
A 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand, and a 10-year-old boy came abroad from an unusual family background

author:Educational departure

A 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand, and a 10-year-old boy came abroad from an unusual family background

Recently, CCTV News reported a news that an international student was injured abroad, which caused widespread heated discussions.

According to the report, a mainland student was attacked by unknown people on a bus in Auckland, resulting in serious facial injuries. At present, the Chinese Consulate General in Auckland attaches great importance to this matter and requires the Auckland police to make every effort to investigate the case.

A 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand, and a 10-year-old boy came abroad from an unusual family background

When everyone saw the news, they were very surprised. Why do mainland students get hurt on foreign buses? Could it be that there is some conflict between the international student and the criminal? For a while, everyone wanted to know why this international student was attacked.

It is reported that the attack was a 16-year-old Chinese teenager Xiao Kai (pseudonym), Xiao Kai was on the bus with the female criminal, and the female criminal scolded the Indian bus driver after getting on the bus, which was strange at the time.

Xiao Kai said that after the bus drove behind, the female criminal shouted at him words that discriminated against Chinese, and after shouting, the female criminal suddenly stood up and beat him with an iron rod across a row of seats, and Xiao Kai was knocked out a total of five teeth.

A 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand, and a 10-year-old boy came abroad from an unusual family background


At that time, there were more than a dozen Chinese in the car (these dozen Chinese belonged to the Eastern District Chinese Association, and they were all in their 60s when they were going to participate in the event), but only one 75-year-old Chinese elder stepped forward to stop the woman's murder.

In the case of the 75-year-old uncle and Xiao Kai working together, the situation was controlled, but after the beating woman arrived at the station, she hurriedly got off the car and fled. What is infuriating is that although the bus driver knew what was happening, he still drove and stopped as usual, and did not help Xiaokai call the police.

A 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand, and a 10-year-old boy came abroad from an unusual family background

75-year-old uncle and Xiao Kai

After reading Xiao Kai's description of this matter, it made people feel angry and chilling. Why are there more than a dozen Chinese in the car, but they are "watching the play" there, but no one comes forward to help? If it was a strong man who committed the murder, it is understandable that these Chinese in their 60s did not take action, but it was a woman who committed the murder, and they did not do it.

The 75-year-old Chinese elders at the time all took action and shouted for other Chinese to help, but these Chinese were indifferent, which made people feel chilled. Doesn't everyone say that Chinese people are all one family now? Why did these Chinese stand idly by when their compatriots were in danger? These Chinese are really too indifferent.

A 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand, and a 10-year-old boy came abroad from an unusual family background

It is worth noting that the family background of the boy who was attacked on a New Zealand bus is not ordinary.

It is reported that Xiao Kai came to New Zealand when he was 10 years old, and his family has immigrated to New Zealand for nearly 7 years.

What you should know is that the threshold for immigrating to New Zealand is relatively high.

A 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand, and a 10-year-old boy came abroad from an unusual family background

For example, the ways to immigrate to New Zealand include ordinary entrepreneurial immigration, high-value entrepreneurial immigration, ordinary investment immigration, high-investment immigration, etc.

Let's talk about the ordinary entrepreneurial immigration with the lowest threshold, in order to achieve ordinary entrepreneurial immigration, you need to have a minimum asset certificate of 1.5 million yuan and hire at least one local full-time employee.

For high-value entrepreneurial immigration, you need to have proof of assets of NZ$500,000 (about 2.2 million RMB), and you need to hire three local employees.

Ordinary investment immigration requires more than three years of business experience, family assets of more than 2.5 million New Zealand dollars (about 11 million yuan), and 1.5 million New Zealand dollars (about 6.6 million yuan) to invest.

And Xiao Kai's family has been immigrating to New Zealand for 7 years, and no matter which way they choose to immigrate, they need to have money. New Zealand's consumption level is also relatively high, and being able to live and study in New Zealand for seven years also means that Xiaokai's family conditions are not ordinary, and the family's economic conditions are relatively superior.

A 16-year-old Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand, and a 10-year-old boy came abroad from an unusual family background


Although Xiao Kai's family has immigrated to New Zealand for seven years, they are still Chinese, so the country also attaches great importance to this matter, and the Chinese Consulate General in Auckland has urged the Auckland police to strictly investigate this matter, must bring the criminals to justice, and give justice to the international students.

Finally, I hope that the injured Xiaokai can recover as soon as possible, and I hope that international students will protect their lives.

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