
On July 22, two major events occurred in the Asia-Pacific region, both related to India, and China should be vigilant

author:Absolutely military


On July 22, two major events happened in the world.

The first: The Indian Navy will contact the British aircraft carrier "Queen Elizabeth", and the two sides are ready to start a large-scale military exercise in the Indian Ocean, and New Delhi will invest 4500 troops for this purpose.

Second: The Modi government announced that it would continue to procure advanced combat units on a large scale from the outside world and hoped to build new submarines in conjunction with France, Germany, Spain and other countries.

On July 22, two major events occurred in the Asia-Pacific region, both related to India, and China should be vigilant

The analysis points out that India's ambitions have further expanded, and it is no longer satisfied with being "in a corner of peace" in South Asia.

India's strengthening of armaments is natural, the problem is that it is making peace with Britain, which is a bit confusing. It should be known that the British people who came here are not good, and their purpose may only be to restrain the Chinese side. The situation in Asia will become even more uncontrollable.

London claims that the joint military exercise with India is only part of Britain's plan to strengthen its presence in the Asia-Pacific seas. After the end of this round of military exercises, Britain's aircraft carrier will rush to the Australian Sea to carry out military affairs with Japan, New Zealand, the United States and other countries.

On July 22, two major events occurred in the Asia-Pacific region, both related to India, and China should be vigilant

Obviously, the "Asia-Pacific Strategy" promoted by the White House has entered a deep-water stage, and the "Asia-Pacific version of the small NATO" system has begun to take shape.

Let me briefly make three points about the indian-British peace behavior and the escalating war readiness plan in New Delhi.

It can enhance the strength of the Indian Navy and Air Force in the short term, but it cannot fundamentally change the pattern of the strong in China and india and the weak.

As we all know, India's weapons come from a variety of sources, including the MiG series fighters produced in the former Soviet Union and transport aircraft produced in the United States, and even in order to make up for some shortcomings, New Delhi has specially installed Rafale fighters produced by the French Dassault company.

On July 22, two major events occurred in the Asia-Pacific region, both related to India, and China should be vigilant

The incompatibility of weapon systems has led to the inability of the Indian army's combat effectiveness to form a joint force, and it has fallen behind several times in the confrontation with China and Pakistan. But now with the blessing of Britain's national strength, this situation may be greatly improved.

But the Modi government ignores a basic fact: the great power game is about the overall strength, even if India gets the help of strong reinforcements, but it is only a momentary courage, after the United States and Britain retreat, how can the Indian army sustain itself? After the big wave, it is clear who is swimming naked.

India launched the British, which coincided with the latter's attempts.

On the South China Sea issue, the Johnson government has played the same role as the United States as a spoiler.

According to British Minister Wallace, "The British aircraft carrier will cross the disputed zone in the South China Sea and expect the Chinese side to respect britain." Now that the two countries have "met successfully", Britain's confidence in intervening in China has undoubtedly been greatly enhanced, and it is believed that in the near future, sensitive seas such as the South China Sea will set off new storms.

On July 22, two major events occurred in the Asia-Pacific region, both related to India, and China should be vigilant

(British Secretary Wallace)

In addition, we must be strictly wary of the actions behind the United States. It should be known that the United States has frequently touched China's bottom line in recent times, and there is quite a posture of breaking with China. Under such circumstances, the Chinese side is required to take advantage of the situation and adapt measures to local conditions to avoid the emergence of "enemies flocking to the enemy".

Based on the basic principle of "political correctness", the united States, Britain, India and peace pose a realistic constraint on China and other countries. As a member of the developing countries, India should avoid being used by other countries and become a strategic pawn of the United States and Europe.

I did not want to disregard the safety of the region for the sake of a small profit. In this way, it will end up in a tragic situation that leads wolves into the house.

On July 22, two major events occurred in the Asia-Pacific region, both related to India, and China should be vigilant

It is worth noting that China has always been regarded by India as an imaginary enemy and is one of the key targets that New Delhi must catch up with.

Once the British aircraft carrier is deployed and the commitment of the United States and Europe arrives as scheduled, the possibility of a new round of contention in New Delhi on the border is not ruled out. After all, with the gradual deterioration of the epidemic situation in India, the country has reached the point of being overwhelmed.

To sum up: India's upgraded war readiness plan poses a serious threat to neighboring countries. If the previous commitment of the United States to India stopped on paper, then the arrival of the United Kingdom will undoubtedly accelerate the landing speed of the Asia-Pacific strategy, which will help Europe and the United States improve their two-sided image of "lip service but not reality".

For the Chinese side, this must be a difficult time, depending on how Beijing breaks the situation.

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