
Lucky? Chen Meng's reuse was expected to be expected, Ma Lin did not intend to do so, and Wang Yidi fell behind by himself

author:The Loyal Orange Family

Do you support the reuse of Chen Meng or Wang Yidi? At present, the preparations for the national table tennis women's team are still in full swing, and the upcoming Paris Olympics, which has attracted much attention, has also become a watershed for player competition. With the official announcement of the Olympic squad, the competition between players has gradually shown a differentiated development, and players will work hard for different goals, and they are also expected to achieve new breakthroughs. Of course, the biggest winner is undoubtedly Chen Meng, who started low and went high. As the oldest player in the national table tennis women's team, with the ups and downs of state in this Olympic cycle, her Olympic prospects were not optimistic for a while.

Lucky? Chen Meng's reuse was expected to be expected, Ma Lin did not intend to do so, and Wang Yidi fell behind by himself

Although she once achieved a breakthrough in her career at the Tokyo Olympics, she won consecutive Olympic singles and team gold medals and became the representative of the national table tennis women's team. In an interview, he also said that his time has come, and the subsequent development has taken a sharp turn.

Not only did he fail to fulfill his promise, but with the rise of the new generation of players such as Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu, Chen Meng's living space was seriously squeezed, and he not only lost the world's No. 1 throne but also did not occupy an advantage in the competition, so in the case of the upcoming Paris Olympics, Chen Meng's Olympic prospects were the least optimistic, and finally achieved corner overtaking, and successfully qualified for the Olympic singles and became the winner.

Lucky? Chen Meng's reuse was expected to be expected, Ma Lin did not intend to do so, and Wang Yidi fell behind by himself

It's really surprising, but in fact, it is also reasonable, to be able to have the current performance, on the one hand, it is a factor of their own strength, but it also has a lot to do with the employment orientation of the coaching staff. After the change of the coaching staff of the national table tennis women's team, Ma Lin replaced Li Falcon as the new head of the national table tennis women's team. After taking office, he firmly reused Chen Meng, Wang Yidi, who were close to him

Because they were coaches, the two were his supervising disciples, so after taking office, they appreciated and reused the two, and the prospect of the two competing for Olympic places was very optimistic, but this practice also caused controversy in the outside world, coupled with the performance of the two, there was a fluctuation for a while, which caused an uproar. If Ma Lin did not really change her attitude towards employing people, but further optimized the Olympic selection method,

Lucky? Chen Meng's reuse was expected to be expected, Ma Lin did not intend to do so, and Wang Yidi fell behind by himself

also led to his other beloved apprentice Wang Yidi taking the lead. Under the condition that the idea of employing people has not changed, Chen Meng has become another candidate who must be reused. At the critical moment, Chen Meng won consecutive foreign battles in the Saudi Grand Slam tournament and won the final championship at the same time, dispelling the doubts of the outside world with his excellent performance, and also strengthened Ma Lin's determination to reuse herself.

In the case of the same competitive opportunities, Chen Meng was not lucky to catch the last train of the lineup, but changed the competitive landscape with his performance. On the contrary, Wang Yidi was due to his own lack of ability, and finally regretted not to be able to participate in the singles place. Ma Lin just assumed the role of pushing the boat along the water, so how do you view the current competition pattern of the national table tennis women's team? Do you support the reuse of Wang Yidi or Chen Meng? Welcome to leave a message to discuss

Lucky? Chen Meng's reuse was expected to be expected, Ma Lin did not intend to do so, and Wang Yidi fell behind by himself

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