulder discomfort[1]

Up to half of patients with cervical spondylosis

Accompanied by symptoms of vertigo

Walking has the feeling of stepping on cotton

It is one of the common symptoms of cervical spondylosis of the spinal cord

Accounts for about 10% to 15% of all cervical spondylosis [2,3]

Cervical degeneration, disc herniation

Vertebral osteoporosis, etc

can cause compression of the spinal cord

Weakness and instability in walking occur

Prone to wrestling and other situations

In severe cases, it can even be disabling

Of course, the eyes, ears and nervous system

Some diseases can also cause dizziness

If these symptoms appear, you still have to go to the hospital in time

Because your disc is "haunted"!

Studies have found that degeneration is in the intervertebral disc

There are a lot of structures called "Ruffini bodies"

Can cause a feeling of vertigo

And transmit this feeling to the "vestibular nucleus" in the brain.

Causes dizziness, tinnitus, shortness of breath,

Feelings such as balance disorders and unsteadiness in walking

It's like ghost possession

Therefore, some scholars have named it

Ghost receptors (also known as "ghost receptors")[2,3]

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

Orbital pain due to cervical spondylosis is less common

The nerves in the head and face are complex

Some nerves have a wide jurisdiction

Tubes can be made from the cervical spine to the periphery of the orbit

For example, the occipital nerve and so on

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

When degenerating discs, bone spurs compress them

It can cause eye symptoms[4]

If it's just eye socket pain

Or consider eye diseases first

You can go to the ophthalmologist

If it is accompanied by neck pain and shoulder pain

and back soreness and other symptoms

May be associated with cervical spondylosis

Can tell the ophthalmologist

See if you want to consult an orthopedic surgeon

There is a "clicking" sound when turning the head

Not a diagnostic criterion for cervical spondylosis

Normal joints can also make a noise when moving

This is because the air pressure in the joint cavity is smaller

When the position of the joint surface changes suddenly

Causes an imbalance in the air pressure in the cavity

The local gas diffuses sharply, making a sound

Medicine is called "joint bouncing"

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

Most joint bounces are physiological

When cervical spondylosis is severe

When bone hyperplasia or ligament calcification occurs

It may be painful when turning your head

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

If the neck is painful and accompanied by symptoms such as numbness and dizziness of the limbs

It is true that cervical spondylosis may be recommended and it is recommended to go to the orthopedic department

The height of the pillows

It is indeed one of the factors that affect the severity of cervical spondylosis[7]

For patients with cervical spondylosis

Pillows that are too low or too high are not good

Pillows are too low or no pillows

When lying on your back

The cervical spine can be excessively reclined for a long time

Excessive forward bending occurs

Can aggravate airway resistance and lead to poor breathing

Induces snoring, a decrease in blood oxygen levels during sleep

Over time, it will affect blood pressure and blood sugar

Wake up in the morning

The neck will also be visibly sore and heavy

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

The pillow is too high and will cause the neck to bend forward excessively

That is, "nesting"

It also accelerates cervical degeneration

It also causes the muscle groups at the back of the neck to be overly stressed

Causes muscle spasms

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

How high is the pillow? Don't worry, I'll tell you right away —

The length of the pillow

It is advisable to exceed the width of your shoulders by 10 to 15 cm

to compress after

It is advisable to be equal or slightly lower than your own punch.[8]

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

However, the physiological curvature of the cervical spine is different for each person

The habitual sleeping position is also different

Some prefer to lie on their backs, and some prefer to lie on their sides

So it can't be generalized

It is best to be on a one-punch high basis

Try a few more pillows

Just sleep soundly

Don't fall asleep because the pillows don't fit

There will be no frequent pillow drops or neck discomfort

It's the pillow that suits you

Don't be overly superstitious

Functional pillows or mattresses that claim to "protect the cervical spine"

Sleeping comfortably on your own is the best

If diagnosed with spinal cord, sympathetic cervical spondylosis

Or other types of cervical spondylosis conservatively treated for 3 to 6 months without remission

Significantly affects life and physical and mental state

Surgery is about to be considered

Surgical treatment of cervical spondylosis is more than 90% effective [5,7]

Whether symptoms can be completely relieved

Depends on the severity of the condition

Take myelopathy, for example

If the spinal cord is severely compressed and prolonged

(How long it is, varies from person to person)

The surgical treatment was not timely

That surgery can only relieve the pressure

Avoid going worse

But irreversible damage to the spinal cord is likely

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

It also reminds us that the neck is uncomfortable for a long time

Cervical spondylosis is suspected

Be sure to rush to the orthopedic department to see a doctor

Don't drag it out!

Remember to share it with friends who often "fall on the pillow" around you

Then click in the look ~

Review expert: Tan Mingsheng | chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics of China-Japan Friendship Hospital


[1]. Cohen SP. Epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of neck pain. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Feb;90(2):284-99.

[2]. Iyer A, Azad TD, Tharin S. Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. Clin Spine Surg. 2016 Dec;29(10):408-414.

[3]. Yang L, Yang C, Pang X, Li D, Yang H, Zhang X, Yang Y, Peng B. Mechanoreceptors in Diseased Cervical Intervertebral Disc and Vertigo. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Apr 15;42(8):540-546.

Ji H, Li Yunlin, Cui Cuiying, et al. Cervicogenic eye pain and its treatment[J]. International Journal of Ophthalmology, 2009, 09(004):800-801.

Xu Shaoting, Ge Baofeng, Xu Yinkan. Practical Orthopedics[J]. 2012.

[6]. Ren S, Wong DW, Yang H, Zhou Y, Lin J, Zhang M. Effect of pillow height on the biomechanics of the head-neck complex: investigation of the cranio-cervical pressure and cervical spine alignment. Peer J. 2016 Aug 31;4:e2397.

[7]. Ando T. Diagnosis and management of cervical spondylosis. Rinsho Shinkeigaku. 2012;52(7):469-79.

[8]. Sacco IC, Pereira IL, Dinato RC, Silva VC, Friso B, Viterbo SF. The effect of pillow height on muscle activity of the neck and mid-upper back and patient perception of comfort. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015 Jul-Aug;38(6):375-81.

How to choose the most suitable pillow, before buying a glance at your shoulders

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

*The copyright of this article belongs to Tencent Medical Code, unauthorized media reprinting is prohibited, and illegal reprinting will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law. Individuals are welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

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