
Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!

author:Boxing space-time

On June 29th, He Xiaolong, a well-known domestic sports reporter, once again publicly bombarded the results of the women's singles selection of the National Table Tennis Olympics, because the International Olympic Committee has confirmed that Chen Meng will participate in the women's singles competition of the Paris Olympics, the Internet once again set off an uproar of public opinion, in the eyes of Wang Manyu fans and some industry insiders, Chen Meng is not as good as Wang Manyu in terms of world ranking or Ali Olympic cycle results, or the winning rate against the foreign association, so I feel that the selection of Chen Meng to participate in the Olympic women's singles is shady, But He Xiaolong feels that Chen Meng should not be blamed for this shady scene, after all, Chen Meng is just an athlete, and it is Liu Guoliang who should really be criticized!

Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!
Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!

He Xiaolong wrote bluntly: "Chen Meng told the truth in an interview with CCTV, "It was a very big surprise to be able to qualify for the Olympic singles, and I didn't expect it." That's right, this is the result of Chen Meng's refusal to give up and persistence, and athletes are worthy of praise. If this result is unfair to Wang Manyu, it is also a problem of the Table Tennis Association and the coaching staff. ”

Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!
Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!

Friends who pay attention to table tennis know that although He Xiaolong mentioned the "Table Tennis Association and the Coaching Staff", he was actually criticizing Liu Guoliang by name, because Liu Guoliang is the decision-maker in charge of national table tennis, and he has to make decisions on key issues! And the Paris Olympics selected Chen Meng to play in singles and win Wang Manyu, which must have an unshirkable relationship with Liu Guoliang, and Liu Guoliang can't wash it if he wants to.

Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!
Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!

Of course, no matter what decision Liu Guoliang makes in the end, some people will question it, if Chen Meng is won and Wang Manyu is allowed to participate in the women's singles, Chen Meng's fans and supporters will also raise objections, but it is just the difference between loud and small opinions.

Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!

In addition, He Xiaolong also mentioned that Wang Manyu will have the opportunity to participate in the women's singles at the next Olympic Games, because the national table tennis women's singles will not be accepted at that time, and there will be no suitable candidates. He Xiaolong deliberately emphasized that Liu Guoliang is far inferior to Cai Zhenhua in cultivating reserve forces, and by the time the Japanese team comprehensively suppresses the national table tennis, Liu Guoliang may have found another job and dumped the pot to the person who took over!

Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!

He Xiaolong's above remarks also attracted praise from tens of thousands of fans, most of whom were fans of Wang Manyu. Do you agree with him?

Liu Guoliang was bombarded! Name: Wang Manyu is not to blame Chen Meng for the Olympic injustice, but Liu Guoliang!

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