
Angry third grade time - please speak Mandarin

author:Fat xxx among thin people

"Talk about civilization, tree new wind"

"Speak Mandarin please"


In small villages with mobile phones and underdeveloped networks, all corners of the campus are plastered with slogans that allow students to set an example.

Even the open-air toilets surrounded by wooden planks are printed in large red fonts: "Reading for the Rise of China."

Yang Xiaofei, who has never walked out of the village since she was a child, seems to feel a little numb when she looks at these meaningless slogans, because in her cognition, these seem to have nothing to do with her. Spending every day in peace and self-preservation, it seems that you will never touch these rules, let alone think about the profound meaning of these rules.

In the hot summer, I know that the screams are incessant.

As usual, the third-grade students entered the classroom early, put their hands on the table with their hands in a regular manner, their legs together, and sat upright on a stool, waiting for their Chinese teacher "Wang Huan" to greet them.

"Okay, classmates, in class!"

"Stand up!"

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello students! Have a seat! ”

It seems to be a harmonious classroom, quiet and a little weird.

"Students, today we are going to learn lesson 16..."

The lesson was proceeding in an orderly manner, and the sound of the tip of the pen rubbing against the book could be heard under the podium, and I did not dare to relax for a moment.

"Let's find a few students to play the role in the next book to read this text."

Suddenly this voice came from the podium, deafeningly disrupting the tip of Yang Xiaofei's flying pen, and the sound of the heart fluttering in his mind could no longer hear any other sounds, and the heart seemed to jump out of the body's general strong and regular tremor, as if even breathing had stopped quietly waiting for ling chi to be executed in the next second.

"Why didn't the students in our class voluntarily raise their hands to answer the questions, you look at the other students, they are all scrambling to answer the teacher's questions, we just said that they are looking for someone to read the text one by one with their heads bowed, no show!" Do you not know the words or what, read a text and die?! ”

He said and smashed a few lobes of chalk in his hand on the classmate opposite.

"You! you! And you! Stand up and read the text! ”

Yang Xiaofei's head rang, and a chalk head appeared on the desk in front of him. My heart couldn't help but giggle, my ass slowly parted the seat, and I held the book in my hands and stretched my body a little until I stood up completely.

"Okay, now let's get started, you start first." He said and pointed to the male classmate on Yang Xiaofei's right side.

Yang Xiaofei just heard the faint voice of the male classmate in his ear, and he let out a roar from the podium: "Stop! Are you not eating or what, a big man, like a woman, with a voice as buzzing as a mosquito, take out your strength to suckle! If not, just give me to stand outside the door and start over."

Yang Xiaofei heard a faint and even trembling voice again.

"You get me out of the door, take the textbook to the door, when the voice is loud and when to come in, not only the voice is small, even Mandarin can't be spoken, after so many years of study, even the most basic will not, white, what else will you do?" 」

The next students to read should read aloud in Mandarin, who still use the vernacular language to give me to get out, when to learn when to come in again! ”

Yang Xiaofei couldn't help but tremble and couldn't open her mouth in fright, her mind was quickly searching for what Was Mandarin, how to say Mandarin, which teacher had ever spoken what Mandarin was, no, no, no...

"Hurry up and don't waste class time..." The urging continued.

Yang Xiaofei hoarsely uttered a word from the depths of his throat and was driven out, his eyes filled with tears, his head bowed, and he smashed into the ground one by one.

The ears were full of anger: "Stupid you, you can't learn anything, you can't read a text well, what else can you do, Mandarin is so simple that you can't speak, who can understand the old vernacular in the future, waiting to be sold, what do you do in school, simply pack up your school bag and roll home, this is also a waste of resources." ......”

Mandarin, Mandarin, what is Mandarin, exactly how to speak Mandarin.

"Please speak Mandarin, please speak Mandarin..."

Years later, Yang Xiaofei stood on the streets of the city and couldn't help but think of this scene. It seems that no teacher has ever spoken Mandarin, and it seems that no student has ever asked how to say Mandarin.

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