
The Japanese pseudo-anti-war film "Forever Zero", it is said that Abe will cry after watching it, and everyone will understand

author:Knight of the Dark Castle
The Japanese pseudo-anti-war film "Forever Zero", it is said that Abe will cry after watching it, and everyone will understand

In fact, "Forever Zero" is not an anti-war film at all, the original author Naoki Hyota, a well-known big right-winger, Abe Shinzo's friend! It is said that Abe shed tears after reading it, of course, this tear will not flow for the victims of the war of aggression, but for Abe's heroes, that is, militarists.

If Japan does not reflect on the war, it will be spurned by the world forever, no matter how strong your country and nation are, they are only an island country in the world, and the strong is not eternal, the weak countries and nations are only temporary, and the most fundamental emotions of human beings are indeed eternal, everyone will need family, love, affection and friendship, you can use so-and-so spirit to fool the people, but you can't stop these most basic human emotions.

The Japanese pseudo-anti-war film "Forever Zero", it is said that Abe will cry after watching it, and everyone will understand

Japan seems to be a person who has never been sick, and he will not experience the pain of a sickly person at all, and that struggle and that kind of striving for strength are so intense! I believe that you Japanese people also have love, but that is limited to your own people, for other weak and small countries there is no, the real love should be the love of human nature banishing the world, even the love of the country and the nation can also be ranked behind, will not really be like the place name in your name, from which to reflect your original animal nature? Germany, also an aggressor country, reflects on war crimes much better than you, and even Hitler's relatives take the initiative not to have children, that is, to let the blood of this evil no longer be passed on, reflection will win people's respect, death without repentance, will inevitably make themselves doomed.

The Japanese pseudo-anti-war film "Forever Zero", it is said that Abe will cry after watching it, and everyone will understand
The Japanese pseudo-anti-war film "Forever Zero", it is said that Abe will cry after watching it, and everyone will understand

The really great warriors should be the fighters in the Chinese War of Resistance Against Japan, they are the real samurai, the real heroes, and you Japanese pilots are absolutely thousands of miles worse than them, because what they do is a righteous thing, they are sacrificing to defend their homeland and resist the Japanese attack. These pilots and soldiers, who were not prosperous at that time, the national elite, under the weak situation of the country at that time, drove and destroyed one less plane, resolutely fought fearlessly and tenaciously, and the average age of their sacrifice was only in their early 20s, so compared to you little Japanese pilots who were screaming, they were the real heroes, the real warriors, they were not only the heroes of China, but also the heroes of the world anti-aggression war, and their spirit was exactly what you Japanese people are forever afraid of!

The spirit of China's anti-Japanese pilots is immortal!