
The Baoding Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism has planned two three-year action plans to target the cultural industry and integrated development

author:Fengyou Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

It was learned from the Baoding Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism that the Bureau is planning the "Baoding Cultural Industry Development Three-Year Action Plan" and the "Baoding Three-Year Action Plan for the Integrated Development of Culture, Sports and Tourism", and at present, 2 three-year action plan bidding projects have been completed.

Among them, the Baoding Cultural Industry Development Three-Year Action Plan Project (project number HBFB-2021-247) was won by Zhongcai Innovation Culture Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and the final draft of the project report was submitted by the end of March 2022.

The Baoding Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism has planned two three-year action plans to target the cultural industry and integrated development

The Baoding Three-Year Action Plan Project for the Integrated Development of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Project No. HBFB-2021-248) was won by Beijing Tianxingjian Sports and Leisure Co., Ltd. and will serve until April 30, 2022.

The Baoding Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism has planned two three-year action plans to target the cultural industry and integrated development

According to Hebei Daily, the cultural industry is becoming the pillar industry of Baoding's economy. In recent years, Baoding Has made efforts to supply-side structural reform of the cultural supply side, accelerated the progress from a large cultural city to a culturally strong city, and continuously improved the soft power of culture. At present, there are more than 80 various cultural social organizations in the urban area, nearly 5,000 various cultural enterprises in the city, nearly 200 enterprises above designated size, and the annual added value of the cultural industry exceeds 10 billion yuan.

A few days ago, at the work forum on "playing a good role in enhancing cultural soft power" held by the Baoding Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, it was proposed that around "playing the active battle of enhancing cultural soft power and building a cultural tourism industry of 200 billion yuan", the bureau's 2022 action plan was formulated to sort out and improve the key tasks of this year, and provide strong work support for the construction of "international cultural tourism city".

At the same time, Baoding City has just been awarded the "City of Olympic Champions". It is a veritable "sports city" and "cradle of champions". Baoding City has created a number of brand sports and leisure activities such as "Empty Bamboo Art Festival", "Baishi Mountaineering and Taijiquan Exchange Activity", "Ten Thousand People Walking", etc., and the integrated development of culture, sports and tourism has shown vigorous vitality, and the market prospects are expected. In 2021, the 2021 Baoding Half Marathon and the National Men's Triple Basketball Super League were successfully held.

Especially in terms of ice and snow sports tourism, "Wolf Tooth Mountain International Triathlon Competition" and "Seven Mountains International Ski Invitational" have become well-known brand events at home and abroad. The city's participation in ice and snow sports exceeded 4.7 million people, and the output value of the city's sports industry exceeded 10 billion yuan. The China Tourism Research Institute released the "China Ice and Snow Tourism Development Report 2021", and Baoding was selected as the "Top Ten Potential Cities of Ice and Snow Tourism in 2021" in the country.

Editors: Erqing, Han Fei

The Baoding Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism has planned two three-year action plans to target the cultural industry and integrated development

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