
The US next-generation warship program has just come out, and netizens have ridiculed: This is crossing the river by touching China

author:Alpha Military
The US next-generation warship program has just come out, and netizens have ridiculed: This is crossing the river by touching China

The United States was once the world's premier scientific and technological power, especially its military science and technology, and it has long occupied the world's leading position. With the passage of time, many military technologies of the United States have gradually been surpassed by China and Russia. Not only americans, the world may not have dreamed that the United States in the latest warship was actually ridiculed by netizens as "touching China's stones to cross the river."

According to the Observer Network, the U.S. Navy submitted a preliminary plan for the next generation of guided-missile destroyers to Congress, DDGX, and then was collectively complained about by both sides of the Pacific, because the imaginary map of the next generation of destroyers of the superpower is simply a combination of the American Burke class 3 and the Chinese 055 large drive, so that it is jokingly called "the bastard son of Burke and 055" by the Americans.

According to foreign media reports, the U.S. Navy's new generation of guided-missile destroyers no longer uses the sci-fi type of the Zumwalt destroyer, but adopts a design similar to the Chinese 055 large drive, which looks almost exactly the same, and its superstructure follows the Model of the Harry Bole class. According to experts, "the need for stealth and sea navigation can be taken into account".

The reason why the new generation of GUIDBVs in the United States returned to the conventional ship design is because the Zumwalt-class guided-missile destroyers, which were once called "science fiction warships", were reduced to a failed product because of their advanced design, resulting in this expensive "high-tech" battleship being removed from the Navy after entering service. Today, although 3 Zumwalt class ships have been built, they have not yet been officially deployed and have become the "waste" of the Navy.

The U.S. Navy's next-generation guided-missile destroyers have had to return to tradition, mirroring the successful design of China's 055 large-scale destroyer to reduce more unnecessary technical risks. However, this does not mean that the US Navy will develop this type of destroyer in a down-to-earth manner. On the contrary, in the DDGX design plan announced by the US Navy, it is once again seen that the true essence of the US Navy is high and far-reaching, they copied the development model of China's 055 large drive, but tried to comprehensively surpass China's 055 large drive in terms of tonnage and performance.

According to public data, the TON DDGX of the U.S. Navy could tonnage more than 16,000 tons, surpassing the Chinese 055 and the U.S. Burke destroyer across the board. The DDGX is not just a simple 055 expansion, the U.S. Navy plans to deploy two 600 kW class and a 150 kW class laser weapon after equipping it with an all-electric integrated drivetrain, and the ship also intends to be equipped with hypersonic missiles or other advanced concept weapons.

The U.S. Navy seems to have forgotten the scars and pains, and they return the design of the next generation of guided-missile destroyers to the tradition, just to avoid the embarrassment of falling back into the Zumwalt class. However, the Americans have "opened their minds" on the new generation of large drives, and begun some unrealistic plans, so that some advanced concept weapons, including laser weapons and hypersonic missiles, which are still in the design stage, have become the standard equipment of DDGX, which will have a very adverse impact on the construction cycle and cost of DDGX.

The reason why the U.S. Navy's Zumwalt-class destroyers will be the product of failure is actually a pit dug by the U.S. arms dealer for the Navy. In order to be able to build the Zumwalt-class destroyers, they included a series of weapons that were still in the design stage, including all-electric propulsion systems and 155 mm electromagnetic guns, which led to a serious delay in the development and construction cycle of the class ships, and the cost also soared, and finally made this sci-fi warship fail due to design flaws, so that it was reduced to decoration.

You know, the United States is now whether it is laser weapons, hypersonic missiles or all-electric integrated propulsion systems, almost all are still in the development stage. The U.S. Navy, which has experienced the failure of the Zumwalt-class destroyers, in order to avoid being surpassed by China in the construction of surface ships, does not hesitate to put all the weapons and equipment in the development stage on the body of a new generation of destroyers, and the arms dealers are happy, but the US Navy is repeating the failure of the Zumwalt class. If you don't get it right, by the time DDGX comes out, it's another product of failure.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the US Navy's DDGX can be "smoothly produced", it will not be able to enter the military until after 2028 at the earliest. At that time, after the 055, what more advanced naval warfare equipment will appear in the Chinese Navy, which is estimated to be the most worrying problem for the politicians in Washington.

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