
Wang Manyu lost 0-3, Chen Meng also almost overturned the ship, and after Ito Mimachi, the women's table tennis met the fierce opponent

Wang Manyu, as the best player after the Women's Table Tennis Olympics, did not expect her to be swept 0-3. After the game, some fans thought that Wang Manyu had lost a bit strangely. Now Chen Meng also almost overturned the ship, proving that Wang Manyu did not lose unjustly. It seems that after Ito Mimachi, women's table tennis has one more fierce opponent!

Wang Manyu lost 0-3, Chen Meng also almost overturned the ship, and after Ito Mimachi, the women's table tennis met the fierce opponent

In the women's singles showdown at the WTT Macau Tournament, Olympic champion Chen Meng's first opponent is Du Kaixuan. Since the Olympics, Chen Meng has been spent amid the doubts of the fans. Chen Meng must use the championship to prove himself, but Chen Meng has always been injured, and the National Games, the World Table Tennis Championships and the World Cup have not been able to achieve their wishes.

Although the Macau Competition is a commercial competition, it is also fiercely competitive, after all, this is the opening drama of 2022. The number of national table tennis participants is also very large, among the women's singles players, not only Chen Xingtong and Wang Yidi, who participated in the World Table Tennis Championships, but also Liu Shiwen, who has not appeared since the Olympic Games. If Chen Meng wants to win the championship, the difficulty is still very great, but for Chen Meng, she still has to play every game first and win her first opponent, Du Kaixuan.

Wang Manyu lost 0-3, Chen Meng also almost overturned the ship, and after Ito Mimachi, the women's table tennis met the fierce opponent

This Du Kaixuan is not an ordinary opponent, although she is 25 years old, but the growth of her skills is visible to the naked eye. I believe everyone remembers the 2021 WTT World Cup in Singapore, right? Wang Manyu, who had just won the World Table Tennis Championships, faced Du Kaixuan and was swept 3-0 by Du Kaixuan. After the game, some people also said that Wang Manyu deliberately conceded the ball in order to pave the way for Sun Yingsha to win the championship. Such a statement is obviously very childish and ridiculous!

If you can't fight, You can't fight, Chengran Wang Manyu was in a good state before, but it wasn't that she was invincible, but she didn't meet her nemesis. Du Kaixuan's playing style obviously made Wang Manyu a little uncomfortable, and he was finally swept away.

Wang Manyu lost 0-3, Chen Meng also almost overturned the ship, and after Ito Mimachi, the women's table tennis met the fierce opponent

Now Chen Meng has also met Du Kaixuan, which is a difficult game to play.

In the first game, Chen Meng showed the status of a sister in the table tennis arena, so that Du Kaixuan, the first sister of the Hong Kong altar, was passive and won 11-8 smoothly.

After the start of the second set, the leading Chen Meng became the passive side, and after a ball was sent away, Chen Meng frequently made mistakes and lost a set 7-11.

After the two sides drew 1-1, the third set was crucial. Although Chen Meng was slightly affected by the third set, he still took the lead in getting the set point with his strength. However, when he held the set point, he was not decisive enough, so Du Kaixuan chased the score to 10-10. If Chen Meng continues to be soft, the situation will be very bad, and Chen Meng, who put down his baggage, scored two goals in a row and won it 12-10.

Wang Manyu lost 0-3, Chen Meng also almost overturned the ship, and after Ito Mimachi, the women's table tennis met the fierce opponent

Although Chen Meng won the third set, Marlene was a little dissatisfied and communicated with Chen Meng a lot. Ma Lin's words did not help Chen Meng, the two from 9-9 to 11-11, this time Du Kaixuan seized the opportunity, 13-11, the two sides returned to the same running line again.

In the decider, Du Kaixuan suddenly lost his state, but Chen Meng was in a very good state, playing a 7-1 start to the opponent, and then easily won 11-2, thus advancing to a thrilling 3-2 with a large score.

It seems that after Ito Mimachi, the national table tennis female will have another fierce opponent, which is not a bad thing, but a good thing, the national table tennis is the need for a strong opponent to practice, what do you think?

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